Red Scare?



revolUTion in the air!
Mar 19, 2011
While we’ve all been distracted by multiple trials, the Biden admin is attempting to put an actual communist in charge of our money.

She went wrote her thesis on Marxism, stated on Twitter that unlike America the Soviet Union had no gender pay gap, is a member of Marxist Facebook groups, has suggested all checking and savings accounts should be directly deposited with the federal reserve, wants to end all privately owned banks, and private lending

What has she said in her defense? They just don’t like me because I’m a woman, an immigrant, and a minority.

Who Is Saule Omarova? Biden's Controversial, Soviet-Born Pick For A Top Financial Post
While we’ve all been distracted by multiple trials, the Biden admin is attempting to put an actual communist in charge of our money.

She went wrote her thesis on Marxism, stated on Twitter that unlike America the Soviet Union had no gender pay gap, is a member of Marxist Facebook groups, has suggested all checking and savings accounts should be directly deposited with the federal reserve, wants to end all privately owned banks, and private lending

What has she said in her defense? They just don’t like me because I’m a woman, an immigrant, and a minority.

Who Is Saule Omarova? Biden's Controversial, Soviet-Born Pick For A Top Financial Post
There are other communists in DC. She just more vocal about her idealogy.
There are other communists in DC. She just more vocal about her idealogy.

I don’t disagree. She’s just the most obvious. Normally they at least try to hide it. This woman wants to end all private banks and when called out for it Democrats hid behind their same nonsense. They accused Republicans of being owned by the banks, racism, sexism, and of starting a new red scare
I don’t disagree. She’s just the most obvious. Normally they at least try to hide it. This woman wants to end all private banks and when called out for it Democrats hid behind their same nonsense. They accused Republicans of being owned by the banks, racism, sexism, and of starting a new red scare
Surely you didn't expect them to condemn her as unfit based on her idiocy?
I don’t think anyone is saying that. But was McCarthy correct that people were lying about their communist sympathies and relations? 100%

The cure to this is pretty easy; we need to adopt a better marketing campaign than "Here's who to hate, here's who not to trust, now stop complaining about businesses and go get a (second, third) job." It doesn't help that so many youth see our position as "We've got ours, so **** you."
The cure to this is pretty easy; we need to adopt a better marketing campaign than "Here's who to hate, here's who not to trust, now stop complaining about businesses and go get a (first, second, third) job." It doesn't help that so many youth see our position as "We've got ours, so **** you."

Go get a job and get yours sounds like a great marketing strategy. I don’t understand. What do you recommend?
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Go get a job and get yours sounds like a great marketing strategy. I don’t understand. What do you recommend?

"Go get a job and get yours" does sound pretty good, wish I'd thought of wording it that way.
She is scarier than AOC because AOC is in the public eye and looking for a base to grow.

This woman will sink back into the background never to be heard from again and simply began putting bad policy after bad policy into place that very few will ever even know about before it’s too late.
So thoughtcrime should be illegal in the US?

Had nothing to do with "thought crime." McCarthy thought it wasn't smart to allow card carrying communists working in the state department to have access to classified materials during the height of the cold war.
While we’ve all been distracted by multiple trials, the Biden admin is attempting to put an actual communist in charge of our money.

She went wrote her thesis on Marxism, stated on Twitter that unlike America the Soviet Union had no gender pay gap, is a member of Marxist Facebook groups, has suggested all checking and savings accounts should be directly deposited with the federal reserve, wants to end all privately owned banks, and private lending

What has she said in her defense? They just don’t like me because I’m a woman, an immigrant, and a minority.

Who Is Saule Omarova? Biden's Controversial, Soviet-Born Pick For A Top Financial Post
I don’t like her ideas because she’s espousing communism. She could be a purple hippo for all I care.
lol... I can back it up with massive amounts of proof. He literally harassed homosexuals. Thousands of them. Just like Putin does and the commies do. Stop being stupid .

Oh, you have proof that McCarthy single handedly put homosexuals into gulags, work camps, or otherwise had them "disappeared"?

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