For the past six months or so, I’ve gone back to “turn of the century”browsing habits. I’m bookmarking good anuthors and checking in once a week or so with blogs like Scotusblog and Lost Art Press. I’ll probably buy an online subscription to the local paper for news and maybe NYT or WSJ, or some other national news agency, although that will probably be a trial and error process.
There are some drawbacks. I am probably missing out on some thought-provoking pieces just because I don’t have a stream of recommendations from people I follow on social media, but on balance I think that this is actually a better way. I don’t see much trash at all, I control whether I see outrage commentary or misrepresentations of either side on any specific issue. I’m not subject to some algorithm.
I used to value a broad range of takes on a specific issue, but there are just too many providers relative to the quantity of important events and many are distinguishing themselves in the area of sensationalist analysis, rather than accuracy on the facts. I’m interested in exploring whether choosing one to two trustworthy sources and sticking with them is a better model.