RIP Pat Robertson

Hey, I'm sending my thoughts and prayers. Do you think I'm being disingenuous? I'm being just as honest as Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley when they send out their thoughts and prayers to mass shooting victims.

Lying about mass shootings is a sin.
An evangelical Christian is a scumbag? For having some beliefs that are extreme?

Now do the Qur’an believers.
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What does this have to do with Robertson? I don't recall Obama openly and repeatedly praising Putin, or wanting to get his permission to open a hotel in Moscow, or suggesting that NATO should be broken up, or insisting that no note-taker be present when he spoke with the war criminal, or standing up at a summit press conference and taking Putin's side on Russian interference in the '16 election over the well-founded conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies. But a good try....

As for Robertson, christians were fond of him, of course--but he said a lot of crazy things over the years. He once blamed gay people for earthquakes and other natural disasters--doh!
Russia Russia Russia….. all while your demented pants 💩er is in bed with the chicoms… the worst of the worst.
EL is extending more respect to Pat Robertson than many of the posts after RBG's death. Some pretty vile stuff got deleted in that one.
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Happy for him since he’ll no longer have to watch the godless leftist filth destroy this once great Christian nation.

When was it a "great Christian nation?" There was about 10 minutes of time between civil rights and the explosion of the wars on drugs and poverty, and the likes of Pat weren't happy then, either.

Please give an answer
RBG: “kill them babies”

Pat: “repent or Jesus is gonna get you”

RBG directly enabled her position. Pat preached about his.

Which one is the POS?
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When was it a "great Christian nation?" There was about 10 minutes of time between civil rights and the explosion of the wars on drugs and poverty, and the likes of Pat weren't happy then, either.

Please give an answer

You missed it likely because you were stoned, drunk, and/or attending a black panther rally.
When was it a "great Christian nation?" There was about 10 minutes of time between civil rights and the explosion of the wars on drugs and poverty, and the likes of Pat weren't happy then, either.

Please give an answer

The country has always been based on Christian principles. It was when we fought Nazis, communists, and even against slavery.

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