This is JMHO and I'm sure it's going to irritate some of you, but you act like TN basketball was relevant before Bruce Pearl and it simply wasn't. He was TN basketball. People talk about building on what he did, but what he did pretty much walked out the door with him. Byrd may not be a home run, but he is a ground rule double. He has integrity, great tactician, teaches fundamentals. He may not take it to the next level, but I believe he could stop the bleeding. With Pearl's teams, I can't count the number of times that I thought TN would have won the game if they hit their free throws, or if we had a decent spot up shooter at the 2 guard, or a real point guard. Pearl's philosophy was to recruit the best athletes that he could an make them work together and the last few years, his teams didn't have that synergy. If you need a point guard, go get the best point guard available and coach him to be a better point guard, don't get a small forward that is willing to come to TN and try and make a point guard out of him. I think Byrd would be a very good hire, maybe a great one.