Regime Change...

I didn't say she was feeling the heat because of sanctions, because most likely, whoever replaces her will support the same nonsense. I'm saying that they are too dumb or too corrupt to realize that sanctions are a major cause of their economic problems.
The UK is hardly dependent on Russia for gas, even before the war. Prices are high, but lifting sanctions on Russia wouldn’t solve their problems.
The UK is hardly dependent on Russia for gas, even before the war. Prices are high, but lifting sanctions on Russia wouldn’t solve their problems.
That is simply not true. They do indeed import energy from Russia, else, they wouldn't be looking at a deficit right now. What's changed between last winter and this winter?
The UK is hardly dependent on Russia for gas, even before the war. Prices are high, but lifting sanctions on Russia wouldn’t solve their problems.

That is simply not true. They do indeed import energy from Russia, else, they wouldn't be looking at a deficit right now. What's changed between last winter and this winter?

Even if you don't get it directly from Russia, what's going on with Russia affects the global market.
The UK is about go through a very dark winter, but they are a MUCH MORE ESTABLISHED democracy. They adapt. They will come out of this fabulously if they make good decisions. This is a moment of change. Embrace the opportunity.
The UK is now independent from the European union, and has it's own currency in pounds that competes with the dollar. They are full of immigrant talent, and have done well to preserve their heritage. They have plans to become a major tech hub as well. Their education dwarfs the US as well. Their crowded and competitive environment breeds change. The UK does not have the personal space the US has.
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