Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

The analogy should've been made to left leaning cable news shows the right whines about. Apples to apples.
The college angle was on the struggle bus.
Well I really don’t care about “news” that leans either way, so I’ll leave it to you to go that route.
Well I really don’t care about “news” that leans either way, so I’ll leave it to you to go that route.
Pass. I am more of an observer in this thread. Yall arguing over Rush looks like kindergartners fighting over the best tasting glue.

I wanted to help your analogy skills.
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People died from this off handed comment huh?
Morons who hear over and over from their chosen talking head that second hand smoke is not harmful, believe it.
People who hear over and over from their chosen talking heads that there is no climate change, believe it.
Rush was wrong and like Morton Downey Jr, he's paying for being wrong with his life. Why is that not enough for you?
I'm just providing an example of the harmful and completely unnecessary nonsense that came out of Rush's mouth.
Morons who hear over and over from their chosen talking head that second hand smoke is not harmful, believe it.
People who hear over and over from their chosen talking heads that there is no climate change, believe it.

Well, you are the resident expert on Morons.
Luther illustrates a common problem on the left today. It's not enough to say "I disagree with you politically." No Luther and many others go a step further. They also consider you a bad person if you disagree with their leftist point of view. This is what Hillary did when she referred to "deplorables." This is very unfortunate but that's where left wing politics are today
This is why they have no moral ground to stand on most of the time
Morons who hear over and over from their chosen talking head that second hand smoke is not harmful, believe it.
People who hear over and over from their chosen talking heads that there is no climate change, believe it.
Morons who hear over and over that all police are racists. That all conservatives are white supremacists. That all republicans want old people to eat dog food and poor people to die and women to be chained in the kitchen, etc.
weird how that works
Morons who hear over and over that all police are racists. That all conservatives are white supremacists. That all republicans want old people to eat dog food and poor people to die and women to be chained in the kitchen, etc.
weird how that works
I believe anyone who says or promotes those ideas is an idiot and no better than Rush.
I do see how that works.

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