Ron Paul Can't Win

The black shoe/white socks look ought to play well in Florida.

I don't disagree. The irony is that the country needs to be shaken up and given a dose of reality (his or someone else's) but at the same time given the frailty of the economy no one wants to roll the dice.

It's always a roll of the dice. Obama just said let it ride when it came to most of Bush's bad economic 'fixes'.

On second thought, he said Double Down.
He can't win.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I agree and it makes me sad. Since the average voter has about as much interest in educating himself as my dog does, then they can't understand why he is right. All they know is that the MSM on both sides keep calling him crazy, lunatic, idiotic, insane, extreme, etc. That is all they know about the man and that is all they will bother to learn.

That is why he can energize all those people who bother to educate themselves and it ends with them. You have to be able to motivate the morons to win an election.
What's interesting is so many people agree with fiscal responsibility and social freedom*, they just don't know anybody is offering that. They get scared away from the message for its "lunacy" before they even hear it.

*Libertarians are either conservatives that smoke pot or liberals that can balance a check book.

hhmmmmmmm........what if that doesnt describe oe.........why is oe libertarian?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Good article from: The Ron Paul Solution by Brian Wilson

Dealing daily with the bi-polar manic-depressive ADD schizophrenia of the American Electorate is driving me bats**t crazy!

Here is the narrative of the AAV (Average American Voter):

"I am tired of BOTH parties. I am tired of Professional Politicians. I am tired of the Washington ‘Inside-The-Beltway’ mentality. I’ve had it with Politics As Usual. I am done with the DC Double Standard: Elected Officials and their Buds break laws with impunity while Big Brother and Big Nanny micro-manage everything I do. I want to left alone. I want Washington out of my office, car, bank account, wallet, kid’s school, kitchen, bedroom and hobbies. I want the TSA to keep their grubby mitts off me. I want Government to get out of the way and let the Free Market do its thing. I’ve had it with the illegal wars, smothered economy and the Entitlement Mentality. I want a President who will stand on principle, not K Street and won’t run off to bomb some dictator with a funny hat; who will actually "…to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." And I don’t care what Party he or she belongs to."

Well…..Sound like any one of the current crop of candidates???

"Mitt Romney has nice hair. And Gov. Perry has "swagger"! And Michelle Bachman is a hottie (in a proper Christian kinda way). Oh – and Ron Paul is an unelectable wacky uncle."

This from the same AAV plaintively wailing about the status quo. To borrow a phrase: Haul out the duct tape!

As my friend Walter Williams says, "Let’s look at it."


To put it delicately: Bullsh*t. He’s been elected and re-elected and re-elected Congressman from Texas 22nd District. Is there something strange and unique about the 22nd District that would somehow preclude his "electability" as President? Apparently a majority his constituents are happy with "Dr. No" and his record of voting "No" for any/all bills lacking Constitutional authority. What a concept! Or do we conclude if enough chuckleheads repeat the word enough, the polls will reverse and his growing – but somehow inexplicable – popularity will stop embarrassing FOX News & Co.?

"Nukes for Iran!"

Actually not. If one reviews the first debate and subsequent comments, Dr. Paul emphasized he was against Iran having nukes. Hell, he’s against everyone having nukes. He explained how Iran didn’t have any and, even if they did, they have no means – even gasoline – to deliver it. Then he mentioned the inconvenient truth of the "Sovereign Nation." Whoa! No snappy come-backs for that one (unless the Respondent owns the Tyranny franchise for the entire United States). Then "our sovereignty is better than your sovereignty" is a snappy one-liner infinitely less threatening than the old "Bombs Away!" enjoyed recently by the innocents in Iraq and currently those in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya.

Eliminate Social Security, Medicare, FEMA, and EPA, Depts. of Education, Agriculture, and Energy etc.

At the risk of Choir Preaching, Candidate Paul has stated repeatedly: Yes, these socialist programs and alphabet soup agencies have no Constitutional sanction but realistically, they cannot be dismantled overnight. How "wacky" is that? But looky here! Freedom, Liberty and Individual Responsibility have better, more successful ways of providing excellent results without the government waste, fraud and dependency. The boondoggles that are the by-products of these extra-Constitutional excursions into unauthorized largess and Machiavellian altruism have brought America to the brink of financial and societal implosion. No one who understands the severity of the problem can argue successfully – or morally – for the status quo. No doubt you’ve heard the punditry saying "It’s simply not sustainable."

Amen. The Choir may be seated.

Wacky etc.

Finally, let’s do away with the ad homonyms: "wacky uncle," crackpot, insane, too old, not a Republican/really Libertarian, "foreign policy," ad ridiculum. Ask yourself – or the person who claims to believe that tripe: what is wrong with a constitutionally obedient government? As noted in my previous LRC piece, the "Kimber Basketball Game" wager, without The Rules, anarchy and tyranny, socialism, communism, fascism, collectivism and Ism-ism stand at the door. Some of their body parts are already inside doing unspeakable things to Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam. Those who lob the ad homonym stink bombs are those who refuse to comprehend the Constitutional cure for the Welfare/Warfare State.

Like analogies? Similes? Metaphors? Parables? I do, too. They simplify things and put them into bite-size easily digestible nuggets of fact.

Take my old one about the Two Cars:

Before you are 2 cars. Same make, model, equipment. Different colors. The Blue car – with a big D on the hood – is being driven by our current President Zero. The Red one – with the big R on the hood – will be driven by Perry, Romney, Bachman or some other late-comer the Media Moguls will anoint and appoint as the Designated Driver.

Here is what’s going to happen: Prez Zero is going to drive the Blue "D" car at 150MPH into that large brick wall just over yonder. Upon impact, there will be a big explosion; he will die a fiery, gooey death. And so will America.

Whomever the MM’s eventually designate – Perry, Romney, Bachman, Palin (?) – will drive the Red "R" car at 102MPH into the same brick wall with the same unsightly and terminal results.

By your support and vote, you select in which car you will ride.

OK? Choose…….

What’s that? Not much of a choice? You die either way?? Well…that’s exactly right!

Not much of "choice," is it??

But wait!

Wanna know a secret?

There’s a third car! It’s being driven by that "wacky uncle," Ron Paul. It’s going to go 200MPH – but not toward that brick wall. Paul’s "car" is heading in the opposite direction – toward Freedomville and Liberty Town and Free Market City where the Government leaves you alone, stays out of your way and your life. You keep more of what you’ve worked your butt of for! There are no illegal, immoral, expensive wars! America is secure at home enjoying trade and commerce with friends and neighbors. The government obeys its Constitutional restraints. Markets flourish! Business explodes! Employment soars! Political Correctness is banished to a small un-named atoll somewhere in the Aleutians!

Still think that "wacky" guy is "unelectable"? Or are you ready to buckle up in the hot Blue "D" car? Or would you prefer something in a fiery Red?
Ron Paul will never be elected. I believe the reason is because there are a lot of people that say they are libertarian but they don't vote that way or support Libertarian candidates. The vast majority of these folks fall for the same crap most other voters fall for; smooth talking. I am not a Ron Paul supporter, however I do respect the man for speaking his mind and being less likely to play the political game.
This point ignores reality:


To put it delicately: Bullsh*t. He’s been elected and re-elected and re-elected Congressman from Texas 22nd District. Is there something strange and unique about the 22nd District that would somehow preclude his "electability" as President? Apparently a majority his constituents are happy with "Dr. No" and his record of voting "No" for any/all bills lacking Constitutional authority. What a concept! Or do we conclude if enough chuckleheads repeat the word enough, the polls will reverse and his growing – but somehow inexplicable – popularity will stop embarrassing FOX News & Co.?

Maxine Waters is elected, over and over again, by her district. Is she electable in a run for POTUS? Not no, but HELL no.

Change the rest of that point to match Maxine Waters. Do you still believe it?
Do I believe he is unelectable? No, I don't.

Do I believe Maxine Waters is unelectable, yes.

Can't remember where I read this, but I think there is a lot of truth to it. There are a lot more Ron Paul supporters in this election cycle than there were four years ago. Whoever has "got" Ron Paul will never vote for phoney Politicians again. And from the point of view of an RP-supporter, Perry, Romney and Bachmann are phoneys. Therefore, if RP is not nominated, his supporters' votes will be missing in the end count and Obama will continue to be president.

Do you think the other Republicans will stay away from the polls if Paul is the nominee? No, they'll support him to just get Obama out.
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Whoever has "got" Ron Paul will never vote for phoney Politicians again. And from the point of view of an RP-supporter, Perry, Romney and Bachmann are phoneys. Therefore, if RP is not nominated, his supporters' votes will be missing in the end count and Obama will continue to be president.

The conservative movement is at a crossroads. They can either force feed us the 2012 version of John McCain and make Obama a 2 term president, or they can stop stonewalling Ron Paul and send Obama back to Chicago. Because seriously, anybody they run out there outside of Paul is going to split the GOP vote.
I disagree with you, but that's ok.

In reference to the "Unelectable" quote posted above, the writer's argument is pure rubbish. Districts can't be viewed as an appropriate sample of the entire population. It's simply ridiculous. Barney Frank's district has put him in for decades. Pelosi, Rangel, etc, etc. Districts are very different.
The conservative movement is at a crossroads. They can either force feed us the 2012 version of John McCain and make Obama a 2 term president, or they can stop stonewalling Ron Paul and send Obama back to Chicago. Because seriously, anybody they run out there outside of Paul is going to split the GOP vote.

If conservatives are serious about getting BHO out of office, they need to choose the lesser of two evils, no matter who the nominee is.

There is no such thing as a perfect candidate, regardless of your individual ideology.
I disagree with you, but that's ok.

In reference to the "Unelectable" quote posted above, the writer's argument is pure rubbish. Districts can't be viewed as an appropriate sample of the entire population. It's simply ridiculous. Barney Frank's district has put him in for decades. Pelosi, Rangel, etc, etc. Districts are very different.

Point taken, and I agree. However, the analogy about the car is spot on when it comes to Romney or Perry being shoved down our throats. I've view the mainstream of both parties as the different side of the same coin.
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If conservatives are serious about getting BHO out of office, they need to choose the lesser of two evils, no matter who the nominee is.

There is no such thing as a perfect candidate, regardless of your individual ideology.

I don't think most people want a perfect candidate. The ideological differences between Ron Paul and the rest of the front runners in the GOP field are to big to be shrugged off as minor nuances or subtle differences. If we were splitting hairs between Romney and Perry, I would tend to agree with your sentiment regarding "the perfect candidate" because between those two guys, the differences in them is a lot more subtle and the voter would essentially be trying to weigh out differences in 10% of each candidates platforms.
I don't think most people want a perfect candidate. The ideological differences between Ron Paul and the rest of the front runners in the GOP field are to big to be shrugged off as minor nuances or subtle differences. If we were splitting hairs between Romney and Perry, I would tend to agree with your sentiment regarding "the perfect candidate" because between those two guys, the differences in them is a lot more subtle and the voter would essentially be trying to weigh out differences in 10% of each candidates platforms.

Point taken.

Fatal flaw of the Single Member District Plurality model is the dominance of two parties, and the only viable "third party", if you can call it a party, is the TP which will only serve to hurt the GOP candidate if the candidate isn't a TPer due to the fact there isn't a similar liberal movement to take away from the votes of BHO.

The only conservative hope to oust BHO is to place all faith in the winner of the Republican nomination. Splitting votes, or simply not voting for the GOP nominee, is like BHO voting "present" in the Senate.

Are conservatives really going to vote "present" on election day?
Trying to get to the bottom of this. Don't know who banned it. Anyways, it's a pretty good commercial, but from what I understand it's not actually from Paul's campaign.

I just hope Rick Perry doesn't win. To go from being a democrat and supporter of Al Gore to his current position makes me wonder about him. I like Ron Paul and would vote for him today but I don't see him winning the nomination.
the version of Al Gore that Rick Perry supported in 1988 is a far cry from the Al Gore of 2011.
the version of Al Gore that Rick Perry supported in 1988 is a far cry from the Al Gore of 2011.

Really? I doubt that, considering his Father was an establishment Democrat. Global warming didn't define him in 1988, but I doubt his principles were any different.
Really? I doubt that, considering his Father was an establishment Democrat. Global warming didn't define him in 1988, but I doubt his principles were any different.

Gore was a pro-life moderate in 1988, the kook was his wife, Tipper. In 1988 the PMRC debacle was still fresh in our memories.

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