Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

It should be easy to call out both sides then. Mysteriously absent in some efforts on here.
In this case, a specific incidence is being called out. That can be pointed out without having to make a note of the other. I see the other side criticized/called-out far more often on VN (which is to be expected with the demographic).

For the record I'm party-less. I think they all suck and 99% of politicians are power hungry weasels doing it for self-gratification and personal enrichment instead of public service.

But I don't want to muddle up the RF anymore with political talk
In this case, a specific incidence is being called out. That can be pointed out without having to make a note of the other. I see the other side criticized/called-out far more often on VN (which is to be expected with the demographic).

For the record I'm party-less. I think they all suck and 99% of politicians are power hungry weasels doing it for self-gratification and personal enrichment instead of public service.

But I don't want to muddle up the RF anymore with political talk
And they can easily be called out too. And are.

But if you’re going to present a one sided narrative on a message board, others might respond.
And they can easily be called out too. And are.

But if you’re going to present a one sided narrative on a message board, others might respond.
I'm honestly not even sure what you're arguing about right now.

Your first sentence is basically what I just said.

I didn't present a one-sided narrative and I'm not complaining about others responding. In fact, the narrative I did share very clearly criticized both sides lol
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I'm honestly not even sure what you're arguing about right now.

Your first sentence is basically what I just said.

I didn't present a one-sided narrative and I'm not complaining about others responding. In fact, the narrative I did share very clearly criticized both sides lol
My argument was never with you. You responded to my response to another (the one sided narrative).
Terribly sad situation all around. His best friend (Let's call the friend "X" for now) is close friends with the guy I fished with this past weekend and close friends with one of my groomsmen. I also did the taxidermy work on X's first duck. X is also a deputy and showed up a minute or two after the first shots were fired and I think he ended up in the firefight.

The guy who killed the officer (and was killed at the scene) was schizophrenic and bipolar and started having an episode that night. He freaked out and locked himself in a bedroom with the kids. Wife called the police for help. When he heard the officers' radio coming up the stairs he started shooting through the walls and struck him. It was unexpected. Of course then there was a firefight with children in the bedroom, who undoubtably had to watch their dad get killed too. [This is my understanding of the events secondhand from the officer I know who lost his best friend]

It really is sobering and tragic.

(On another note- @InVOLuntary your daughter might know the guy I fished with Saturday who has the YouTube channel)
Why is someone with documented disorders able to have guns? I'll never understand
The hilarious part is watching it from outside. He literally began his "angry fratboy" demographic by ranting against politics in sports...and now that's every one of his posts. He hardly even talks sports any longer.

Yet I don't think he really believes much of it. Just found a gullible base to rile up over. And over. And over. Like Glen Beck 2.0 who famously said after his show that it was all for entertainment...after a decade of riling up conspiracy theorists 😒
Railing against politics in sports was a losing proposition when “all-sports” entities like ESPN completely geared their programming towards fake empathy and virtue signaling. So taking up a polar opposite stance has a ready audience that’s doubled his influence (and wallet). Personalities like Sage Steele have taken a higher road, which is more noble but the fact that she basically got drummed out of the business for not toeing the progressive line highlights the market for types like Travis and Whitlock. Professional argument maestros who are good at what they do.
I believe it's against the law. It is in Florida at least. We have good gun laws IMO. They just aren't enforced. Seems to be an unwinnable debate however and I can understand why people get upset on both sides.
Ya, gun laws are almost always for political reasons, not practical ones. Yours is a great example. The law is already on the books that those people can't have a gun, but it's not enforced well enough for it to have practical benefits.

I wish they'd pass a law that adults who let children get their guns and shoot people get charged with homicide and dealers who break existing gun laws by (for example) selling to people on a list who end up shooting people get charged with homicide. Parents would hopefully take locking up guns more seriously, and dealers would be sure to at least follow existing laws to avoid spending the next decade in prison.
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Ya, gun laws are almost always for political reasons, not practical ones. Yours is a great example. The law is already on the books that those people can't have a gun, but it's not enforced well enough for it to have practical benefits.

I wish they'd pass a law that adults who let children get their guns and shoot people get charged with homicide and dealers who break existing gun laws by (for example) selling to people on a list who end up shooting people get charged with homicide. Parents would hopefully take locking up guns more seriously, and dealers would be sure to at least follow existing laws to avoid spending the next decade in prison.
Should be charged with negligence...but not with Homicide, especially considering specific circumstances.
We need to do a better job as a country of putting these types of people in mental facilities to actually get them help that they need. They also do not need to have weapons like this and I am a 2nd amendment guy to the core.
Pay for that and the Ukraine’s landscaping at the same time?
Disagree. Did you not see the video on saints linebacker? Dude straight up preached and it’s gotten plenty of traction (was quite heartwarming actually).

Personally, I think athletes should leave religion and politics out of the podium material. That said, if I had a platform I can’t say I wouldn’t take advantage of it to speak on whatever I’m passionate about. Is what it is.
So, you're saying if given the opportunity, you'd take advantage to speak about things your passionate about just like Tua did? But, that was right after you said athletes should leave religion & politics out of podium speaking. You must not be an athlete then. Kind of looks like exactly what you said shouldn't happen you would do.
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So, you're saying if given the opportunity, you'd take advantage to speak about things your passionate about just like Tua did? But, that was right after you said athletes should leave religion & politics out of podium speaking. You must not be an athlete then. Kind of looks like exactly what you said shouldn't happen you would do.
You misread/misunderstood or maybe what I wrote was not clear. I said I’d speak about what I was passionate about and therefore can’t criticize others for doing the same. For me, that probably would be charitable endeavors, issues within the industry, etc etc. I also said I think religion and politics don’t have a place at that podium. I may be passionate about those, just don’t believe the podium is the right place to voice that. Maybe Tua, and clay travis, and others, feel differently about that. That I can’t do anything about. They have been told by their religious and political institutions that it is their duty to do that, and when you are adopting a belief, like that of one in God, it’s hard to do that 100% and not adhere to what else is being told to you, that you must spread that word and get others to join in that belief. Trying not to be too critical about it.

So it’s not the action of using the podium to speak on topics important to you that I have issue with, but rather the specific subject matter. So not “just like Tua”. Speaking from experience having grown up in a world where my religious or political beliefs do not necessarily fit into that of the majority, and had those ideals of others impressed upon me, and experienced the negative consequences of not falling in line and adopting others beliefs (losing friendships, being told I’m going to hell, etc), I just don’t think it’s right to use your positional or institutional authority to speak on religion or politics, knowing that there’s a lot of people that look up to you who may put a lot of stock in what you say, and some of those happen to be children whose parents may have high opinions about you but don’t want their kids taking religious or political cues from you. Imagine being a parent and getting asked why we don’t believe what their idol does (Tua or others) about their faith in Christ and having to explain to them that Tua may very well be a great football player and person but that doesn’t mean you should accept what they have to say about certain ideals. I dunno. I wouldn’t want to tarnish the image of my kids idol or confuse them about having role models to take cues from, but I wouldn’t want my kid thinking if Tua says it I should believe it. Maybe that concept is easier to explain to a 12-13 year old. But I’d not really know how to explain that if say my child was 6-8.

Is that a clearer explanation?
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Ya, gun laws are almost always for political reasons, not practical ones. Yours is a great example. The law is already on the books that those people can't have a gun, but it's not enforced well enough for it to have practical benefits.

I wish they'd pass a law that adults who let children get their guns and shoot people get charged with homicide and dealers who break existing gun laws by (for example) selling to people on a list who end up shooting people get charged with homicide. Parents would hopefully take locking up guns more seriously, and dealers would be sure to at least follow existing laws to avoid spending the next decade in prison.

What kind of list are you talking about?

As far as I know there is no list of criminally or mentally ineligible people that gun dealers have access to. When someone buys a gun from a dealer they go through a government-run background check. If the let's somebody slip through the cracks maybe it should be held liable.
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What kind of list are you talking about?

As far as I know there is no list of criminally or mentally ineligible people that gun dealers have access to. When someone buys a gun from a dealer they go through a government-run background check. If the let's somebody slip through the cracks maybe it should be held liable.
I was responding so someone who said it's illegal for someone who's been labeled mentally unsound to own a gun in Florida. Presumably the background check would reveal that (or some sort of "no sale" list would be out there) , and selling to them should have severe consequences. If no such list exists, it's further evidence that gun laws are more for political than practical reasons.
Why is someone with documented disorders able to have guns? I'll never understand
I checked with a friend who is highly ranked in the sheriff's department and he said he was legal to own. He's not sure why. I asked him if they had a history with the guy and he didn't respond. He did say the guy was from Michigan so I'm not sure if Tennessee had a file on him or if his history has always been in Michigan.

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