Rich? Convicted of Pesky Felonies? No Problem! Trump Will Pardon You.

Then look it up and tell us. But since you have already decided they were traitors compared to people like Flynn who is now making seditious statements regarding overturning a valid election, I'm sure you'll understand if I significantly discount your opinion.

So now advocating for overturning a valid election is sedition?
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The Geneva Convention isn't applicable. Try again.
Sorry, but I think the UN knows more about the applicability of the Geneva Convention than some wanna be Confederate soldier that anonymously posts on the internet from his double wide.
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Sorry, but I think the UN knows more about the applicability of the Geneva Convention than some wanna be Confederate soldier that anonymously posts on the internet from his double wide.

No, the UN does not. It has nothing to do with the Geneva Convention.
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More pardonpalooza in store

Read like a Who's Who list

Pirro? Any relation to the Fox idiot?

Also. Where are the wondertwins Eric and Junior? Surely they've done something garnering a pardon. If not, come on kiddos! Don't let daddy down!
Read like a Who's Who list

Pirro? Any relation to the Fox idiot?

Also. Where are the wondertwins Eric and Junior? Surely they've done something garnering a pardon. If not, come on kiddos! Don't let daddy down!
He's never loved them like he's loved Ivanka. Donny only shows true love when he wants to have sex with someone.
So now advocating for overturning a valid election is sedition?

When you're advocating that you and others march on the Capitol to disrupt, stop and overturn a valid election by force - yes, that smells like seditious behavior. One of those congressmen overtly stated that "kicking ass" was on the menu.

If the shoe were on the other foot and it was Obama calling on BLM or ANTIFA do the same, would you be questioning if it were sedition?
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Read like a Who's Who list

Pirro? Any relation to the Fox idiot?

Also. Where are the wondertwins Eric and Junior? Surely they've done something garnering a pardon. If not, come on kiddos! Don't let daddy down!
Ross Perot's oldest boy. Spells his name differently because he wanted to make it on his own.
When you're advocating that you and others march on the Capitol to disrupt, stop and overturn a valid election by force - yes, that smells like seditious behavior. One of those congressmen overtly stated that "kicking ass" was on the menu.

If the shoe were on the other foot and it was Obama calling on BLM or ANTIFA do the same, would you be questioning if it were sedition?

Exactly. If the Capitol were invaded by a bunch of black dudes wearing BLM, the resident rednecks here would be screaming bloody murder.

No matter. Their VN Trump bitches' overlord got the boot, and now we get to listen to them whine for the next 4+ years.
Exactly. If the Capitol were invaded by a bunch of black dudes wearing BLM, the resident rednecks here would be screaming bloody murder.

No matter. Their VN Trump bitches' overlord got the boot, and now we get to listen to them whine for the next 4+ years.
So basically just like the last four years, but different people whining. It's nice to change it up now and then.
It's the final Friday of the Trump presidency, and also the start of a 3 day weekend. So, it's the perfect day for an 8 pm news dump of pardons - if anymore are forthcoming, and they probably are. Will Trump issue a preemptive pardon for himself or his kids? Rudy Giuliani perhaps? This could be another interesting day.
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It's the final Friday of the Trump presidency, and also the start of a 3 day weekend. So, it's the perfect day for an 8 pm news dump of pardons - if anymore are forthcoming, and they probably are. Will Trump issue a preemptive pardon for himself or his kids? Rudy Giuliani perhaps? This could be another interesting day.
He needs to do the right thing and pardon assange and Snowden. Possibly file a couple more EO removing weed from schedule 1 and bringing troops home. Of course he was too stupid to realize things like that would have gotten him reelected but he still has time to do the right thing
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He needs to do the right thing and pardon assange and Snowden. Possibly file a couple more EO removing weed from schedule 1 and bringing troops home. Of course he was too stupid to realize things like that would have gotten him reelected but he still has time to do the right thing
I used to be against amnesty for Snowden until I found out that there is indeed a deep state 20210115_092352.jpg

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