RIP Pat Robertson

EL continues to be a giant doosh factory.
Hey, I'm sending my thoughts and prayers. Do you think I'm being disingenuous? I'm being just as honest as Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley when they send out their thoughts and prayers to mass shooting victims.
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Hey, I'm sending my thoughts and prayers. Do you think I'm being disingenuous? I'm being just as honest as Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley when they send out their thoughts and prayers to mass shooting victims.
Didn't your savior the Chosen One Obama once say on a "hot mic" go tell Putin that he (Obama) will have more flexibility to do his (Putin) bidding once after the U.S.A election?

Yup. The Russia bashing became the new thing only once it could be used to bash Donald Trump. It wasn’t that long ago that Obama was coddling Putin’s sack and anyone who still thought Russia remained a geopolitical threat was an ignorant rube stuck in the 1980’s.
Yup. The Russia bashing became the new thing only once it could be used to bash Donald Trump. It wasn’t that long ago that Obama was coddling Putin’s sack and anyone who still thought Russia remained a geopolitical threat was an ignorant rube stuck in the 1980’s.

What does this have to do with Robertson? I don't recall Obama openly and repeatedly praising Putin, or wanting to get his permission to open a hotel in Moscow, or suggesting that NATO should be broken up, or insisting that no note-taker be present when he spoke with the war criminal, or standing up at a summit press conference and taking Putin's side on Russian interference in the '16 election over the well-founded conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies. But a good try....

As for Robertson, christians were fond of him, of course--but he said a lot of crazy things over the years. He once blamed gay people for earthquakes and other natural disasters--doh!
What does this have to do with Robertson? I don't recall Obama openly and repeatedly praising Putin, or wanting to get his permission to open a hotel in Moscow, or suggesting that NATO should be broken up, or insisting that no note-taker be present when he spoke with the war criminal, or standing up at a summit press conference and taking Putin's side on Russian interference in the '16 election over the well-founded conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies. But a good try....

As for Robertson, christians were fond of him, of course--but he said a lot of crazy things over the years. He once blamed gay people for earthquakes and other natural disasters--doh!

It doesn’t have anything to do with Pat Robertson.

I just like to point out how disingenuous the Russia talk is from many Democrats. Because you’re mostly Johnny come latelys. You know it too.

The Obama admin spent almost 8 years stroking Putin. From defending them against obvious claims they are a geopolitical foe, to spending a lot of energy “resetting” relations, and even the famous “I’ll have more flexibility after the election.” To which the response was “Yes, i will transmit the message to Vladimir.” why do you think he wanted to wait until after the election to be flexible?

i like to remind people of it because Democrats conveniently forget. I bet you also smugly mocked Romney for suggesting Russia was a foe. That’s why you respond with the muh Trump. 🤣🤣

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