Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Oh yea. Rush's only true objective was self-enrichment. He found the easiest way to do that was by legitimizing a segment of societies worst traits. He enriched himself by preaching hate and intolerance to his mindless worshipers.

Pretty hypocritical to call someone just another dead dope addict and demonize drug users throughout his career while he was a straight opioid addict. Just one of those things that lets you know how genuine his commentary is and whether you should take it seriously, or just for the entertainment that it was.
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Pretty hypocritical to call someone just another dead dope addict and demonize drug users throughout his career while he was a straight opioid addict. Just one of those things that lets you know how genuine his commentary is and whether you should take it seriously, or just for the entertainment that it was.

Finally, someone gets it!
Rush has a long and well documented list of quotes that were intended to do nothing other than anger and divide.
"The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it."

"Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"

"The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."

"Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society."

"Women still live longer than men because their lives are easier."

"Women should not be allowed on juries where the accused is a stud."

"When a gay person turns his back on you, it is anything but an insult; it's an invitation."

On Hurricane Irma: "You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don't need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it's mission accomplished, agenda advanced." [Limbaugh later evacuated his Florida home because of the hurricane.]

On LGBT politicians getting elected: "I guarantee there'd be some people in the Republican establishment who will now think, 'Yeah, we need to do this. We need to provide a home, we need to provide a comforting atmosphere for the tranny community and the gay community.' But those people are voting Democrat anyway."

On the dangers of secondhand smoking, and smoking in general: "That is a myth. That has been disproven at the World Health Organization and the report was suppressed. There is no fatality whatsoever. There's no even major sickness component associated with secondhand smoke. It may irritate you, and you may not like it, but it will not make you sick, and it will not kill you...Firsthand smoke takes 50 years to kill people, if it does. Not everybody that smokes gets cancer. Now, it's true that everybody who smokes dies, but so does everyone who eats carrots ... I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I'm saying."
Pretty hypocritical to call someone just another dead dope addict and demonize drug users throughout his career while he was a straight opioid addict. Just one of those things that lets you know how genuine his commentary is and whether you should take it seriously, or just for the entertainment that it was.
Well, Garcia died in 1995, and Rush's opioid problems weren't known until 2003. Maybe Rush hadn't taken any opioids by 1995.
You're smarter than that.
The truth can be stated in many different ways, and some truths don't need to be continually stated or even stated at all.
If your wife is fat, it's neither appropriate nor necessary for you to call her a fat a$$ 10 times a day. It's also neither appropriate nor necessary for someone in the general public to scream "you're grotesquely fat" when your wife walks by.
The "truth" that you choose to state and the way in which you state it shows your intent.
We all know what Rush's intent was.

How do you feel about the term ‘clinically obese’?
How do you feel about the term ‘clinically obese’?
I feel it's much less offensive than grotesque tub of lard. Even though they both may be equally true, they are intended to generate different responses.
We know which term Rush and his listeners would giggle over.
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I feel it's much less offensive than grotesque tub of lard. Even though they both may be equally true, they are intended to generate different responses.
We know which term Rush and his listeners would giggle over.

How do you feel about the term “horrendously despicable human”?
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And......that's why I and millions more hold him in such contempt.

Then you and millions of others are misguided. Rush "made it big" by expressing his opinions. This is a long held American principle. You should recognize and support that. Freedom of expression is what this country is founded on and what makes it great.
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I think it describes Trump perfectly and conveys exactly the message I intent to convey.

I disagree with your opinion of Trump but not to the point that I hold you in contempt. Why can't you do the same with folks like Rush?
Then you and millions of others are misguided. Rush "made it big" by expressing his opinions. This is a long held American principle. You should recognize and support that. Freedom of expression is what this country is founded on and what makes it great.
Your opinion is that my opinion is misguided, my opinion is that Rush's opinions make the world a worse place.
I disagree with your opinion of Trump but not to the point that I hold you in contempt. Why can't you do the same with folks like Rush?
Because I think Rush profits from knowingly making the world a worse place. I find that contemptable.
I put him in the same category as someone who knowingly deals meth to first time users.
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Because I think Rush profits from knowingly making the world a worse place. I find that contemptable.
I put him in the same category as someone who knowingly deals meth to first time users.

No matter how many times you say this, it does not make it true. If his WORDS do that, that people are weak minded and you are the weakest.
Because I think Rush profits from knowingly making the world a worse place. I find that contemptable.
I put him in the same category as someone who knowingly deals meth to first time users.
Isnt the world a better place compared to the late 80s?
No matter how many times you say this, it does not make it true. If his WORDS do that, that people are weak minded and you are the weakest.
The fact that his WORDS do that, speaks to his listeners.
Because I think Rush profits from knowingly making the world a worse place. I find that contemptable.
I put him in the same category as someone who knowingly deals meth to first time users.

I think Obama made the word a worse place with Obamacare. It sure made my situation worse but I don't hold the guy in contempt. Rush doesn't have the power to enact laws so I have no idea how you think he made the world a worse place but your contempt is only hurting you. It's not hurting him. He doesn't care what you think of him

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