Syria will look the same as it does today in five years, in ten years, in fifty years, if people don't finally get serious about the reality of the situation: Syria is dead, and no amount of king's men and horses is going to put it back together again.
It may not please some people, and it will not be easy, but it's past time the international community started having a serious conversation about how to end this war, instead of having its utopianistic unicorn fantasy talks about preserving a "unified Syria." Fact of the matter is that Syria was never a coherent country and was never going to be: it's a mere political fabrication, borne out of European colonialism, and with no geographical or ethnic coherence.
If Syrians and the international community truly ever want to get rid of the jihadists in their midst and have "normal" lives ever again, the different "rational" factions (and that includes Assad - even though he is no better than ISIS, he is at least rational and can be negotiated with) need to come together to form a broader coalition with the stipulation that separate political borders will be established after the jihadist (non-rational and non-negotating actors) threat is eliminated. In this case, Syria will become a confederation of autonomous states that are really only aligned through military cooperation.
It's "Syria's" best chance, and it will get nothing better, whether or not the US, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, the Gulf States, Iraq, Europe, et al. agree.