Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

Well, I don't anymore choice...because probably at least 10 years ago they forgot that their mission was to be funny.
I believe 10 years ago Jason Sudekis et al were still there. I honestly still think its funny, what little I see.

I also like brown people as well transgendered and gay people dont bother me.
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SNL is still funny but really only their shorts and weekend update. The live sketches are usually far more miss than hit but that was always the case if you think about it
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If you ever drop your car keys in a river of molten lava… Let them go because man they are gone. My favorite, jack Handey saying.
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? Maybe. If they screamed all the time, for no good reason.
Man time flies grandkids go back to school in 2 weeks seems like they got out for summer break no more than a couple of weeks ago!!!
You had to remind me I got back to screaming ankle biters in 2 weeks didn't you... And I teach high schoolers. I'd blame the parents but they're always on VN

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