Rumblings that Pruitt will stay if changes made in offensive side



Senior Member (BFL)
Jul 29, 2009
will get a chance to stay for year 4 if he changes his offensive staff. Lets review

Year 1.....he puts his staff together with Tyson Helton as OC........they dont get along so he encourages him to hit the road.
Year 2 and 3.....brings Cheney in and most would say that Gitmo handcuffs the offense but they are a dumpster fire.
Year 4......insert whomever he convinces to come to this sinking ship and we will have a 4th year head coach installing a new offense once again with no quarterback?

Why is this a good idea?
will get a chance to stay for year 4 if he changes his offensive staff. Lets review

Year 1.....he puts his staff together with Tyson Helton as OC........they dont get along so he encourages him to hit the road.
Year 2 and 3.....brings Cheney in and most would say that Gitmo handcuffs the offense but they are a dumpster fire.
Year 4......insert whomever he convinces to come to this sinking ship and we will have a 4th year head coach installing a new offense once again with no quarterback?

Why is this a good idea?
The problem is not Cheney. The issue is JP not allowing him to run the offense, this includes allowing him to replace JG. If you look at Cheney’s offense’s elsewhere, they have been nothing but explosive. JP is the real problem.
The problem is whoever is insisting that JG continue to start and not developing or recruiting another QB in the last couple of years.

I don't know who it is, but that is who needs to go and my top 3 suspects would be Pruitt, Weinke or Cheney.
First off, Pruitt is here for year 4 no matter what changes are made in Offense players or coaches.

Dream scenario is that Fulmer sits down with Pruitt and tells him to not make the mistakes he made...let the OC run things and quit micromanaging.
I dont care who we hire as long as he is fired in a few years and we can fire up the Gruden rumors. Gruden rumors provide more excitement than UT football these days.

You can bet the farm someone will get on here at claim inside knowledge that Dabo or Pete Carroll are finalizing their contracts with Fulmer......announcement coming soon
There's absolutely no scenario where this is a good idea.

He's already proven he can't make offensive hires, let them run their offense, and lead as a head coach. He's also proven he can't manage public relations, team chemistry, or put together a comprehensive game plan that's at least somewhat coherent.

But yes, let him monkey with things some more and this time it'll finally turn out for a positive. Makes perfect sense.
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I dont care who we hire as long as he is fired in a few years and we can fire up the Gruden rumors. Gruden rumors provide more excitement than UT football these days.

Someone will post a picture of Gruden drinking a glass of orange juice and somehow it's a sign he's coming to UT....and when he doesn't the fans will be mad at Gruden for trolling.
Its a good idea because that means Pruitt is for sure fired next year and we can start coaching search threads full of fake insider info.
The timing could possibly work out perfect for Gruden. Maybe that was the plan all along...soon!!
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will get a chance to stay for year 4 if he changes his offensive staff. Lets review

Year 1.....he puts his staff together with Tyson Helton as OC........they dont get along so he encourages him to hit the road.
Year 2 and 3.....brings Cheney in and most would say that Gitmo handcuffs the offense but they are a dumpster fire.
Year 4......insert whomever he convinces to come to this sinking ship and we will have a 4th year head coach installing a new offense once again with no quarterback?

Why is this a good idea?
Pruitt is staying through next year no matter what. We're not going to fire him in a year where we just gave him an extension and have COVID as an excuse for his results. The university isn't going to swallow that buyout when revenue is down due to a pandemic. UT does not give a damn about what fans think. Anyone entertaining the idea he might get fired is delusional and should seek help. Like it or not, he will be our head coach next year.
The problem is whoever is insisting that JG continue to start and not developing or recruiting another QB in the last couple of years.

I don't know who it is, but that is who needs to go and my top 3 suspects would be Pruitt, Weinke or Cheney.
I am just throwing this out here bc I have read it on here and heard from people outside of here that the reason JG is so hard to dethrone is because Pruitts hands are tied. Something about how JG was recruited and some dirt they have on UT. I am not claiming these as reliable sources, but it does make you wonder.

How does he survive some of the stuff he pulled last year (Alabama game), even back to his freshmen year in the GT game with the sideline pout show bs. We are all scratching our heads wondering how it seems like only Tennessee ends up with a 5th year very experienced guy that has absolutely no pocket awareness, lack of ability to put touch on simple throws (does throw a good deep ball), cant see even half the field and go through progressions, and no leadership. Watch him when he does make a play or does something good...he is usually celebrating by himself. Stands alone on the sideline.
You can bet the farm someone will get on here at claim inside knowledge that Dabo or Pete Carroll are finalizing their contracts with Fulmer......announcement coming soon
I'll do it. :eek: I'll say I met Dabo at a fundraiser for Gerbil Cancer Awareness and that he was wearing an orange tie.
First off, Pruitt is here for year 4 no matter what changes are made in Offense players or coaches.

Dream scenario is that Fulmer sits down with Pruitt and tells him to not make the mistakes he made...let the OC run things and quit micromanaging.

In that 'dream scenario', how does that address the lack of player development, and in some cases full on regression that we've seen under Pruitt? How does it fix the insane coaching turnover?
I am just throwing this out here bc I have read it on here and heard from people outside of here that the reason JG is so hard to dethrone is because Pruitts hands are tied. Something about how JG was recruited and some dirt they have on UT. I am not claiming these as reliable sources, but it does make you wonder.

How does he survive some of the stuff he pulled last year (Alabama game), even back to his freshmen year in the GT game with the sideline pout show bs. We are all scratching our heads wondering how it seems like only Tennessee ends up with a 5th year very experienced guy that has absolutely no pocket awareness, lack of ability to put touch on simple throws (does throw a good deep ball), cant see even half the field and go through progressions, and no leadership. Watch him when he does make a play or does something good...he is usually celebrating by himself. Stands alone on the sideline.

OMG this is laughable. People come up with the craziest ideas because they cannot deal with reality.
Pruitt has been telling the truth the whole time. Tennessee has ZERO QBs that can win games now. JG is clearly the best among them and he is terrible. People think HB will lead them to the promised land with ZERO proof of this other than his star ranking coming out of high school.

Pruitt already stated that he didn't want to throw HB to the wolves as a freshman because he claims this is what Butch Jones did to JG and that's why JG is mentally f*@ed in the head.

All the truth is out there but people just dont want to listen but rather believe in crazy theories. The real issue is this coaching staff has done ZERO to develop any of these players or these players are just flat out terrible.
I am not so sure that Chaney is as good as we want to believe.

1. During his first tenure here, I remember many were frustrated with him and his tendency to abandon the run and get pass-happy and not mix in the run game. I know the response is going to be that during his first tenure here that Dooley sucked and Tyler Bray had a cannon for an arm.

2. When he came back to UT last year, he made a comment in an interview that concerned me. He said he wants to retire in Knoxville. The lack of innovation and adjustments with this offense makes me feel like he has already retired.

The offense has looked stuck in the mud last year and this year. It's very slow for plays to develop and appears to be very vanilla. When you look around the NCAA and NFL, the offensive game has changed but our offense hasn't. The inability of JG aside, has anyone come out and confirmed that it is indeed Coach Pruitt that is holding Chaney back from calling the plays? I know that is the speculation, but have not seen it confirmed.

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