Republicans on Volnation.

You believe an airplane did not strike the pentagon on 09/11. Enough said.

WRONG, read the thread again! I believe a Boeing 757 did not strike the Pentagon. I guess because I dont tow the line when it comes to believing what im told by the government makes me unworthy to talk politics. Yeah dead on skippy! :shaking2:
WRONG, read the thread again! I believe a Boeing 757 did not strike the Pentagon. I guess because I dont tow the line when it comes to believing what im told by the government makes me unworthy to talk politics. Yeah dead on skippy! :shaking2:

I agree totally with what you said in the bold.
Why is it never the GOP's fault? :crazy: Damn they so are put down upon.

You tellin me that the oil execs who almost always financially back the candidates from the right cannot take a cut in profits so that ordinary drones like me and you can get gas cheaper at the tanks?

Come on, you think ExxonMobil and BP etc were pulling for Kerry in 04? gimme a break, stop shifting the blame away from the oilmen who run the country. Are you a Haslam by any chance? If so I want some free gas at Pilot!! :shades:

First, the price of oil has nothing to do with the oil companies, it's set in the open market. Also, do you know how much money must be invested by these companies to get and refine the oil for your use?

Second, since when is it a corporations job to take a cut in profits to make a consumer happy? Would your company do that? If mine did, I'd quit! Their only obligations are to their employees and shareholders. Yes I believe that is a good thing. Also, check their profit margins vs. their profit dollars. Many companies you visit on a daily basis turn a higher profit margin than the oil companies. It will make more sense if you don't get scared of the big numbers.

Third, gas is not a necessity. You may think it is but you will not die without it. Maybe a little discomfort but not death. You make a choice to buy gas or not, along with every other American. The only way you affect the corp. is to not buy their products.

If Kerry got into office the prices would be higher. His plans were to increase the tax on gas. If the Dems really cared as much as they claim on TV, they would call for a lowering of the gas tax. But I don't hear that suggestion coming from them, do you?

Unlike Communist or Socialist countries, the govt here has very little control on pricing and profits (except for necessities like bread or milk). It is a good thing. They will not step in and force a corp to lower their prices and they will not attempt to control the trading of a commodity like oil.

Damn Capitalists! :realmad:
umm.. wasnt kerry's plan to repeal the gas tax, i may be wrong but i am pretty sure that was a big thing
Not really, Kerry never met a tax he didn't like. He raised gas taxes w/ Clinton and voted against gas tax cuts by Repubs. He voted against a plan to suspend the gas tax before. He also endorsed the idea of increasing the gas tax $.50 per gallon.

Raising the gas tax would not be a bad thing if mixed in w/ an income tax cut but that was never offered in his plan that I remember.
Since I have came to America one of the most passionate discussions has been the ever increasing gas prices. I have heard many people I know in this area, most republicans, complain about the gas prices and what a strain on the budget it is, yet 75% of them would not vote a different way the next election. Why? cos I cant vote for a durn liberal, gimme a break![/quote]

This is an issue you are passionate about? Who is forcing you to buy this gas? Anyone determining how to vote by using the price of gas is truly lost in the political process.
Since I have came to America one of the most passionate discussions has been the ever increasing gas prices. I have heard many people I know in this area, most republicans, complain about the gas prices and what a strain on the budget it is, yet 75% of them would not vote a different way the next election. Why? cos I cant vote for a durn liberal, gimme a break![/quote]

This is an issue you are passionate about? Who is forcing you to buy this gas? Anyone determining how to vote by using the price of gas is truly lost in the political process.

Ballvol123 I dont complain about the gas prices, compared to where i come from it is still cheap. Great use of the bold function there, I applaud you!

My head is going to explode! :mf_surrender:

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