Rush's Replacements Revealed: Limbaugh's Radio Slot to be Taken Over by Clay Travis, 42, and Buck Sexton, 40,

I'm not the one conflating
Rush Limbaugh was supposed to be political. He was a political talk show host just like a liberal talk show host is supposed to be political and give his opinions from a liberal point of view. You know that going in. Calling these people clowns because you don't agree with their opinions is sort of pointless because you know before you turn it on that you will or won't agree. It's their job and they are open about which way they lean politically.

The media on the other hand is supposed to be unbiased. When they get caught lying about the biggest story of the past year(Covid and it's origin), that's way worse than just being clowns. They are passing off lies as news and fact. It's what happens in Communist China and North Korea and it's dangerous. For every false or slanted Foxnews story(and there are plenty) there are 9 other false or slanted media stories the other way. Foxnews is slanted towards the right and all the others(AP, CNN, NBC, ABC CBS, MSNBC etc..) are slanted towards the left. There are no honest and unbiased newsrooms. This is way worse because these news outlets are supposed to provide a check and balance on our political leaders. The media covered Trump and the Russia collusion story every single night and rightfully so. That's their job. However these same outlets refuse to touch the Hunter Biden emails showing Biden's ties to China. Or the wire payment from the richest woman in Russia to Rosemont Seneca Partners(founded by Hunter Biden and John Kerry's son in law). The only reason this is not on the news or investigated is because the majority of the media outlets support Biden and will ignore it. Even after Biden approved a Russia pipeline last week. That's the difference. Political talk show hosts are expected to slant things to their beliefs, the news media is supposed to be apolitical and report facts.
I chuckle at the writer calling Travis a “conservative“. Clay Travis is whatever he needs to be to make money. He’s no more a conservative than I’m a porn star. And McMom knows I ain’t got the talent for that.
Bingo. He knows what his base wants to hear and he spews it constantly. Good for him using it to get rich off of ignorant people.
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I can only imagine how sad Rush is that these clowns are his replacement. They should
have offered Boortz the farm to come out of retirement .

I'll get on air, yell at groups of people who aren't listening to my show, toss in some crass insults to tickle the ears of my LCD crowd, and make fun of people for just 1/4 of what Rush made. No need to wake the man whose radio shows were 2/3 commercials.
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I primarily source from Reuters and AP (will explain momentarily, as they're not exactly on people's happy lists) and BBC world service. Less often, Christian Science Monitor.

My reading sticks to the 5 Ws and stops at the opinion analysis. I look for links to primary sources, documentation of sources, chain of evidence. Like Joe Friday from Dragnet, I want "just the facts, ma'am."

I also stop reading any outfit that uses derogatory language towards either side of a situation, issue, it political stance. We all should. They need to cut the crap.
That is my big three as well: Reuters, AP, and BBC.

Wall Street Journal is pretty solid outside of their editorial stuff. Business Insider is okay, too.

I wish I could like the portion of your comment about derogatory language 100 times. If I see it, I immediately ignore it.

I've also listened to David Pakman for years now, and I know what he is. It is infotainment no different than Rush, just skewed toward my side of the aisle.
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Great news for Rush’s legacy and for the opportunity earned by both Travis and Sexton.

Rush is a radio icon and will be remembered as legendary. These two should do great work continuing that legacy and forwarding conservative thought.

If Boortz was about 20 years younger I think he would have been the only better option but I’m biased. ;)

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