I agree that is our history, but I think we're seeing improvement under Pruitt. Did we make mistakes last night? Absolutely, but point to me a team that doesn't. I think we could have overcome our mistakes in that game. We weren't able to overcome the mistakes of the refs.
I don't disagree with you-- I'm just taking a big-picture perspective. I think a team has to believe they'll win, then find a way when things go against them. Look at UK. They held off Vandy and they overcame all odds to beat Mizzou with 0:00 left on the clock. They don't have an elite roster-- they're just a tough, determined team that believes they can find a way to win. UF is the same. They've pulled off improbable wins against UT for years. Conversely, UT finds improbable ways to lose. Adversity comes in many forms, including bad officiating, and overcoming it is what good teams do.