Firstly, you're confusing. You say that it has nothing to do with what he wouldn't done. Then, you say, "Coaches would recruit saying, see, 'Patrick Turner, if he had come to UT, would have been the difference' (in what?). Now, if they say that, what is the kid going to think? "Wow, if I choose another university over Tennessee, my talents won't be utilized and I'll become worthless." No. It's all about the guy's hard work, self-confidence, dedication, and ability at the position. Regardless of the University the player chooses, if he excels at the attributes I listed, he will most likely become worthy of the starting position.
Do honestly think the coaches would play that as a recruiting card? That's a weak one, if so. I strongly believe they know what they're doing, when it comes to recruiting. Again, Wilks or anyone for that matter doesn't know the productivity Warren or Turner could have included in the current offense, so it makes the statement irrelevant. These recruits aren't stupid, they've and will be pitched a lot of recruiting cards. Many, I believe, of which will be ignored or disregarded as actual advice. The best thing for the kids to do is follow their instincts. If they feel this University is right for them, then so be it. I'm sure they've been told not to let the coaches feed the propaganda which their University (albeit, University could be substituted for coaches) may provide. The best thing for the recruits to do is get to the bottom of what the coaches or University is offering. Mostly by asking numerous question, this in return, would be backing up or degrading what the coaches said to them. So the recruits would then see if the recruiting cards that the coaches or University pitched at them would be irrefutable (i.e, find out if they would actually hold a starting position) . It's all in the recruiting game, you see.