Rick Perry Working Hard to Prop Up Coal....

Coal is essentially doomed as a source of energy production. We are in the midst of a renewal energy revolution. Solar power (including wind) is near the tipping point which will make it it the worlds most affordable energy source.

The article is correct and is typical Republican thinking. Consumers subsidizing coal producers would just put that money in the pockets of a few mine owners and do nothing to improve the lives of coal country residents. Extracting coal today is highly automated not labor intensive.

Of course all that money going to the mine owners and managers will trickle down, yeah sure it will. LOL LOL

Access Denied


Edit: Click on ACCESS DENIED and it will take your to the article by Morgan Stanley. I don't know why it posted like that.

Keep on dreaming buddy. This planet runs on fossil fuels. Our modern culture was built on it. You and the other mouth breathers have little to no clue what you are talking about. If you even understood the simplest things about manufacturing, the importance of coal and petroleum then you would understand just how stupid you look.
alt energy people seem to ignore that the current modern way of life is not compatible with alternative energy outputs.
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alt energy people seem to ignore that the current modern way of life is not compatible with alternative energy outputs.

It makes sense in a way. Progressives (biggest misnomer ever) in short, have ancient tribal beliefs on how modern society should function. Ironically, their "up is down" worldview also allows them to present themselves as the epitome of modern political thought.
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Lol, I see Perry is ignoring the conclusions of his own grid reliability study again.

Did anyone see where he recently argued fossil fuels are great because they prevent sexual assault?

That's because they provide people with jobs
This is just more evidence of what a completely foolish, stupid, hypocritical, aggressively backward administration we have. Sensible people think ahead; conservatives think behind. Alert us when the Trumpsters do something significant for American workers. Really the most embarrassingly bad administration in modern American history--and there's not a close second.
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The energy can be stored. It doesnt have to be sunny and windy all the time.

Stored?....How? With what battery system for millions of houses that the mining, production, and transportation costs, carbon footprint, and negative ecological footprint isn't monstrous.
This is just more evidence of what a completely foolish, stupid, hypocritical, aggressively backward administration we have. Sensible people think ahead; conservatives think behind. Alert us when the Trumpsters do something significant for American workers. Really the most embarrassingly bad administration in modern American history--and there's not a close second.

Still pissed you’re losing your welfare benefits huh 😂
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This is just more evidence of what a completely foolish, stupid, hypocritical, aggressively backward administration we have. Sensible people think ahead; conservatives think behind. Alert us when the Trumpsters do something significant for American workers. Really the most embarrassingly bad administration in modern American history--and there's not a close second.

Really??? Dems still think that Slavery is still law
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The US has the largest proven coal reserves in the world... almost twice as much as China. China has 3 or 4 times the coal production of the US. Democrat logic is that any US policy that supports the coal industry in any way is bad.
The US has the largest proven coal reserves in the world... almost twice as much as China. China has 3 or 4 times the coal production of the US. Democrat logic is that any US policy that supports the coal industry in any way is bad.

Natural gas is cheaper. They can mine the coal if they want and sell to china or whoever. You tout capitalism as the path to efficiency, innovation, and competition but yet you still want the government to make US policy that favors this antiquated industry.

Quite the 180 from your position on Net Neutrality.
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Natural gas is cheaper.
For now it is cheaper. Plus, we still have a few hairbrained neocons that think we ought to be shipping natural gas to Europe in order to cockblock Russia from serving it to them at a cheaper price and more reliably. That increase in demand would be just one thing that could spike prices.

They can mine the coal if they want and sell to china or whoever. You tout capitalism as the path to efficiency, innovation, and competition but yet you still want the government to make US policy that favors this antiquated industry.

The good news/bad news is that we do have clean coal scrubber technology, but it would cost as much as a nuclear plant to implement.
For now it is cheaper. Plus, we still have a few hairbrained neocons that think we ought to be shipping natural gas to Europe in order to cockblock Russia from serving it to them at a cheaper price and more reliably. That increase in demand would be just one thing that could spike prices.

The good news/bad news is that we do have clean coal scrubber technology, but it would cost as much as a nuclear plant to implement.

Since power plants are going to natural gas because of the market it could lead to advances in energy production technology that can take advantage of this abundant resource (coal) more efficiently. Not sure what % of American power comes from coal but it should still make up X% for energy diversity of our nation.
For now it is cheaper. Plus, we still have a few hairbrained neocons that think we ought to be shipping natural gas to Europe in order to cockblock Russia from serving it to them at a cheaper price and more reliably. That increase in demand would be just one thing that could spike prices.

The good news/bad news is that we do have clean coal scrubber technology, but it would cost as much as a nuclear plant to implement.

Dude, do you have any idea who developed the Russian oil and gas fields? Ran the pipelines and built their drilling rigs?
For now it is cheaper. Plus, we still have a few hairbrained neocons that think we ought to be shipping natural gas to Europe in order to cockblock Russia from serving it to them at a cheaper price and more reliably. That increase in demand would be just one thing that could spike prices.

The good news/bad news is that we do have clean coal scrubber technology, but it would cost as much as a nuclear plant to implement.

When you scrub coal you get coal sludge and end up with something like this:

The Martin County Coal Slurry Spill - YouTube
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