RIP Phil Valentine

From reading the article, it appears he didn't get vaccinated. I personally don't care if he did or didn't, everyone gets to make their choice.
That was his stance on his show. He wasn’t an anti-vaxxer, but believed people should make their own choice and that high risk individuals should get vaccinated. I’m sure the media will paint a different picture when reporting his death. They’ll paint him as anti-vax. I listened to him most days on my way home from work and heard his stance numerous times.
Wonder how often he either called COVID a hoax or said he didn't trust the vaccine on his show.

OMG, this is just awful. I knew he was battling and was on life support. They've been askibg for prayers and said it would take a miracle. I always listened to him. He was funny, caring and knowledgeable. I listen to all those guys. I know they are hurting. He felt like family bringing the news to me. He is one of the reasons I am now a conservative.

My heart goes out to the family. I'm saddened by this news.
Sounds like he had a lot of regret over whatever anti-vax message he had been spreading while he was on his deathbed.

He did but he never told anyone not to get it. He decided not to get it because he felt he was healthy and had no underlying issues. I think he got the delta variant possibly from his son.

As someone else said, this virus that has come out of China is wrecking havoc on the world. There should be senate hearings on this and China should pay dearly in some way. We don't hear a dammnn thing about an investigation anymore.

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