It'll come down to your trust and interpretation of scripture, but it's in there. Paul describes this and says of our eternal state that "we don't know exactly what/how we will be, but we know that we will be like Him (Jesus)."
That is, the resurrected Jesus. We know He had a body. We know that it was physical, as Thomas felt it. But we also know that it wasn't like our own, as the Bible seems to go out of its way to point out that He passed through locked doors and such.
Your concerns seem to be on the fact that you can't imagine a physical existence in any other form from our own. But scripture says that death/suffering entered the world through sin, and has remained with us as a byproduct of sin nature. That indicates that Adam and Eve were in a physical form, given physical, daily pursuits with intellectual commands without suffering or death.
Paul says that by the first Adam all died, but through the second Adam (Jesus) all believers will live. i.e. Adam made all who followed him into his image, but Jesus will remake all who follow Him into His image.
i.e. Heaven would be a return to God's original creation/plan--immortal, spiritual-physical beings with lives to live in intimate relationship with God forever.