Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

They're annoying but the cops literally fried the dude. He weaved away from them and stopped for gas and the dummies fired a taser AFTER having knocked over the bike and being aware that they'd just spilled gas all over the place (even shouted on his bodycam footage that there was gas). The officer then fired his taser into all of it and set the rider, himself and 2 other cops on fire because he caused a vapor explosion. The rider however is the only one that got burnt to a crisp. They have charged that cop with misdemeanor negligence and tbh, I don't know if it's the only thing they had or what but it seems like that's pretty low considering he set everyone including two other cops on fire.

I just genuinely don't get a wheelie being a felony though. How is a wheelie a felony???
Some really mind boggling legislation being passed in Nashville.
Here is an example of what cops walk into….. Nurses and doctors are in a controlled environment….. cops are typically walking in blind not knowing if the person is armed or many of the details necessary to make a proper decision…. People don’t wear a sign that says…. I’m unarmed…. Just confused, depressed, or whatever else has them acting erratically.
You’re on a completely different kick than what I’ve been talking about. Cops go through a lot sure but that isn’t what I’ve been addressing.
Considering a ton of the incidents I'm talking about are the exact same people I'm not sure where you're getting that. I'm not talking about robberies and shootings. I'm talking about the ability to calm a person without killing them. Nurses know how to do that. EMTs know how to do that. Firemen know how. A ton of random people on the street know how. Police, otoh, have a terrible record with it and tend to simply shoot or taze regardless of the situation. This is a training and police culture issue. generalize based on a few out of the hundreds of thousands of daily interactions police have with minor law breakers, outright criminals and lunatics...some of whom are all three...and come to the conclusion that police are "terrible".

Go walk a mile in their shoes. Go to work every f'n day knowing that today could be the day you don't come home...and then run your stupid mouth. I have several close friends and family that are LEOs.

Where's your stats proving police have a terrible record with this? other than what is shown by woke news, social media, etc? I know there are some cops out there who sometimes make mistakes or use poor judgement. Guess what, they are human and for what they make on average I would venture to say the most underpaid and underappreciated people on the planet! All first responders risk their lives every day and night they are on the job. I for one appreciate each and every one of them for their service!

if you think I’m going to treat a post that addresses me this way ~~with such obvious politically motivated disdain and disrespect without any evidence or cause for said treatment—.you’re crazy. If you want to have a conversation about the topic I’m open to hearing out all points of view respectfully but I’m not open being insulted and treated with disrespect.
They call me a commie Prof. Any news or insight to the contrary, is unless it aligns is sent to the recycling area, er the private dump. Even when certain fasctions, er factions take away liberties, it's all about #freedom, as long as it fits a narrative. Sometimes freedom isnt freedom.
We affectionately call you a commie. It's done with brotherly love.
They call me a commie Prof. Any news or insight to the contrary, is unless it aligns is sent to the recycling area, er the private dump. Even when certain fasctions, er factions take away liberties, it's all about #freedom, as long as it fits a narrative. Sometimes freedom isnt freedom.
But you are a commie 😎
There are good cops and there are bad cops. Same as any profession. But the good cops need to get over the stigma of blowing the whistle on the bad cops. They really do need to police their own ranks. Not everyone that is a cop should be a cop.

Now, how long until this conversation is moved to off-topic?
There are good cops and there are bad cops. Same as any profession. But the good cops need to get over the stigma of blowing the whistle on the bad cops. They really do need to police their own ranks. Not everyone that is a cop should be a cop.

Now, how long until this conversation is moved to off-topic?
Cops arent paid enough, plain and simple.

People have to support their families.

Im heavily involved in following (not with) open jobs/who's hiring in Tri Cities and local municipalities.

Yes its a regional sample size, but, this goes back to recession times where Police forces couldnt find extra hands. So, folks with Engineering or Law degrees, went into law enforcement - maybe for benefits, maybe just to have an income? Maybe they had little education, or, none at all?? Certainly no military experience...

Point is folks that lack desirable traits, characteristics, and or EQ qualities have chosen other paths. Why wouldnt they? Why risk your life for $20 an hour, esp now to be openly disrespected? How about cops who have to make split second decisions to take a life or use alternate means? Some are criminally charged in very borderline situation.

Instead of creating revenue to, and or, equipping Cops with additional training on de-escalation, improving situational awareness, and or Empathic IQ. We keep same pay rate, just throw out 'we're hiring.' Same ol status quo.

Used to be a big deal if someone chose a path of civic duty. It was honorable. And, it should be such.
if you think I’m going to treat a post that addresses me this way ~~with such obvious politically motivated disdain and disrespect without any evidence or cause for said treatment—.you’re crazy. If you want to have a conversation about the topic I’m open to hearing out all points of view respectfully but I’m not open being insulted and treated with disrespect.
"Police, otoh, have a terrible record with it and tend to simply shoot or taze regardless of the situation. This is a training and police culture issue". You made this statement and I asked where's your proof of this. I neither belittled you, called you any names or outright insulted you. I just think based on your words that you have a poor opinion on what cops do on a daily basis. I'm done with this. Have a nice day and thank a cop if you see one.
I'm going to stay out of the rest of just pisses me off and makes my blood pressure skyrocket.

I'll see you guys later..

And @UTProf...I don't think you're stupid...I apologize. I don't apologize for thinking what you said was stupid. If you had a close friend or a family member that put themselves in harms way for a society that lives to criticize them all, and jumps on them all for every mistake...then you would see things differently.
Cops arent paid enough, plain and simple.

People have to support their families.

Im heavily involved in following (not with) open jobs/who's hiring in Tri Cities and local municipalities.

Yes its a regional sample size, but, this goes back to recession times where Police forces couldnt find extra hands. So, folks with Engineering or Law degrees, went into law enforcement - maybe for benefits, maybe just to have an income? Maybe they had little education, or, none at all?? Certainly no military experience...

Point is folks that lack desirable traits, characteristics, and or EQ qualities have chosen other paths. Why wouldnt they? Why risk your life for $20 an hour, esp now to be openly disrespected? How about cops who have to make split second decisions to take a life or use alternate means? Some are criminally charged in very borderline situation.

Instead of creating revenue to, and or, equipping Cops with additional training on de-escalation, improving situational awareness, and or Empathic IQ. We keep same pay rate, just throw out 'we're hiring.' Same ol status quo.

Used to be a big deal if someone chose a path of civic duty. It was honorable. And, it should be such.

Thank you. As family member of an LEO and close friend of several - it is sincerely appreciated. I literally hate seeing the junk that gets posted on here and other places about them.

Most LEO's do report violations of department policy and suspect's rights. Anybody saying otherwise either has an axe to grind or is uninformed of the truth. Nothing is ever said about the 99+% of events that get handled without incident every single day nationwide.

The vast majority of people have zero idea how much training LEO's undergo today. The better departments/governments are beginning to understand they need to up their game to attract quality applicants. In a few months our family member will be receiving a substantial raise from an across the board increase for that very reason. He has already been to an extensive FBI specialist training school that cost his employer a large fee and will be attending a leadership training school later this summer in preparation for a much deserved promotion. The two trainings cost over 3 months of his personal life away from his family. He and his wife consider it an honor to be selected to be better at his career in serving the community.

In the past week he had the ability to taser a suspect trying to escape on the spot, or, call in back-up and chase said suspect on foot in 90+ degree heat in full gear for a mile or so until cornered with the assistance of his fellow LEO. He chose the later. Suspect gave up without incident. Strange, the media was not interested in that report and story. It's openly documented for their and the public's review at the department.

Multiply that by thousands of events across the country every day.
Support the cops.Hate woke culture. Don't care about MLB. To all of VN in GA and AL, get out today and VOTE. Baseball tomorrow, recruiting this weekend. Football is around the corner. Go Vols!!
Support good police officers. All police don’t deserve support. I think blindly supporting any organization is how we as a society don’t progress. Just my 2 cents.
Go Vols!
I have read the posts on how the police handle themselves. Many if not most police hired in the last 20 years are ex-military, so they, just by their Military training may have a different reaction to a situation than somebody that has never been in a Combat situation.

In Nashville the school systems deal with kids that speak over 100 different languages as well as their parents. So the communication barrier is something that is not discussed enough.

The laws are the laws and if we don't like them we have the ability through our votes to help make changes.

They are the Police and when they are called to a scene with partial info of the situation they are walking into ,I would imagine no matter how mundane it may appear there is always a certain amount of danger so if they are tense think about the call they may have been on before a particular incident and also remember they are not Social Workers or Psychologist they are Law Enforcement.

But the one thing that is never mentioned in any incident that you hear about on TV is the simple fact that the one's that get hurt ALWAYS seem to be running away. I would venture that 75% or more of the Police shooting and or taserings would never happen if people when they hear the word STOP just do it.
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I have read the posts on how the police handle themselves. Many if not most police hired in the last 20 years are ex-military, so they, just by their Military training may have a different reaction to a situation than somebody that has never been in a Combat situation.

In Nashville the school systems deal with kids that speak over 100 different languages as well as their parents. So the communication barrier is something that is not discussed enough.

The laws are the laws and if we don't like them we have the ability through our votes to help make changes.

They are the Police and when they are called to a scene with partial info of the situation they are walking into ,I would imagine no matter how mundane it may appear there is always a certain amount of danger so if they are tense think about the call they may have been on before a particular incident and also remember they are not Social Workers or Psychologist they are Law Enforcement.

But the one thing that is never mentioned in any incident that you hear about on TV is the simple fact that the one's that get hurt ALWAYS seem to be running away. I would venture that 75% or more of the Police shooting and or taserings would never happen if people when they hear the word STOP just do it.
I think a big issue with many cops is they imagine themselves as military embedded in hostile territory rather than members of the community.

I’ll keep my more unvarnished thoughts on police officers to myself except to say I do find it amusing when people who talk about how little they trust the government weirdly seem to really trust the cops (who are the government).
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I can speak from experience. It was my dream as a kid to be in law enforcement. After researching pay, listening to those who are in and around that profession, and other mitigating factors I chose not too.

My point is only to illustrate, imagine how many other (probably normal people), might choose that career but go into anything but for reasons above?

I try to be a centrist on many issues. But, if your house were on fire or someone were in trouble or you were out protesting against Cops, and crap hits the fan. Who you gonna call?

There's your answer.
I think a big issue with many cops is they imagine themselves as military embedded in hostile territory rather than members of the community.

I’ll keep my more unvarnished thoughts on police officers to myself except to say I do find it amusing when people who talk about how little they trust the government weirdly seem to really trust the cops (who are the government).
I don't trust ANY self-serving politician and if I was in a situation where the police told my old 62 year old, both knees replaced a$$ to stop I would stop. THEY ALL HAVE GUNS !!!!........and they don't know if I do.
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Support good police officers. All police don’t deserve support. I think blindly supporting any organization is how we as a society don’t progress. Just my 2 cents.
Go Vols!
Agree to a point. But quit spending 90% of our time trashing an entire organization for the few bad apples. Stop the ridiculous propaganda and start being intellectually honest about what and who are really killing certain groups. I'll hush now. Need to get ready to nail down some recruits and let the baseball team piss off the Van Horn's of the world.
Police have been turned into a political issue primarily by people who claim to care about the communities that have to live with the highest crime rates.

According to the American Medical Association 1 in 3 (34%) of all doctors in the U.S. are sued for malpractice before they reach the age of 55.

Although some medical malpractice cases involve minor injuries, 80% of cases are related to severe patient injuries or deaths. (Harvard Health, 2019) .

195,000 patients die in hospitals each year because of preventable mistakes. (Dr. George Stanislaw, 2019).

Where is the outrage?

Defund the doctors? Amirite?

According to statistics compiled annually by the FBI, law enforcement officers in America made 10,554,985 arrests in 2017, the last year for which figures were available. 1,900 of those arrests ended in the death of the suspect either by the intentional use of lethal force by police (64%), suicide (18%), or by an accident (11%).

So doctors are negligently killing patients annually in volumes over 100 times greater than police but we’re broad-brushing the police profession as the villains in our country. smh.

Politics. jmo.
You obviously have never been in or trained with law enforcement, never have been in stressful situations on a regular basis, put up with verbal/physical confrontations.

Considering the thousands of dangerous situations law enforcement deal with every single day, not too bad. Sure it can be improved but when you look at the big picture, law enforcement does a pretty darn good job. Do police make dumb mistakes, sure. Have you ever done anything stupid? How about the thousands of correct decisions law enforcement make every single day. Oh, the media very rarely cover this.

With regards to hospitals, by the time these people reach hospitals they have already dealt with law enforcement. Further, the ones that act up in the hospital, security is called or if security cannot handle it, outside law enforcement is called.

Recommendation for you! Quit watching police stories on the woke news channels and do a ride along with law enforcement. Who knows you just might learn something!
Everyone has the correct answer for others actions yet when they are put in the same situation it would have turned out much worse.
Not in this case. You all need to quit saying that about everything you don't agree with. It is getting old.
It's their own definition at this point. Nothing to do with what woke even means to anyone that has ever actually used it in a serious context. Fwiw there are new words to describe what woke originally meant, so it's all good.

It's a moot point now, because the communities that used that word abandoned it about 2-3 years ago because of the above. It's lost its communal context and usage. Now it's just a way to tell someone is out of the someone saying "hey dog" or "he's one cool cat" 😂 They can have it.
It's their own definition at this point - a catch-all for "the world is moving past me" or simply "things I don't like". Nothing to do with what woke even means to anyone that has ever actually used it in a serious context. Fwiw there are new words to describe what woke originally meant, so it's all good.

It's a moot point now, because the communities that used that word abandoned it about 2-3 years ago because of the above. It's lost its communal context and usage. Now it's just a way to tell someone is out of the someone saying "hey dog" or "he's one cool cat" 😂 They can have it.
Ah, now that's the ticket!!
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