Rivals Calls Him



The Minister of Defense
Apr 29, 2006
a Super Sleeper and has some video, has anyone seen it?

Tennessee took a couple of surprise commitments in the 2007 class, and one of those came down in the fall when Virginia linebacker Savion Frazier gave the Vols a verbal. Check out senior video footage of Frazier in action today from the Rivals.com video vault.
Savion has been a 4* on Scout for some time now. IMO Scout does a little better job of rating players based on on-the-field performance while Rivals over-emphasizes the numbers that guys put up in camps.
Frazier is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. He could have played at a number of D1 schools, but chose us. THANK YOU SAVION FRAZIER.
I read somewhere that he scored the highest in Va on a quickness test.

I'd love to see the Vols make him a safety. They need to find a hammer back there.
rivals has proven much more reliable in its star ratings based on college career production per player.... i wish i could show you the stat sheet... it's somewhere out there on the internet if you google it... but rivals stars have a much higher correlation to college success than do scout stars. brian at mgoblog.blogspot.com also did a study of this months back if you want to check his archives.
imagine that, a ND chump being arrogent and sarcastic. I forgive you buddy because I know you simply bitter over all the bearded women undergrads at ND.
i'm not being arrogant and sarcastic... i am stating facts. rickbol was the one that got chippy and i quoted the source that led to my post -- since when does showing someone that they are wrong dictate arrogance?

why do you always bash the women at notre dame? it's not like i care... i'm married to a beautiful woman. have you ever stepped foot on campus to even truly see the girls that go to notre dame? doubtful. regardless if they have a beard or not, they are still a step up from the girl in your avatar, so i wouldn't be so prejudice if i were you.
wow, so you want to get personal and attack my girfriend? I just love guys like you, so willing to make comments from behind a keyboard that you would never make to my face. My sincere desire is meet you in person some day.
i didn't know she was your girlfriend... so i didn't know that i was attacking your girlfriend. i was just stating the obvious. why make fun of girls that you have never met when you are displaying an unattractive girl on your avatar? seems hypocritical to me -- don't dish it if you can't take it. your e-threats are ridiculous.
i'm not being arrogant and sarcastic... i am stating facts. rickbol was the one that got chippy and i quoted the source that led to my post -- since when does showing someone that they are wrong dictate arrogance?

why do you always bash the women at notre dame? it's not like i care... i'm married to a beautiful woman. have you ever stepped foot on campus to even truly see the girls that go to notre dame? doubtful. regardless if they have a beard or not, they are still a step up from the girl in your avatar, so i wouldn't be so prejudice if i were you.

I can't speak for rex, domer, but i have stepped on notre dame's campus and seen the women, and everything said about them on this board is true.

I went to south bend for the UT/ND game in 2002? (we won, whatever year it was), and even the ND undergrads were commenting about how better looking the UT girls were. I'm not hating on ND in general, but there isn't much of a good argument for you as far as a comparison of females.
listen guy, why are you even here, on this board, i have been to South Bend, the girls are silverbacks, yes e-threats are funny, but no worse than you and your mouth. what I do know, is that my sincere fervent hope is to meet you in person. I can just tell that you're a little weasel, why else would you troll this board to begin with? Being a gracious southern gentleman I'll leave your wife out of this.
i'm not saying the ND girls are the most beautiful in the land... they aren't, but every school has a diversity. the UT/ND game was in 2001, btw. you said i didn't have a good argument for comparing UT girls to ND girls... i didn't ever make an argument, so you are correct. Not once did I compare ND girls to UT girls.

I was simply commenting how ironic it was that rex bashes ND girls constantly yet has an ugly girl as his avatar. it turned out to be his girlfriend, which is even more ironic to me.
i'm not saying the ND girls are the most beautiful in the land... they aren't, but every school has a diversity. the UT/ND game was in 2001, btw. you said i didn't have a good argument for comparing UT girls to ND girls... i didn't ever make an argument, so you are correct. Not once did I compare ND girls to UT girls.

I was simply commenting how ironic it was that rex bashes ND girls constantly yet has an ugly girl as his avatar. it turned out to be his girlfriend, which is even more ironic to me.

I think you're getting a little personal with rex, partner. Let's be nice.
listen guy, why are you even here, on this board, i have been to South Bend, the girls are silverbacks, yes e-threats are funny, but no worse than you and your mouth. what I do know, is that my sincere fervent hope is to meet you in person. I can just tell that you're a little weasel, why else would you troll this board to begin with? Being a gracious southern gentleman I'll leave your wife out of this.

i'm not trolling. i'm not starting fights. you throw the first stone, so i throw stones back. i dont initiate any fights on this board, which, in essence, is trolling. i disagree with opinions and state my own -- im not a "troll" because it is different than yours. again you start with the e-threats. you have a very judgemental mouth on you, so for you to criticize me is asinine and hypocritical. you post more condescending posts about other people than anyone else on this board -- so when you get attacked, you really have no "high road" to take as you convey. btw, southern gentlemen don't ridicule people about their weight and appearances, so you lost that title long ago. at least i dont claim to be something i am not.
i'm not trolling. i'm not starting fights. you throw the first stone, so i throw stones back. i dont initiate any fights on this board, which, in essence, is trolling. i disagree with opinions and state my own -- im not a "troll" because it is different than yours. again you start with the e-threats. you have a very judgemental mouth on you, so for you to criticize me is asinine and hypocritical. you post more condescending posts about other people than anyone else on this board -- so when you get attacked, you really have no "high road" to take as you convey. btw, southern gentlemen don't ridicule people about their weight and appearances, so you lost that title long ago. at least i dont claim to be something i am not.

what you seem to forget is that is a TENNESSEE BOARD. Yes I have had fun with your sloppy man boob coach and yes I have poked fun at your baboon women, but come on, did you really take offense at that. You chose to stoop to a personal level and continue to attack my girlfriend who is simply beautiful. I came very close to saying some things about your wife, but I just cant bring myself to stoop to your level. As far as claiming to be something your not, well, you seem to claim to be a man, which I can tell you certainly are not. I suspect that your bitterness stems from being surrounded by so many hunchback women.
you didn't stop to think for one minute that I have close friends that are girls that attend notre dame? just because you don't know them doesn't make it "not-personal". i didn't know that was your girlfriend... i have stated this multiple times. i have seen you post 3 different girls in avatars since i joined this board... how was i supposed to know that the third one happened to be your girlfriend? and yeah, it gets tiring hearing you bash ND girls whom you have never seen -- it seems a majority of your posts are about ND girls being hairy and Charlie Weis being fat. you continue to bash the ND women and you are trying to justify yourself? okay. my bitterness stems from your constant thrashing of people whom you know nothing about to simply make yourself feel better or more superior. you haven't seen pics of my wife... if you did, you would have nothing to say -- of that i am certain.

so, in conclusion, i will state again: i was not certain that the girl in your avatar was your girlfriend... no more certain than i was about the other three. an admin PM'ed, telling me that he THOUGHT it was your g/f, but there was no confirmation... i am sorry that i offended you. i hope that you realize that you offended me too, so that way we can call it even, forget about taking underminding shots at each other and move on.

rex, i hope you take my sincere apology. you will not find me making fun of your girlfriend again -- my intentions were not to offend you, only to point out how you were being hypocritical. my wishes are that you realize the same so we can quit the meaningless fighting.
I accept your apology in much the same manner I forgive an infant for their temper tantrums, they just dont know any better. You cant really help who you are, can you? What I really want you to realize, really grasp, is that this is a TENNESSEE BOARD. I didnt go to a ND msg brd and make fun of your hunchback women, no, I did it on a TENNESSEE BOARD. If you want to take offense at me poking fun at ND, go somewhere else.
okay, well i am glad that you forgave me, regardless of your premise. i disagree with the fact that you are justified in demolishing someone b/c you aren't around their people... the only difference between what we did is that i was around "you" (aka "your people" or "ND msg board") when i wrote it -- location should not dictate manners, as that is equivalent to being "two-faced". if you are polite to someone to their face, you should be polite behind their back. conversely, if you are polite to someone's face but rude behind their back, not only do you disrespect that person, but you are also wound up in deception. it's really a matter of how you look at it, and our opinions differ, as it appears that you are justified in slamming someone as long as they don't know about it.

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