Calipari still whipped Barnes like a red-headed stepchild and nothing you ever say will change that. As far as embarrassment, it's pretty embarrassing that our coach would pay an assistant out of pocket. What does that say about us? Poverty program under Barnes since he couldn't get the administration to step up and pay his folks? Seems strange that it would even be a concern, maybe there's more going on than we know.
As far as Googling Memphis, what did you expect? It was officially vacated, but if you look at the image I pulled from the NCAA site itself, there they are. It proves they still played and they won, but politics got in the way, so they took it away as punishment. Doesn't mean they didn't whip Barnes and everyone else except Kansas in overtime. I suppose I'm a bad person and will burn eternally because it doesn't particularly bother me.
I'll tell you this, I would rather see Barnes take our boys all the way and have it stripped than to always be a loser who couldn't get it done. Does having a title stripped because one player on your team had to fudge a little to pass the SAT diminish the accomplishment? In my opinion, heck no. Why do you think we have NIL at this point? Because they all do what they can to fudge as much as they can. To think otherwise is asinine.