Rudy Giuliani under investigation by SDNY


Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay $148 million as defamation trial wraps up​

Rudy Giuliani has been ordered to pay $148,169,000 to two women he falsely accused of committing election fraud in the 2020 election.


Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay $148 million as defamation trial wraps up​

Rudy Giuliani has been ordered to pay $148,169,000 to two women he falsely accused of committing election fraud in the 2020 election.

this is absolute politically biased BS. one day it is going to bite them in the ass.
this is absolute politically biased BS. one day it is going to bite them in the ass.
I had never of these election workers until the other day. How in the world are they owed over $100 million for defamation? This stuff is out of control regardless of anyone’s political leanings.
Earlier this week, Rudy Giuliani stood on the courthouse steps and pledged to take the stand and supply evidence which would prove that Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss had changed votes. Once again .... he was making false promises. He didn't follow though and take the stand at all. It has been 3 years now, with countless promises of proof to come, and Rudy has never delivered on any of it.
I had never of these election workers until the other day. How in the world are they owed over $100 million for defamation? This stuff is out of control regardless of anyone’s political leanings.
A billion for Fox, Alex Jones, Trump, Guliani, J6, and on and on. Sending a message and bankrupting citizens. I tell ya what it is a cold war civil war rightnow and next fall coukd be real bad. The Republic is dead.
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A billion for Fox, Alex Jones, Trump, Guliani, J6, in snd on. Sending a message and bankruoting citizens. I tell ya what it is a cold war civil war rightnow and next fall coukd be real bad. The Republic is dead.
It's interesting that you place no blame on the dishonesty at all. Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss are private citizens as well.
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I am talking the amount
Rudy's amount will be lowered by the court. The $787 million from Fox News is what they agreed to pay in a settlement. Alex Jones did genuine harm to people who had suffered great personal loss, and didn't deserve it. That lowlife gets what he deserves.

.... and as far as Rudy is concerned, he might have an insanity defense. Something is wrong with that guy. He constantly makes promises of providing evidence to support his claims .... but then acts like he has outfoxed the court when he fails to deliver. He's a nut.
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Rudy's amount will be lowered by the court. The $787 million from Fox News is what they agreed to pay in a settlement. Alex Jones did genuine hard to people who had suffered great personal loss, and didn't deserve it. That lowlife gets what he deserves.

.... and as far as Rudy is concerned, he might have an insanity defense. Something is wrong with that guy. He constantly makes promises of providing evidence to support his claims .... but then acts like he has outfoxed the court when he fails to deliver. He's a nut.

What about Russiagate?

nevermind..idgas what u think.

That has never served as an endorsement of character, especially as it pertains to integrity.

Past recipients include :

2016 : Donald Trump
1979 : Ayatollah Khomeini
1971 : Richard Nixon
1966 : William Westmoreland
1957 : Nikita Khrushchev
1942 : Josef Stalin
1939 : Josef Stalin
1938 : Adolf Hitler

^^^^ Some of the biggest liars in history. ^^^^
Good for them. Rudy is a POS, you can't just ruin people lives based on fiction and get away with it.
Sure you can, as long as you have it in front of the right court in the right part of the country. No doubt Rudy is a clown, in a world full of clowns just like him. You and the other partisan hacks will screech when the shoes on the other foot. And it will happen, only a matter of time.
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