Reports saying Bernard King elected to HOF

Aw, the days of the "Ernie/Bernie" show! They may have been the best scoring duo in college basketball. Their average was just over 50 points per game at one point.
King was a great player, no doubt...but this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, Bird, Magic, Kareem, Wilt, Tim Duncan, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, Olajuwon - maybe that's not the top 10, but those 10 people exist, and King would have to be better than at least one of them. No chance.

I would take BK over Kobe with no hesitation.
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King was a great player, no doubt...but this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, Bird, Magic, Kareem, Wilt, Tim Duncan, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, Olajuwon - maybe that's not the top 10, but those 10 people exist, and King would have to be better than at least one of them. No chance.

How old are you? Did you see Bernard King in his prime? Give him a full career and put him in a good organization -- not the Knicks or the Bullets -- and he could have been at least as good as three or four of the guys on your list.
King was a great player, no doubt...but this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, Bird, Magic, Kareem, Wilt, Tim Duncan, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, Olajuwon - maybe that's not the top 10, but those 10 people exist, and King would have to be better than at least one of them. No chance.

This guy has it. The top 6 isn't even an argument. Michael, Bird, magic, Kareem, Russell, Wilt

After that Duncan and Kobe can be interchanged, I give the nod to Duncan for various reasons, but if Kobe wins another ring he might move up to top 5 really.

After that it's shaq and hakeem. Shaq from 2001-2004 was the most dominant player. ever. Had he played the way he did then his entire career? we'd be looking at 8 rings easy. and I won't even begin on the things Hakeem could do.

And we aren't even mentioning Lebron and Durant, and if you don't think those guys won't finish top 15 (or better) you are crazy. Lebron is arguably top 10 already really, if he plays to the age kobe or tim will, and wins multiple rings... well he compares better to michael than kobe is all I can say.

King was great. One of the best pure scorers ever. But without the rings (or a team to help him win the rings), you can't say he "would've been a top ten guy." Ask Malone, Stockton, and Barkley what elite talent without a team to win the title gets you. They'd be top all time possibly with a few rings, or at least in the discussion.
How old are you? Did you see Bernard King in his prime? Give him a full career and put him in a good organization -- not the Knicks or the Bullets -- and he could have been at least as good as three or four of the guys on your list.

I didn't, but I know a lot of people who did. None of them have ever mentioned Bernard King in anything close to a top whatever, even hypothetically.
Bernard King was a 6'7 wing, and for five seasons, shot 56% from the field.

To put that in perspective, everyone is going gaga over LeBron shooting 55% this year...King did that for FIVE YEARS
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I didn't, but I know a lot of people who did. None of them have ever mentioned Bernard King in anything close to a top whatever, even hypothetically.

Dominique Wilkins, who played with Magic, Bird, and Jordan, in their primes, said he feared only one man on a basketball court...

That was Bernard King.
King was probably in top two or three of best SEC players EVER--he was that good. In a class by himself. He's in the top 20 NBA all-time, but don't think he ever won a title, did he? I don't recall him being on many very good teams. You never quite get your due if you don't win titles, no matter how good you are. Explosive quickness and a deft shooting touching.
King was probably in top two or three of best SEC players EVER--he was that good. In a class by himself. He's in the top 20 NBA all-time, but don't think he ever won a title, did he? I don't recall him being on many very good teams. You never quite get your due if you don't win titles, no matter how good you are. Explosive quickness and a deft shooting touching.

class by himself. There was none in the sec better. Period.
Bernard King was a 6'7 wing, and for five seasons, shot 56% from the field.

To put that in perspective, everyone is going gaga over LeBron shooting 55% this year...King did that for FIVE YEARS

To put that in a better perspective, so did quite a few other small forwards in the 1980s. It was a different game back then, with quite a bit more scoring that what we see today. Adrian Dantley had the same averages, except Dantley did it at a higher volume. No one's comparing him to LeBron.

Not to mention the fact that there's more to basketball than scoring in the first place. What about King's defense? His rebounding?

I don't want to seem like I'm going out of my way to bash the guy, because he really does belong in the HOF, but when people are overrating his NBA career to obscene levels it's hard not to come across that way. He was not a top 10 player of all time, nor was he good enough to be one. Let's stop it before some UK fan stumbles upon this and mocks our homerism gone wild.
I didn't, but I know a lot of people who did. None of them have ever mentioned Bernard King in anything close to a top whatever, even hypothetically.

Of course they didn't. King's career was steamrolled by injuries and he played for garbage teams. Which is why I said "put him in a good organization." Go look at the list of all-time players you rattled off. Every one of them except for maybe Olajuwon played for world class organizations, Hall of Fame coaches. Bernard King in his prime was a rich man's Dominique Wilkens -- a great player mired on terrible teams, making him a sideshow. What does Kobe Bryant's career look like right now if he'd never been traded from the Hornets to the Lakers?
To put that in a better perspective, so did quite a few other small forwards in the 1980s. It was a different game back then, with quite a bit more scoring that what we see today. Adrian Dantley had the same averages, except Dantley did it at a higher volume. No one's comparing him to LeBron.

Not to mention the fact that there's more to basketball than scoring in the first place. What about King's defense? His rebounding?

I don't want to seem like I'm going out of my way to bash the guy, because he really does belong in the HOF, but when people are overrating his NBA career to obscene levels it's hard not to come across that way. He was not a top 10 player of all time, nor was he good enough to be one. Let's stop it before some UK fan stumbles upon this and mocks our homerism gone wild.

Bernard King was a better basketball player than anyone who's ever played for Kentucky.
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King was a great player, no doubt...but this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, Bird, Magic, Kareem, Wilt, Tim Duncan, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, Olajuwon - maybe that's not the top 10, but those 10 people exist, and King would have to be better than at least one of them. No chance.

How old are you? Did you see Bernard King in his prime? Give him a full career and put him in a good organization -- not the Knicks or the Bullets -- and he could have been at least as good as three or four of the guys on your list.

According to his profile, he's 21. Which means he never saw King play in a game ever. For you to try and compare King to anyone without ever even seeing the guy play is laughable.
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Bernard King is one of the greatest basketball players of all time period. Larry Bird said he was the best he ever played against and so did Domonique Wilkins. He was such a tremendous shooter and ran the floor on the fast break as well as anyone. What a privilege to seem him play at UT and then in the NBA. Finally getting his just due.
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