Regime Change...



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Looks like we have regime change that is being caused by these sanctions. But it is not happening in Russia. Right now, BoJo in the UK is on a thread, the Netherlands are in chaos, Macron has lost his majority in the French assembly and Biden will likely see his support collapse here in the states.

This Putin guy must be a 4D chess player after all.

'No, I'm not going': Boris Johnson refuses to quit despite mass resignations

What Emmanuel Macron should learn from losing his majority

Dutch farmers protest by blocking supermarket distribution centres
I don’t think this has as much to do with Putin as it does globalist leaders being turned on by the local citizens over failed policies.

With or without Russia, Biden was failing. The war has simply given him some outs on oil prices that he can use on a select bunch who didn’t realize oil was going up already and has more to do with his stance on leasing. He was going to fail no matter what.

Same with Macron.

England is in a state of flux and doesn’t know what it wants anymore.
I found this interesting piece where Boris discusses depopulation. Keep in mind it is believed that Boris has 8 children with multiple women.

Boris Johnson on the globalist depopulation agenda: "The UN [the WHO is a UN agency] would hold giant conferences on the subject, and it was perfectly respectable to talk about saving the planet by reducing the growth in the number of human beings"

Boris Johnson: Global overpopulation is the real issue
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I don’t think this has as much to do with Putin as it does globalist leaders being turned on by the local citizens over failed policies.

With or without Russia, Biden was failing. The war has simply given him some outs on oil prices that he can use on a select bunch who didn’t realize oil was going up already and has more to do with his stance on leasing. He was going to fail no matter what.

Same with Macron.

England is in a state of flux and doesn’t know what it wants anymore.
Those failed policies that were exacerbated by the sanctions and the consequences of the West's actions regarding the Ukraine conflict. Also, there were articles in British newspapers over the last month suggesting that whenever BoJo would have a crisis at home, that he would leave the country (mostly going to Kiev of late).

Whenever Johnson has a problem, he calls Zelenskiy – and the bill is rapidly mounting | Simon Jenkins

These leaders have shown that there are more concerned about achieving their green agenda/liberal world order and more consumed with Ukraine than they give a damn about their own citizens. This is True from DC to Berlin.
Looks like we have regime change that is being caused by these sanctions. But it is not happening in Russia. Right now, BoJo in the UK is on a thread, the Netherlands are in chaos, Macron has lost his majority in the French assembly and Biden will likely see his support collapse here in the states.

This Putin guy must be a 4D chess player after all.

'No, I'm not going': Boris Johnson refuses to quit despite mass resignations

What Emmanuel Macron should learn from losing his majority

Dutch farmers protest by blocking supermarket distribution centres
Don’t get too far over your skis on this. The authorities in each of the countries you mentioned will soon quash dissent just like Baby Castro Trudeau did in Canada. Most of the world has 20 to 30 percent of people willing to protest. But once the police and financial penalties start showing up, the population as a whole reverts to sheep mode. Australia is one country I never thought would buckle but they sure as heck did so in a hurry
Don’t get too far over your skis on this. The authorities in each of the countries you mentioned will soon quash dissent just like Baby Castro Trudeau did in Canada. Most of the world has 20 to 30 percent of people willing to protest. But once the police and financial penalties start showing up, the population as a whole reverts to sheep mode. Australia is one country I never thought would buckle but they sure as heck did so in a hurry
Oh, I'm not being delusional because I'm fully aware that the govts have the financial screws to control the people
Looks like we have regime change that is being caused by these sanctions. But it is not happening in Russia. Right now, BoJo in the UK is on a thread, the Netherlands are in chaos, Macron has lost his majority in the French assembly and Biden will likely see his support collapse here in the states.

This Putin guy must be a 4D chess player after all.

'No, I'm not going': Boris Johnson refuses to quit despite mass resignations

What Emmanuel Macron should learn from losing his majority

Dutch farmers protest by blocking supermarket distribution centres
Or maybe he is a dictator in a country under established authoritarian rule? Putin is not beholden to public opinion. Unlike the other leaders you referenced, Putin can put his critics in jail without a trial. He can also mobilize his country's military forces and use them to suppress internal opposition to both his policies and to his administration. In fact, he is currently doing exactly that. Comparing Putin's security to that of Macron's isn't even like comparing apples to oranges. It's like comparing apples to cheeseburgers. LOL.

Putin has escaped to a secret palace in a forest amid anti-draft protests in Russian cities, report says

As far as your chess analogy is concerned, it is a bad sign that Russia is having to draft citizens into military service for this conflict in the Ukraine. There is no way that was a part of the plan 7 months ago. I think it's fair to say that Bobby Fischer played chess a little better back in 1972.
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Hey guys... I thought Putin was supposed to be the one getting regime changed and getting sick and leaving office? WTF is going on?

Italy's president dissolves parliament, triggering snap election following Draghi's resignation

View attachment 474266

Of course, Vladimir Putin doesn't care about sanctions. Neither does Kim Jong-un. They are dictators. Dictators only care about staying in power. They don't care if their people eat. They live a life of luxury, which is not impacted by their nation's economy, or by the will of their people. The only thing they have to do, is maintain power ... and they have more than enough military might at their disposal to do so.

Protests Over Russia’s Draft Persist, as Authorities Concede Mobilization Errors

Why were you championing Putin in this thread as being some sort of master tactician? He is having to draft citizens by force, in order to keep from losing a war, which he started. It almost seems like you are sympathetic to Putin here. It's dumb.
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Or maybe he is a dictator in a country under established authoritarian rule? Putin is not beholden to public opinion. Unlike the other leaders you referenced, Putin can put his critics in jail without a trial. He can also mobilize his country's military forces and use them to suppress internal opposition to both his policies and to his administration. In fact, he is currently doing exactly that. Comparing Putin's security to that of Macron's isn't even like comparing apples to oranges. It's like comparing apples to cheeseburgers. LOL.

It almost sounds like you are describing your hero Joe here. FBI performing raid after raid on his opposition. Google, social media and the news media suppressing anything that might hurt Joe. I see a lot of similarities here.
It almost sounds like you are describing your hero Joe here. FBI performing raid after raid on his opposition. Google, social media and the news media suppressing anything that might hurt Joe. I see a lot of similarities here.
That is beyond stupid.
Don’t get too far over your skis on this. The authorities in each of the countries you mentioned will soon quash dissent just like Baby Castro Trudeau did in Canada. Most of the world has 20 to 30 percent of people willing to protest. But once the police and financial penalties start showing up, the population as a whole reverts to sheep mode. Australia is one country I never thought would buckle but they sure as heck did so in a hurry

Yeah, it's easier to control Canada, you would think those aussies would protest more. I guess America is next

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