Cops arent paid enough, plain and simple.
People have to support their families.
Im heavily involved in following (not with) open jobs/who's hiring in Tri Cities and local municipalities.
Yes its a regional sample size, but, this goes back to recession times where Police forces couldnt find extra hands. So, folks with Engineering or Law degrees, went into law enforcement - maybe for benefits, maybe just to have an income? Maybe they had little education, or, none at all?? Certainly no military experience...
Point is folks that lack desirable traits, characteristics, and or EQ qualities have chosen other paths. Why wouldnt they? Why risk your life for $20 an hour, esp now to be openly disrespected? How about cops who have to make split second decisions to take a life or use alternate means? Some are criminally charged in very borderline situation.
Instead of creating revenue to, and or, equipping Cops with additional training on de-escalation, improving situational awareness, and or Empathic IQ. We keep same pay rate, just throw out 'we're hiring.' Same ol status quo.
Used to be a big deal if someone chose a path of civic duty. It was honorable. And, it should be such.