When I was a kid, I really upset my parents this one particular time. I was sent to my room and waiting for me was my sister who told me that my mom was considering sending me away for good and I'd never see them again.
Look, I clearly stated it's a rumor. That means I'm not trying to pass anything off as fact. Just like you, I hope this is complete BS. I was just passing along what I thought was a concerning rumor. So, get over yourself and quit being a dick.
When I was a kid, I really upset my parents this one particular time. I was sent to my room and waiting for me was my sister who told me that my mom was considering sending me away for good and I'd never see them again.
Either the items are really bad or that poster on VQ is a prude. For comments like his to be made sounds like cash, girls, or grades or some combination but that covers all but suits and tattoos on the violation list. Posted via VolNation Mobile
Look, I clearly stated it's a rumor. That means I'm not trying to pass anything off as fact. Just like you, I hope this is complete BS. I was just passing along what I thought was a concerning rumor. So, get over yourself and quit being a dick.