Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

It's called experiencing different things. Little of what you actually learn in college is in a classroom.
From what I am seeing in the current young folks, precious little actual „learning“ is going on in the classroom anymore. Definitely not learning critical thinking.
From what I am seeing in the current young folks, precious little actual „learning“ is going on in the classroom anymore. Definitely not learning critical thinking.
learning a trade, is so much more useful nowadays.

the same can be said for professional degrees. experience in law field, medical field, of utmost importance.
From what I am seeing in the current young folks, precious little actual „learning“ is going on in the classroom anymore. Definitely not learning critical thinking.

^^^ is superior to everyone and has the “critical thinking is the OTHER national deficit” bumper sticker to prove it.
^^^ is superior to everyone and has the “critical thinking is the OTHER national deficit” bumper sticker to prove it.
Not superior at all. The whole point I was making is that a good education should make you question everything, especially one‘s self. The certainty that kids are coming out of college with nowadays about everything is the exact opposite. If you come out of college thinking you know everything then you have not been educated.
I came out of college with the opinion that I knew so comparatively little about the world but that being able to ask questions was the lifelong path to changing that. Very few people ask questions anymore.
Not superior at all. The whole point I was making is that a good education should make you question everything, especially one‘s self. The certainty that kids are coming out of college with nowadays about everything is the exact opposite. If you come out of college thinking you know everything then you have not been educated.
What are you basing this on? Most of us are 5-10 years removed from College, I would think.
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What are you basing this on? Most of us are 5-10 years removed from College, I would think.
I think you're proving his point.

Well what I have learned from College of hard knocks,educated or uneducated everybody thinks they know everything!!! It's called self confidence. Maybe I'm just stupid 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
funny. I bet you drive a retired police vehicle, still has spotlight on the side.

I mention this, because you and Steve from Lexington are the reasons I brake check everytime I drive through Corryton.
Got one of the last great AMERICAN Crown Victorias before the Taliban shut down production.

Shouldn’t take much brake fluid to halt your pink KIA with rainbow flags.
@Weezer just fell off his chair

Getting Spillman, to pair with GA kid and VA kid and all of a sudden LB is a strength.

There is a board game called Pretty Pretty Princess, where you spin a dial and try to collect all of the jewelry. Everyone gets a different color ear rings, ring, necklace, and bracelet. Then if you have all your color jewelry and you spin and land on the crown then you are the prettiest pretty pretty princess. I used to dominate that game when I played with my daughters. It was awesome.

You are correct. That would be a fantastic LB class to go along with last years. Would really allow the staff to recruit more aggressively at the LB position going forward.
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There is a board game called Pretty Pretty Princess, where you spin a dial and try to collect all of the jewelry. Everyone gets a different color ear rings, ring, necklace, and bracelet. Then if you have all your color jewelry and you spin and land on the crown then you are the prettiest pretty pretty princess. I used to dominate that game when I played with my daughters. It was awesome.

You are correct. That would be a fantastic LB class to go along with last years. Would really allow the staff to recruit more aggressively at the LB position going forward.
I am currently sitting at 5-259 versus the twin terrors.

No matter if its basketball, or a card game. I get my rear end whupped.

The boy is a natural lefty, like his daddy. But, at 3.5 dominated indoor teeball.

No way any if us beats Weezer at Pretty Pretty Princess.

Necks years in state haul may be the best ive ever seent, on paper, having never watched video, or played football.
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Ok, 10-20 years removed.
ll be 20 years next year - feel super old,Honestly been following this site for a ridiculous amount of time- I’d venture to say most the people you should actually listen to on here (especially recruiting) are far more than 20 years removed from college lol
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