I'm really tired of this rectum and his comments. He calls out the fans every chance he gets. He has no idea what he's talking about. He doesn't know anything about what needs to be done for the direction of this program. He's played one half of football since he's been here and he thinks he knows all. He won't be here after this year so he just needs to shut his mouth. I don't want his Bama-lovin' brother either. Jimmy was on the sideline at the Bama game wearing a Bama shirt and hat cheering on the tide the whole time. Meanwhile his older brother is play QB for the other team. This family is phsyco and I'm tired of Daddy Clausen too.
I know, this is extreme, I've just been holding it in too long. Forgive me if you are pissed after reading this. :thefinger:
I know, this is extreme, I've just been holding it in too long. Forgive me if you are pissed after reading this. :thefinger: