Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

@Orangeredblooded can give you instructions on how to post GIFs
Actually, I’ve followed and tried what everyone has suggested on here, I’ve gotten my son and my brother involved and nothing works. Even the IWatch my brother gave me won’t pair. I’m not the most tech savvy person (shock) and I’m at the point of going back to the AT&T store I bought it from (13 edition).

BUT, what does work on this dam* phone, is the emojis. 🖕
Actually, I’ve followed and tried what everyone has suggested on here, I’ve gotten my son and my brother involved and nothing works. Even the IWatch my brother gave me won’t pair. I’m not the most tech savvy person (shock) and I’m at the point of going back to the AT&T store I bought it from (13 edition).

BUT, what does work on this dam* phone, is the emojis. 🖕

Well there is your problem. You see, Apple products were designed by the devil and each one has a little demon inside and they try to steal souls a little at a time. Soak your iPhone in Holy Water and then when it is good and saturated, throw it in the trash and get a Samsung or other Android device. Problem solved.
Well there is your problem. You see, Apple products were designed by the devil and each one has a little demon inside and they try to steal souls a little at a time. Soak your iPhone in Holy Water and then when it is good and saturated, throw it in the trash and get a Samsung or other Android device. Problem solved.
Androids were developed by D&D nerds in their mom's
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Well, those things are called gifs. It is pronounced with a hard g sound, not a j sound. If anyone tries to tell you differently then they are satan's spawn and should be doused with Holy Water and an exorcism performed. However, the most important thing to remember about posting gifs is...
These kids and their soft g's. It's Gen X's fault for raising them like this.
Androids were developed by D&D nerds in their mom's

If my daughter with the borderline genius level IQ, who is also a D&D nerd, is any indication of who developed the Androids then I will stick with the Android.

Also, she gets her intelligence from her mother. I just drag them down with my genes. lol
These kids and their soft g's. It's Gen X's fault for raising them like this.
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If my daughter with the borderline genius level IQ, who is also a D&D nerd, is any indication of who developed the Androids then I will stick with the Android.

Also, she gets her intelligence from her mother. I just drag them down with my genes. lol
Oh? We're braggin then?

Myyy daughters ... um well. Are exceptional dancers. Can shoot a bball on a 10 ft goal, catch a fish, rode bikes at 3. And can whine more than any human in the history of recorded time. But they're my whiners.

Btw, I squatted 0 pounds yesterday. Was going to do delt raises but my shoulders hurt like hell. My son was able to get those 2.5 lb weights up on bench tho.

Also, Steve Jobs started Apple from his dad's garage.
Not everyone is Steve Jobs.

Android (Samsung specifically) creates or develops the new tech. (Actually makes screens for the iphones), and then Apple perfects it.

I have both, so, I can tell you matter of factly Iphone is superior. Also been in telecom for two decades.

There are more Android users worldwide because those cheap phones get sent to Kuala Lumpur when they're done.
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Oh? We're braggin then?

Myyy daughters ... um well. Are exceptional dancers. Can shoot a bball on a 10 ft goal, catch a fish, rode bikes at 3. And can whine more than any human in the history of recorded time. But they're my whiners.

Btw, I squatted 0 pounds yesterday. Was going to do delt raises but my shoulders hurt like hell. My son was able to get those 2.5 lb weights up on bench tho.

My daughters have puzzled out how to permanently attach themselves to the couch and they must have converted their hands into wireless phone chargers because I never see them get up and never see them charge their phones.

I attempted to work out yesterday but with the arthritis in my hips acting up it was more like a comedy routine I am sure. My afore mentioned couch potatoes lifted their phones.... that's about it though. lol
Not everyone is Steve Jobs.

Android (Samsung specifically) creates or develops the new tech. (Actually makes screens for the iphones), and then Apple perfects it.

I have both, so, I can tell you matter of factly Iphone is superior. Also been in telecom for two decades.

There are more Android users worldwide because those cheap phones get sent to Kuala Lumpur when they're done.

Iphone is superior? Iphone is superior?

My daughters have puzzled out how to permanently attach themselves to the couch and they must have converted their hands into wireless phone chargers because I never see them get up and never see them charge their phones.

I attempted to work out yesterday but with the arthritis in my hips acting up it was more like a comedy routine I am sure. My afore mentioned couch potatoes lifted their phones.... that's about it though. lol
That's a tough deal.

Are you able to walk? That's what im relegated too. In fact the nuggets were so woun't up last night we just went on a walk. 🥴 Great exercise Dad.
Not everyone is Steve Jobs.

Android (Samsung specifically) creates or develops the new tech. (Actually makes screens for the iphones), and then Apple perfects it.

I have both, so, I can tell you matter of factly Iphone is superior. Also been in telecom for two decades.

There are more Android users worldwide because those cheap phones get sent to Kuala Lumpur when they're done.
"Android was created by... in their parents' basement. (Yay iPhone.)"

"Apple was started in his dad's garage."

All I was saying.

I couldn't care less. The iPhone/Android argument is juvenile. They are both modified *nix OSes. Preferences usually center on what you started on and learned, with a smattering of preference between the authoritarian concept of iOS vs the more open concept of Android.

The gif/jif argument, tho... I'll cut somebody.
That's a tough deal.

Are you able to walk? That's what im relegated too. In fact the nuggets were so woun't up last night we just went on a walk. 🥴 Great exercise Dad.

I've been hit with a few shells but I don't walk with a limp.

It is worse this week because I have been on National Guard duty and have been forced to sit on extremely uncomfortable chairs. Trying to take a walk with Mrs. Glitch as often as possible.

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