Rush's Replacements Revealed: Limbaugh's Radio Slot to be Taken Over by Clay Travis, 42, and Buck Sexton, 40,


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
  • Conservative radio hosts Clay Travis and Buck Sexton will be taking Rush Limbaugh's time slot on Premiere Networks the distributor of Limbaugh's show
The three-hour radio slot left vacant by the death of conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh is to be filled by a lawyer-turned-sports journalist and a former CIA counter-terrorism expert-turned-political commentator.

The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show will be broadcast on hundreds of stations across the country from June 21st.


Conservative radio hosts Clay Travis and Buck Sexton will be taking Rush Limbaugh's time slot on Premiere Networks the distributor of Limbaugh's show

Travis, 42, founded the sports website while Sexton, 40, is an ex-CIA and New York police officer.

Meanwhile, Travis & Sexton have been tapped by the broadcaster iHeart to broadcast their show which will be distributed by Premiere Networks and heard on roughly 600 radio stations across the country.

Rush Limbaugh's radio show to be taken over by 'young guns' Clay Travis and Buck Sexton | Daily Mail Online
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  • Conservative radio hosts Clay Travis and Buck Sexton will be taking Rush Limbaugh's time slot on Premiere Networks the distributor of Limbaugh's show
The three-hour radio slot left vacant by the death of conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh is to be filled by a lawyer-turned-sports journalist and a former CIA counter-terrorism expert-turned-political commentator.

The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show will be broadcast on hundreds of stations across the country from June 21st.


Conservative radio hosts Clay Travis and Buck Sexton will be taking Rush Limbaugh's time slot on Premiere Networks the distributor of Limbaugh's show

Travis, 42, founded the sports website while Sexton, 40, is an ex-CIA and New York police officer.

Meanwhile, Travis & Sexton have been tapped by the broadcaster iHeart to broadcast their show which will be distributed by Premiere Networks and heard on roughly 600 radio stations across the country.

Rush Limbaugh's radio show to be taken over by 'young guns' Clay Travis and Buck Sexton | Daily Mail Online

They are both fugging posers if they don’t smoke cigars like good ole Rush.
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Yes. He's been preparing for this since his days on 104.5 when he was perpetuating false narratives about regional sports to arouse fan bases
What? A talk radio host spinning news to fit their narrative?

What? A talk radio host spinning news to fit their narrative?

Didn't suggest it was "shocking". Spinning news is one thing. Perpetuating false narratives is entirely different. Travis would literally take message board thread titles from our football forum and report it as news and try to play it as an inside source. He's as much of a clown as Limbaugh
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Didn't suggest it was "shocking". Spinning news is one thing. Perpetuating false narratives is entirely different. Travis would literally take message board thread titles from our football forum and report it as news and try to play it as an inside source. He's as much of a clown as Limbaugh

Then he should fit right in with the vast majority of MSM today.
I wonder if they can bring less hate to that time slot. I used to listen to Rush daily until I noticed myself starting to mirror his anger. Big part of the reason I avoid all partisan media now.
Didn't suggest it was "shocking". Spinning news is one thing. Perpetuating false narratives is entirely different. Travis would literally take message board thread titles from our football forum and report it as news and try to play it as an inside source. He's as much of a clown as Limbaugh
Almost every MSM outlet has pushed a false narrative about the origins of Covid for over a year. They went as far as to call anyone that suggested Covid escaped from a lab as racist, crazy and supporting fringe theories. They all said that theory was completely debunked. The only reason the did this is because President Trump said the virus probably escaped from the lab and the media hates him. Now they are all backtracking(CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, Facebook, Twitter, Biden, Fauci etc...). I assume you consider all these sources clowns as well?
What is your non partisan media?

I primarily source from Reuters and AP (will explain momentarily, as they're not exactly on people's happy lists) and BBC world service. Less often, Christian Science Monitor.

My reading sticks to the 5 Ws and stops at the opinion analysis. I look for links to primary sources, documentation of sources, chain of evidence. Like Joe Friday from Dragnet, I want "just the facts, ma'am."

I also stop reading any outfit that uses derogatory language towards either side of a situation, issue, it political stance. We all should. They need to cut the crap.
Almost every MSM outlet has pushed a false narrative about the origins of Covid for over a year. They went as far as to call anyone that suggested Covid escaped from a lab as racist, crazy and supporting fringe theories. They all said that theory was completely debunked. The only reason the did this is because President Trump said the virus probably escaped from the lab and the media hates him. Now they are all backtracking(CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, Facebook, Twitter, Biden, Fauci etc...). I assume you consider all these sources clowns as well?
Kudos to you. Then we are on the same page. I don't think there is any media outlet that reports the news without a political agenda these days. Most veer steeply towards the left and a few go to the right. The AP just got caught lying about knowing a terrorist organization was in the same building as they were. The AP is often portrayed as one of the most trustworthy. Nope. Unfortunately even ESPN has become way too political as they make everything about race. Live sports are about the only thing you can watch on TV these days that isn't politicized and even that is at times. What sad times we are in.....
Kudos to you. Then we are on the same page. I don't think there is any media outlet that reports the news without a political agenda these days. Most veer steeply towards the left and a few go to the right. The AP just got caught lying about knowing a terrorist organization was in the same building as they were. The AP is often portrayed as one of the most trustworthy. Nope. Unfortunately even ESPN has become way too political as they make everything about race. Live sports are about the only thing you can watch on TV these days that isn't politicized and even that is at times. What sad times we are in.....
No, we're chapters apart. I know the difference between Rush and company and the MSM
No, we're chapters apart. I know the difference between Rush and company and the MSM

By definition, Rush was Mainstream. Market count, reach, influence. He literally ticks all the boxes. Are we trying to change the definition to make it an epithet?
  • Conservative radio hosts Clay Travis and Buck Sexton will be taking Rush Limbaugh's time slot on Premiere Networks the distributor of Limbaugh's show
The three-hour radio slot left vacant by the death of conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh is to be filled by a lawyer-turned-sports journalist and a former CIA counter-terrorism expert-turned-political commentator.

The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show will be broadcast on hundreds of stations across the country from June 21st.


Conservative radio hosts Clay Travis and Buck Sexton will be taking Rush Limbaugh's time slot on Premiere Networks the distributor of Limbaugh's show

Travis, 42, founded the sports website while Sexton, 40, is an ex-CIA and New York police officer.

Meanwhile, Travis & Sexton have been tapped by the broadcaster iHeart to broadcast their show which will be distributed by Premiere Networks and heard on roughly 600 radio stations across the country.

Rush Limbaugh's radio show to be taken over by 'young guns' Clay Travis and Buck Sexton | Daily Mail Online

Wow, he's come a long way in a short time. Just a year or so ago his fake ass marketing was something like no politics, just sports, LOL.

Dude didn't even have a top 50 sports pod. I guess it doesn't take much to fill Rush's shoes?
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