Regular season score/record predictions here

3-8 is impossible because we play 12 games. Last time I checked 3+8=11.
10-2 is impossible. If we win 10 games, we go to a bowl. A bowl means at least 13 games. Last time I checked, 10+2=12.
14-0 is impossible period. Mathematically, 14-0 is possible. Realistically, it's a stretch.

There you go bringing reason into this again. Its July football man! Everyone is undefeated and anything is possible. and that 3-8 thing well I'm not counting losing to Western Kentucky cause I don't want to! And that 10-2 thing if we go 10-2 you know we're cheatin' so NO BOWL! July is make your OWN REALITY MONTH so get with it brah!:loco:
AP- win 42-13
WKU- win 35-17
Oregon- loss 49-31
Florida- loss 35-24
South Alabama- win 49-10
Georgia- loss 30-27
USCjr- win 31-21
Bammer- loss 21-20
Mizzou- win 31-20
Auburn- win 28-24
Candy- win 35-10
UK- win 42-20

I say we win 8. Think it's gonna be similar to kiffin's first year in terms of hanging with most on our schedule. Get ready to surprise some folks this year!
Aug.31: Vols-41 Govs-6

Sept 7: Vols-34 WKU- 20

Sept 14: Ducks-38 Vols-27

Sept 21: Gators-27 Vols-21

Sept.28: Vols-45 Jag-10

Oct.5: Bulldogs-35 Vols-28

Oct.19: Vols-21 Cocks-20
-gamewinning screen to Neal in last min-
Oct.26: Tide-34 Vols-18

Nov.2: Vols-30 Missouri-20

Nov.9: Auburn-28 Vols-22

Nov.23: Vols-20 Vandy-17

Nov.30: Vols-31 Wildcats-10

Regular season record: 7-5

Stand out player offense: Neal
Stand out player defense: J Smith
Posted via VolNation Mobile
What the heck. I'm home sick and bored. Atleast it will be bump worthy.

Aug.31: Vols-34 Govs-0

Sept 7: Vols-42 Topper- 20

Sept 14: Vol-21 Ducks-17

Sept 21: Vols-44 Gators-33

Sept.28: Vols-24 Jag-21

Oct.5: Bulldogs-14 Vols-12

Oct.19: Vols-27 Cocks-17

Oct.26: Tide-26 Vols-17

Nov.2: Vols-49 M.Tigers-17

Nov.9: Vols-21 A.tigers-20

Nov.23: Vols-34 Vandy-6

Nov.30: Vols-28 Wildcats-14

Regular season record: 10-2
Stand out player offense: Lane/North
Stand out player defense: Maggitt

What say VolNation

Aug.31: Vols-42 Govs-6

Sept 7: Vols-38 Topper- 21

Sept 14: Vol-28 Ducks-24

Sept 21: Vols-17 Gators-26

Sept.28: Vols-37 Jag-10

Oct.5: Bulldogs-24 Vols-17

Oct.19: Vols-21 Cocks-19

Oct.26: Tide-28 Vols-14

Nov.2: Vols-32 M.Tigers-10

Nov.9: Vols-24 A.tigers-20

Nov.23: Vols-31 Vandy-10

Nov.30: Vols-35 Wildcats-14

9-3 baby! this is best case scenario but also think this is reality because butch will have his team playing thr best
What the heck. I'm home sick and bored. Atleast it will be bump worthy.

Aug.31: Vols-34 Govs-0

Sept 7: Vols-42 Topper- 20

Sept 14: Vol-21 Ducks-17

Sept 21: Vols-44 Gators-33

Sept.28: Vols-24 Jag-21

Oct.5: Bulldogs-14 Vols-12

Oct.19: Vols-27 Cocks-17

Oct.26: Tide-26 Vols-17

Nov.2: Vols-49 M.Tigers-17

Nov.9: Vols-21 A.tigers-20

Nov.23: Vols-34 Vandy-6

Nov.30: Vols-28 Wildcats-14

Regular season record: 10-2
Stand out player offense: Lane/North
Stand out player defense: Maggitt

What say VolNation??

you have us going 10-2 but only beating south Alabama by 3 points. if we only beat the jags by 3 no chance we have a winning record
AP - win 49-14. We start trying to pick up the speed on offense, and end up scoring quite a bit. We try to focus on getting the passing game rolling with our new QB and new receivers. Expect to see a lot of North, Jenkins, Croom and Harris in this game.

WKU - Win 35-7. This game we focus more on the running game, and unleash the O-Line run blocking. Hopefully Michael Dyer ;) and Rajion and Marlin pick up a lot of yards that game and get some big holes. I'm thinking Bobby Petrino gets a WKU offense without a proven QB and RB, since they lost their starting QB and RB from last year, as well as their leading WR. I just see the Neyland atmosphere being too big for a unexperienced team. I think our defense has a field day.

Oregon - Loss 24-27. I think we play it close, and we match speed. But ultimately, I think the playmakers in Oregon make the plays needed. I could see it going either way, but I would truly be surprised if we are able to pull off a upset this big this early. I think we keep it close.

Florida - Win 31-21. I think we beat the Gators this year. Finally. We would have had a shot last year but now Gillislee is gone. The Gators didn't have a huge receiving threat last year, so if we can stop the run game and the QB scramble, we have a shot to take this one.

South Alabama - Win 56-0. Blow out. They'll take their money and go home.

Georgia - Loss 28-42. I think ultimately the combo of Gurley, Marshall, and Murray is going to make for too much on offense. And their defense looks to be good this year as well. I just don't think this one goes our way.

USC Jr - Win 28-17 - USC just won't have the same firepower on offense without Lattimore. Connor Shaw is a good QB, and the same formula goes for USC as it does UF. Stop the run and contain the QB, and when (not if) Tiny handles Clowney, their defense should be minimalized. I think we can win that one.

Bammer - Loss 31-21. Bama's talent and depth is just too much for us.

Mizzou - Win 24-10. Payback for last year, beating them like we should have.

Auburn - Win 31-28. Auburn has talent. It will be a shootout.

Vandy - Win 100-0. I wish this would happen.

Kentucky - Win 42-7. They're not there yet. Nor will they ever be. Should be a big time win.

All in all, I think 9-3 is possible. Obviously, Florida and South Carolina are going to be the key games to making that happen.

But I think that we all will be happy with a bowl game and a disciplined team.
Could we merge this with my Pre-Season prediction thread? I'd be more than willing to update the spreadsheet, and there is nothing to lose and only tickets to gain...

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