Rod Wilks stands out at Elite Camp..............

Well, our coaches have been known to be very down to earth and honest with recruits.
I was more focused in on the making sure part where we let him know how much we want/need him at UT.I know Coach Fulmer has visited his school and Cut saw the state championship game last year.
I wonder if he will be on the rivals250 because I didn't see him listed on the rivals100.
Wasn't there a rumor about Wilks committing to us a few months ago? This is definitely a guy I want at UT--He's worth the risk.
I was wondering that earlier. Maybe because Warren is transferring back and Patrick Turner hasn't really done anything yet. Although, this is his year to prove how talented he really is.
Just imagine if we had gotten both Turner and Warren. What an offense we would have had last year.
Turner would've been the number 2 reciever last year.

You make it seem as if it's a fact. The point is, Turner didn't go to UT and that's final. Warren, on the other hand, might be able to make a difference here at UT. I'm not even sure why you included him, given you don't know the difference in which he could have provided in our offensive productivity.
You make it seem as if it's a fact. The point is, Turner didn't go to UT and that's final. Warren, on the other hand, might be able to make a difference here at UT. I'm not even sure why you included him, given you don't know the difference in our offensive productivity he could have provided.

this has nothing to do with what he wouldve done:eek:nly to do with what the coaches wouldve told Wilks. Coaches would recruit saying see Patrick Turner, if he had come to UT he would've been the difference. You could be the difference if you come to UT. Make sense now?
Firstly, you're confusing. You say that it has nothing to do with what he wouldn't done. Then, you say, "Coaches would recruit saying, see, 'Patrick Turner, if he had come to UT, would have been the difference' (in what?). Now, if they say that, what is the kid going to think? "Wow, if I choose another university over Tennessee, my talents won't be utilized and I'll become worthless." No. It's all about the guy's hard work, self-confidence, dedication, and ability at the position. Regardless of the University the player chooses, if he excels at the attributes I listed, he will most likely become worthy of the starting position.

Do honestly think the coaches would play that as a recruiting card? That's a weak one, if so. I strongly believe they know what they're doing, when it comes to recruiting. Again, Wilks or anyone for that matter doesn't know the productivity Warren or Turner could have included in the current offense, so it makes the statement irrelevant. These recruits aren't stupid, they've and will be pitched a lot of recruiting cards. Many, I believe, of which will be ignored or disregarded as actual advice. The best thing for the kids to do is follow their instincts. If they feel this University is right for them, then so be it. I'm sure they've been told not to let the coaches feed the propaganda which their University (albeit, University could be substituted for coaches) may provide. The best thing for the recruits to do is get to the bottom of what the coaches or University is offering. Mostly by asking numerous question, this in return, would be backing up or degrading what the coaches said to them. So the recruits would then see if the recruiting cards that the coaches or University pitched at them would be irrefutable (i.e, find out if they would actually hold a starting position) . It's all in the recruiting game, you see.
That's something you can't prove and is obviously an opinion. - Not a fact.

No one knows (for sure) if he would have been better off here. So, what are you getting at?
He is facing going the next two years without playing football to end up playing at UT vs. playing at UT right out of high schoo. That is not opinion, but fact. Its not a stretch to make the argument that Warren would have been better off to go to UT right out of high school. Thats obvious.
Turner would've been the number 2 reciever last year.
On a mediocre team, that played in a meaningless bowl game, in the 8,779th largest media market in the country, and for a program that hasn't produced any wide receivers of real NFL relevance since Carl Pickens and Alvin Harper. I'd say he's quite content in L.A..
patrick turner is probably going to have a huge year this year at USC
On a team that will contend for the national title, play in a BCS bowl, in the 2nd largest media market in the country, for a program that has been filling the NFL with wide receivers drafted on the first day for the better part of 15 years.
He is facing going the next two years without playing football to end up playing at UT vs. playing at UT right out of high schoo. That is not opinion, but fact. Its not a stretch to make the argument that Warren would have been better off to go to UT right out of high school. Thats obvious.

I'm not so sure Patrick Turner would be better off going to UT. He's next in line to be USC's WR drafted in the first round. He'll be playing in a high-octane offense with a good QB against weak defenses. And no, I highly doubt Patrick Turner would have been #2 last year. #3 maybe, but that's it. He'd have a great shot at being #1 this year, but he'll be the number one for USC next year, so not much difference there. Overall, I think he made a smart move. He's already got two championships, played for a NC, and will more than likely play for another one. Considering all that, I think he made a fine choice. Personally, if I wasn't a huge fan of UT, deciding between UT and USC wouldn't take me 2 seconds.
He is facing going the next two years without playing football to end up playing at UT vs. playing at UT right out of high schoo. That is not opinion, but fact. Its not a stretch to make the argument that Warren would have been better off to go to UT right out of high school. Thats obvious.

I went a little too far into my point, but the fact still remains the same. No one knows for sure whether he would have better here or not. It's a bit far-fetched when someone says, "no ifs or buts about it."

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