RIP Phil Valentine

He did but he never told anyone not to get it. He decided not to get it because he felt he was healthy and had no underlying issues. I think he got the delta variant possibly from his son.

As someone else said, this virus that has come out of China is wrecking havoc on the world
. There should be senate hearings on this and China should pay dearly in some way. We don't hear a dammnn thing about an investigation anymore.
Getting vaccinated will stop it.
He did but he never told anyone not to get it. He decided not to get it because he felt he was healthy and had no underlying issues. I think he got the delta variant possibly from his son.

As someone else said, this virus that has come out of China is wrecking havoc on the world. There should be senate hearings on this and China should pay dearly in some way. We don't hear a dammnn thing about an investigation anymore.

The Democrats have already shown that they are cowards in investigating the virus.
They know China is their sugar-daddy & they certainly don't won't to upset the money cart.
Getting vaccinated will stop it.

The vaccination doesn't stop you from getting covid. It stops you from dying. This is a mutating virus as viruses do. They created a problem and some wonder if it was a biological weapon. It is now thought to have been known about as early as September 2019 and they kept ot hidden then let it get out.
The vaccination doesn't stop you from getting covid. It stops you from dying. This is a mutating virus as viruses do. They created a problem and some wonder if it was a biological weapon. It is now thought to have been known about as early as September 2019 and they kept ot hidden then let it get out.

If you are vaccinated, it is very unlikely you get COVID or experience symptoms if you do. As you pointed out, the vaccine pretty much prevents death from COVID.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here, other than China bad. The one thing everyone can do is get vaccinated. It's safe, effective, and free.
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If you are vaccinated, it is very unlikely you get COVID or experience symptoms if you do. As you pointed out, the vaccine pretty much prevents death from COVID.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here, other than China bad. The one thing everyone can do is get vaccinated. It's safe, effective, and free.

Are you a doctor now on a mission or just loony Joe Biden's mouth piece?
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This is not the argument you seem to think it is.

I'm not sure what argument you are referring to, I'm just saying getting vaccinated will help but everyone can't get the shot for various reasons. This virus keeps changing as evidence of people needing boosters.

He clearly got the short end of the stick. It's sad regardless. Along with the news of Floyd Reese.

I think yesterday was Phil and his wife Susan's wedding anniversary. Admittedly he had me laughing every Friday with a top of the hour funny jingle he used to do. He was a very good talent and community person.
If you are vaccinated, it is very unlikely you get COVID or experience symptoms if you do. As you pointed out, the vaccine pretty much prevents death from COVID.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here, other than China bad. The one thing everyone can do is get vaccinated. It's safe, effective, and free.

My point is on any problem is you identify the root cause. It is neither here nor there related to these deaths, but do you think China is good?
The vaccination doesn't stop you from getting covid. It stops you from dying. This is a mutating virus as viruses do. They created a problem and some wonder if it was a biological weapon. It is now thought to have been known about as early as September 2019 and they kept ot hidden then let it get out.
Some evidence it came from gain of function research that we were throwing money at as well. If so we are equally to blame and potentially why we aren't demanding anything
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Are you a doctor now on a mission or just loony Joe Biden's mouth piece?
No, I listen to the CDC mainly and other recognized experts in the field of virology.

It's worked out great for me so far, I've never gotten COVID, am fully vaccinated, and am living life as normal.

How'd it go for Phil?
No, I listen to the CDC mainly and other recognized experts in the field of virology.

It's worked out great for me so far, I've never gotten COVID, am fully vaccinated, and am living life as normal.

How'd it go for Phil?

You gonna get that "booster shot" as well now that the other two shots are weak as hell?
No, I listen to the CDC mainly and other recognized experts in the field of virology.

It's worked out great for me so far, I've never gotten COVID, am fully vaccinated, and am living life as normal.

How'd it go for Phil?

You sound like a pretty sick individual. Most sanctimonious progressives are.

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