Riggs Thinking Heisman??

Originally posted by milohimself@Feb 18, 2005 9:21 PM
I don't know... I just can't picture Riggs as a Heisman contender. Just doesn't seem to add up to me. I think our offense will be too evenly spread-out, and Riggs doesn't quite have that spectacular ability to stand out like a potential Heisman winner. He is very good, though, and will still be in that upper echelon of runners next season.

Riggs seemed pretty spectacular to me against Auburn's defense in the SEC Championship game. :blink: 11 carries for 182 yards and 2 tds.

He followed that up with a solid outing in the bowl game with 18 carries for 102 yards and 1 td.

Its not often that the backup running back on a team will not only lead the team in rushing but have over 1,000 yards.

It has been shown over the past several seasons, that to even be mentioned for the Heisman as a running back.... he has to be in pursuit of 2,000 yards in a season.

I doubt that Riggs will win the Heisman, but I would never say that he won't outright. That is because he, along with the rest of the team, are talented enough for him to be able to rush for over 2,000 yards and the Vols to be undefeated at the end of the season. That would be the 2 things that I think would need to happen for him to be a Heisman contender.
I see it as more of a publicity thing. He did break the 1000 yard mark as a "part timer." No real media recognition. The stage for the Heisman will be set in the 1st couple of weeks of the season, as the media, and ESPN, in general promote the early candidates. From there, someone will have to greak into the circle. Since Riggs has not produced the marketable season prior to a trophy run season, his stats and team benefit will have to be unchallanged by all. By seasons end, he may be worthy, but probably would not get the votes. We would have to be in position for the NC for him to be seriously considered. His personal best goal should be that high though. And that goes for all the position players that have a chance to win recognition. Set your personal goals, then play team ball to help everyone achieve their personal and team best.
Originally posted by allvol@Feb 21, 2005 9:39 AM
Riggs seemed pretty spectacular to me against Auburn's defense in the SEC Championship game. :blink: 11 carries for 182 yards and 2 tds.

He followed that up with a solid outing in the bowl game with 18 carries for 102 yards and 1 td.

Its not often that the backup running back on a team will not only lead the team in rushing but have over 1,000 yards.

It has been shown over the past several seasons, that to even be mentioned for the Heisman as a running back.... he has to be in pursuit of 2,000 yards in a season.

I doubt that Riggs will win the Heisman, but I would never say that he won't outright. That is because he, along with the rest of the team, are talented enough for him to be able to rush for over 2,000 yards and the Vols to be undefeated at the end of the season. That would be the 2 things that I think would need to happen for him to be a Heisman contender.

Oh, like I've said, he will be good without a doubt. He will win games, but I don't see him making that jump to Heisman conention. He might, he might not. Either way he will do a lot of good things for us, and that's what matters most.
He might deserve the Heisman but we all know the num-nuts at ESPN will find some way to screw him out of it. (remember Peyton Manning?)

:gun: :machinegun: ESPN :finger: :censored: :furious3: :spank:
hey hey hey......screw the heisman. if he wins it i hope he tells them to shove it.

we want one trophy and that is the huge crystal football(national championship.)

f*** the heisman.
I don't think Riggs has the skill to be a true Heisman contender... He's not even the best in the country at his position.
Originally posted by milohimself@Feb 21, 2005 12:02 PM
Oh, like I've said, he will be good without a doubt. He will win games, but I don't see him making that jump to Heisman conention. He might, he might not. Either way he will do a lot of good things for us, and that's what matters most.


I have a hard time saying Riggs will be the best with guys like Adrian Peterson and Reggie Bush out there.
The Heisman is NOT given to the best player in the nation. If you look at the list of winners and the players behind them in the voting, no one in his right mind could say it was.
USC showed how to stop Peterson, so he may or may not have a great year. Same for Lienart. But none of this means sh*t when it comes to the Heisman.
Regardless, Riggs has the talent to be the best in the nation at his position. He was outstanding in the SECCG. If he makes the progress he made from two years ago to this year, he will be one of the best players in the nation. If he wants to go for it, great. As long as he keeps the team goal above his, then I say reach for the stars.
I haven't watched a single Heisman presentation since they screwed the best player in the nation for the nineties, let alone the year they screwed him out of it. I don't know if it is impossible for a TN player to win it, but regardless, if Riggs just puts up the numbers to win it, my feelings definitely won't be hurt if they don't give it to him. As far as I'm concerned, they can shove the d*mn thing up their *sses.
I am not sure that people didnt know how to stop Peterson....I think it was actually doing it that caused so many teams to struggle.

The BigXII is quite over-rated, imo.
Well, Jason White won't be back. Depending on how their new QB does, it might be easier to stop Peterson if they don't have to worry about the passing attack.
Peterson will have an average year. Just like sprolles did when Roberson left. can't do anything without a qb.
Stoops has had monster recruiting years.

OU will have someone decent to good behind center.
Yeah he did, but they won't have a QB as experienced as White when they play those "tough" Big 12 defenses..... :rolleyes:
Since 1935 when the Heisman was first awarded Tennessee has never won a Heisman Trophy. Despite finishing in the Top 10 (eight times), The Top 5 (five times), and lucky number 2( four times). I'm not saying that Riggs is the best player in the country, but we all know thats not what its about anyway. Tennessee is DUE! GO RIGGS!

Originally posted by SuperVol@Mar 28, 2005 7:25 PM
Since 1935 when the Heisman was first awarded Tennessee has never won a Heisman Trophy. Despite finishing in the Top 10 (eight times), The Top 5 (five times), and lucky number 2( four times). I'm not saying that Riggs is the best player in the country, but we all know thats not what its about anyway. Tennessee is DUE! GO RIGGS!

That is just crazy isn't it? You think of all the great players that have come through Tennessee...It is actually mind boggling. :blink:

I hope that Riggs gets it and then gives it back them....
He has no chance of winning the Heisman. If Manning can't win it, then no Tennessee player can.
Originally posted by vols2345@Mar 28, 2005 8:03 PM
He has no chance of winning the Heisman. If Manning can't win it, then no Tennessee player can.

If Jason White can win it, he sure as hell can
I'm for quitting the "Heistman" talk and worry instead about playing as a team and contending for the NC. To be honest, I could give a flip about individual awards. Anyway, Fulmer's style is to rotate the backs (provided we have some depth, which we do. . .) and I can't imagine Riggs nearing 2,000 yards this year. I'd take 1300-1400 and a bunch of TD's.

Oh, and "Ainge for Heisman"?????? :wacko: He might not even be our starter! (WAIT, WAIT!!! HOLD ON. . . . .NO MORE QB CONTROVERSY DISCUSSION!)

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