Could'nt care less if any of them do. Recruiting 'rankings' are useless because they aren't definitive. We'll be in the mix, but who cares what exact spot we are? UT took care of needs and had as good a class as any of the top 10. They recruited every position on the field. They aren't top heavy anywhere giving us a false rating because we cornered the market in one position like we have in years past. I really hope people can see this. Its what a recruiting class should look like.
Disagree... sorta. I believe there is a rolling plus or minus when it comes to these rankings. The #1 class might be #9 in actuality when it comes to true talent... but it won't be #20. The #10 class could actually be the best class or as bad as #20.
The closer you are to the top in terms of quality (IMO star avg is a good measure) and ranking, the better the chance your class is actually the best signed.
UT looks to finish in the 4-7 range. If I am right then it could be as good as #1 or as "bad" as #17... which is still more than sufficient talent to win big.
UT is also top 10 in star average. Only 3 teams in the SEC are more than .10 stars higher (Bama, LSU, and TAM). Only Bama is completely out of range at 3.88... and IMHO there is a definite Saban bias to recruiting rankings. He's earned it by being right alot but if he recruits a kid then the recruiting sites take notice.
UT is not far at all behind TAM and LSU who have definitely had more recent success.
Bottom line. This is a very, very good class. It is the highest ranked class by Rivals in the SECE by both ranking and star avg. The star avg in the East between the top 3 (UGA 3.63, UT 3.65, UF 3.58) and the rest is significant. USCe is 4th at 3.39 with UK at 3.29 followed by MU at 2.79 and VU at 2.77.
That is a pretty big gap between the haves and have nots in this class that SHOULD translate to a return of the big 3 to being the big 3.
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