Ron Paul's Farewell Address

One side doesn't give up one penny on military spending, the other side doesn't give up one penny on welfare spending, while both sides support the bailouts and subsidies for the banking and corporate elite.

After what we have seen with this Ukraine conflict and the debt ceiling, it is clear that neither party has a desire to cut spending on military or welfare.

Ron Paul: Biden's Running Out Of Ukraine Money? Good! | ZeroHedge

With Russian control established in the strategic city of Bakhmut over the weekend, the neocon Ukraine project – like all neocon foreign policy projects before it looks to be progressing rapidly toward failure. But that won’t stop the Biden Administration from attempting to extort more money from an America already teetering on the brink of economic collapse. And let’s not forget the battle over the “debt limit” raging in DC.

The Biden Administration’s profligate domestic spending is a battleground for Republican lawmakers, however when it comes to endless spending on Project Ukraine, with a few exceptions the two parties are in lockstep. At least when looking at Republican party leadership.
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After what we have seen with this Ukraine conflict and the debt ceiling, it is clear that neither party has a desire to cut spending on military or welfare.

Ron Paul: Biden's Running Out Of Ukraine Money? Good! | ZeroHedge

With Russian control established in the strategic city of Bakhmut over the weekend, the neocon Ukraine project – like all neocon foreign policy projects before it looks to be progressing rapidly toward failure. But that won’t stop the Biden Administration from attempting to extort more money from an America already teetering on the brink of economic collapse. And let’s not forget the battle over the “debt limit” raging in DC.

The Biden Administration’s profligate domestic spending is a battleground for Republican lawmakers, however when it comes to endless spending on Project Ukraine, with a few exceptions the two parties are in lockstep. At least when looking at Republican party leadership.
what about Bakhmut progressed rapidly? what has progressed rapidly since Russia claimed victory on May 10th?

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