Sanctuary Cities

Judge orders NYC to Stop Using School To House Migrants — while blasting ‘Right to Shelter’ rule as ‘relic from past’​

A Staten Island judge Tuesday ordered the city to stop using the site of a former Catholic school as a 300-person migrant shelter — while blasting the Big Apple’s “Right to Shelter” law as a “relic from the past.”

Justice Wayne Ozzi issued a preliminary injunction that blocks the city from filling the former St. John Villa Academy with asylum seekers, although it was not immediately clear whether the facility would close.


NYC's Roosevelt Hotel Staff Scramble to BLACK OUT Windows with Trash Bags and Sheets After Migrants were Spotted Sleeping on Floors and upright up in chairs as 3,000 Border-Crossers Move In​

The windows of the shuttered bar at New York City's The Roosevelt Hotel, now home to 3,000 asylum seekers, have been covered with trash bags and sheets after migrants were seen sleeping on the floor and chairs.

The historic hotel, dubbed 'the new Ellis Island' by one city official, has become the registering point for the 300 to 500 migrants who arrive by bus every day after crossing the US-Mexico border in Texas. Many of them have been moved north by Republican governors fed up with what they say are open-arms policies by Democrats.

Migrants were seen sleeping on the floor and chairs at the hotel’s former Vander Bar on Monday, hours before the windows were completely covered the next day, hiding the scene inside as the Roosevelt has reached capacity, as reported by The New York Post.


While desperate mayor Eric Adams has asked a judge to temporary suspend the Right to Shelter policy after warning the situation could destroy the city if he doesn't get federal aid, he has extended the city's contract with the more than 100 hotels-turned-shelters.

This was supposed to finish this year but will now end in August 2026 and cost a total $1.365 billion - almost five times the original price tag of $237 million.

The local government is currently paying about $385 a night per migrant family that needs housing and feeding. According to Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, asylum seekers are costing the city roughly $10 million every day. Adams has said the crisis will cost the city $12 Billion over three years.

Because there are so many Muslim families housed at The Roosevelt, officials have now made all meals offered are Halal. Italian food has become the go-to to food of choice, as reported by CNN.


NYC will distribute flyers at southern border warning migrants city will not house them in a hotel and advising them to try somewhere more AFFORDABLE after 100,000 came to city in 18 months​

New York City will distribute flyers at shelters and the southern border warning migrants that they will not be given free housing in the Big Apple - and telling them to go somewhere more affordable, as the sanctuary city has been overwhelmed by 116,000 new arrivals in just 18 months.

Democratic Mayor Eric Adams’ administration announced on Wednesday it would distribute the literature as part of their efforts to keep more asylum seekers from coming to the city, which is currently housing and feeding more than 60,000 asylum seekers.

Deputy mayor for Health and Human Services Ana Williams Isom showed the updated flyers during a City Council meeting, and said they would be used to combat 'misinformation' coming from social media or human traffickers about migrant services in the city.


95 Year Old Korean War Veteran Evicted by Illegal Immigrants​

Just when you thought the border crisis couldn't get any worse, you've got to see this. A 95 year old Korean War veteran was kicked out of his nursing home to make way for illegal immigrants in New York. Frank's been living there for years. He's 95 years old. He's wheelchair bound, and he was essentially kicked out onto the street because the city of New York prioritized illegal immigrants over Frank, a Korean War veteran and United States citizen.


Hundreds of migrants live inside Chicago O'Hare International Airport as city grapples with how to house them​

Hundreds of migrants live inside a shuttle bus center at Chicago O’Hare International Airport for weeks at a time as the city attempts to move them into shelters.

The Associated Press reported migrants are staying inside a shuttle bus center at O’Hare International Airport’s Terminal 1 where they share airport bathrooms and sleep on cardboard laid out on the floor.

Recently arrived migrants sit on cots and the floor of a makeshift shelter operated by the city at O'Hare International Airport on Aug. 31, 2023. (Armando L. Sanchez/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images) ( (Armando L. Sanchez/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images))


Illinois Governor JB Pritzker calls on Biden to Direct Migrants AWAY From His State - despite boasting it was the 'most welcoming in the nation' just two years ago​

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has become the latest Democrat to beg President Joe Biden to divert migrants away from his state.

It comes just two years after declaring his state the 'Most Welcoming State in the Nation' and expanding immigrant protections.

Pritzker joins New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy among liberals who have professed pro-migrant policies but asked that they not be housed in their jurisdiction.

Chicago alone has seen 13,000 migrants arrive in the city since August 2022, and the surge is expected to cost taxpayers $302 million by the end of the year.

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Illinois Governor JB Pritzker calls on Biden to Direct Migrants AWAY From His State - despite boasting it was the 'most welcoming in the nation' just two years ago​

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has become the latest Democrat to beg President Joe Biden to divert migrants away from his state.

It comes just two years after declaring his state the 'Most Welcoming State in the Nation' and expanding immigrant protections.

Pritzker joins New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy among liberals who have professed pro-migrant policies but asked that they not be housed in their jurisdiction.

Chicago alone has seen 13,000 migrants arrive in the city since August 2022, and the surge is expected to cost taxpayers $302 million by the end of the year.

There are 10M of them Buckaroo. Better buckle up.

House of Horrors: 11 Illegal Aliens Among Men Accused of Gang Raping Girls in Small Minnesota Town​


At least 11 illegal alien men are accused of having been involved in a house of horrors in the small town of Bemidji, Minnesota, where at least three young girls were drugged, tied up, and gang raped, according to local law enforcement.

Late last month, an 11-year-old girl presented herself at the Sanford Bemidji Medical Center’s Emergency Department to report that she had been sexually assaulted. The case was then turned over to the Bemidji Police Department where officers began looking for the residence where the alleged sexual assault occurred.

Police soon identified a residence at 1821 America Court NW in Bemidji as the location of the alleged sexual assault. The victim said she was staying with an adult male relative when he put her in a car with other men and she had a bag put over her head.
The men allegedly brought the victim to the residence at 1821 America Court NW, pushed her down a flight of stairs, forced her to consume alcohol, and tied her up. The victim alleges a man nicknamed “Panda,” later identified as 22-year-old Oscar Ernesto Luna of Mission, Texas, raped her while four men watched.

The victim said she was then gang raped by an unknown number of men.

Police said the victim described a house of horrors where another young girl was tied up and unconscious in a closet of the bedroom and that a 16-year-old girl was also tied up. Two other girls were also tied up, the victim said, as she was gang raped.


EXCLUSIVE: Sanctuary City Asks Texas Border Towns to Divert Migrants Away from Denver​


Officials in the city and county of Denver, Colorado, asked Texas border towns to distribute flyers aimed at discouraging migrants from traveling to the Mile High Sanctuary City after crossing the border from Mexico. Denver officials asked the border communities to distribute flyers saying the city is out of resources to take care of migrants and that low-cost housing is unavailable.

Matthey Mueller, the executive director for the Office of Emergency Management for the City and County of Denver, sent an email to officials in Texas communities of Brownsville, El Paso, Houston, and Dallas advising that they “can no longer provide the same level of sheltering resources to newly arriving persons in Denver.” Mueller said his office is reducing the maximum length of stay for migrants arriving as of October 4, according to documents provided to Breitbart Texas by Texas officials.



House of Horrors: 11 Illegal Aliens Among Men Accused of Gang Raping Girls in Small Minnesota Town​

View attachment 584422

At least 11 illegal alien men are accused of having been involved in a house of horrors in the small town of Bemidji, Minnesota, where at least three young girls were drugged, tied up, and gang raped, according to local law enforcement.

Late last month, an 11-year-old girl presented herself at the Sanford Bemidji Medical Center’s Emergency Department to report that she had been sexually assaulted. The case was then turned over to the Bemidji Police Department where officers began looking for the residence where the alleged sexual assault occurred.

Police soon identified a residence at 1821 America Court NW in Bemidji as the location of the alleged sexual assault. The victim said she was staying with an adult male relative when he put her in a car with other men and she had a bag put over her head.
The men allegedly brought the victim to the residence at 1821 America Court NW, pushed her down a flight of stairs, forced her to consume alcohol, and tied her up. The victim alleges a man nicknamed “Panda,” later identified as 22-year-old Oscar Ernesto Luna of Mission, Texas, raped her while four men watched.

The victim said she was then gang raped by an unknown number of men.

Police said the victim described a house of horrors where another young girl was tied up and unconscious in a closet of the bedroom and that a 16-year-old girl was also tied up. Two other girls were also tied up, the victim said, as she was gang raped.

“Panda” needs to be introduced to a tall tree.

Now Chicago's woke mayor Brandon Johnson plans trip to the US-Mexico border as city warns of 'humanitarian crisis' with more than 15,000 flooding into the Windy City - with police precinct housing some forced to lock its doors​

Chicago's Mayor Brandon Johnson has vowed to visit the southern border to assess the ongoing migrant situation after more than 15,000 flooded into the Windy City.

The ex-schoolteacher who succeeded Lori Lightfoot, assured attendees that he would be visiting the border 'soon' but did could not specify when.

Nearly 30 bus-loads of immigrants arrived in Chicago just last week - and that number is only set to get worse.

Migrants have been being bussed into the city for the past 14 months. On Wednesday, Johnson said as many as 22 busloads could be arriving daily going forward


NYC Mayor Eric Adams goes to Mexico to tell migrants that the Big Apple is 'at capacity' after 122,000 arrived in the last year​

  • Eric Adams arrived in Mexico City in a bid to dissuade migrants from making their way to the Big Apple
New York City Mayor Eric Adams traveled to Mexico to discourage asylum seekers from traveling to the city because it is 'at capacity' as it struggles to accommodate the 122,000 who have arrived in 18 months - in stark contrast to when he personally welcomed them with open arms last year.

In August 2022, NYC mayor Eric Adams welcome migrants welcomed asylum seekers bused in from Texas at Port Authority, saying he was proud New York is a shelter state


NYC Mayor Eric Adams goes to Mexico to tell migrants that the Big Apple is 'at capacity' after 122,000 arrived in the last year​

  • Eric Adams arrived in Mexico City in a bid to dissuade migrants from making their way to the Big Apple
New York City Mayor Eric Adams traveled to Mexico to discourage asylum seekers from traveling to the city because it is 'at capacity' as it struggles to accommodate the 122,000 who have arrived in 18 months - in stark contrast to when he personally welcomed them with open arms last year.

View attachment 584766
In August 2022, NYC mayor Eric Adams welcome migrants welcomed asylum seekers bused in from Texas at Port Authority, saying he was proud New York is a shelter state

Where is his compassion!!!!!!! The liberal utopia that is New York could easily take a few million more.

We don't care if New York's full Eric, we want to be a part of it! Inside Mexican shelter where migrants still plan a new life in the Big Apple and LAUGH at Adams' warnings not to come​

Nothing and no one is going to stop Genso Perez from realizing his dream of reaching New York and opening an import and export business.

Not Donald Trump's border wall, not the Mexican police who dumped him off a train, and certainly not Eric Adams, the mayor of New York who is just up the road in Central Mexico telling migrants not to come to his overcrowded city.

'I don't care if the place is crowded,' said the laughing Venezuelan at a shelter about an hour's drive from where Adams was receiving a honorary degree.

'I want to be part of the crowd. I want to be one of many.'

At the end of his first full day in Mexico, Adams told reporters that his message was clear: New York streets are not paved with gold.

'We're saying to those migrants and asylum seekers,' he said, 'that when you come to New York, unlike what has what has been told to you: that you are going to receive a job that you're going to automatically receive a job that you're automatically going to be placed in a hotel, that there's this endless flow of resources coming from New York City...we're saying that is not true.'

At about the same time as Adams was landing in Mexico City on Wednesday evening, 32-year-old Perez was dropping from La Bestia - the freight train famous for carrying hundreds of thousands of migrants north.


We don't care if New York's full Eric, we want to be a part of it! Inside Mexican shelter where migrants still plan a new life in the Big Apple and LAUGH at Adams' warnings not to come​

Nothing and no one is going to stop Genso Perez from realizing his dream of reaching New York and opening an import and export business.

Not Donald Trump's border wall, not the Mexican police who dumped him off a train, and certainly not Eric Adams, the mayor of New York who is just up the road in Central Mexico telling migrants not to come to his overcrowded city.

'I don't care if the place is crowded,' said the laughing Venezuelan at a shelter about an hour's drive from where Adams was receiving a honorary degree.

'I want to be part of the crowd. I want to be one of many.'

At the end of his first full day in Mexico, Adams told reporters that his message was clear: New York streets are not paved with gold.

'We're saying to those migrants and asylum seekers,' he said, 'that when you come to New York, unlike what has what has been told to you: that you are going to receive a job that you're going to automatically receive a job that you're automatically going to be placed in a hotel, that there's this endless flow of resources coming from New York City...we're saying that is not true.'

At about the same time as Adams was landing in Mexico City on Wednesday evening, 32-year-old Perez was dropping from La Bestia - the freight train famous for carrying hundreds of thousands of migrants north.

Import Export Business? Is he leaning toward the potato chip import side or latex export side?

Migrants are now being Sent To New York City by PLANE From California - with the Salvation Army Footing The Bill​

  • The charity has been helping migrants fly to New York using FEMA money
The Salvation Army has been facilitating the rampant migration of refugees into New York City, funding their efforts using FEMA emergency cash, and adding to the Big Apple's crisis.

Reports emerged this week the charity has been helping migrants fly into New York City despite the asylum seekers already being inside the United States.

Assistance documentation printed by the organization was shared to X on Wednesday, showing TSA airport staff are handed a note saying the migrants 'must cross the country,' where they will await ICE check-ins.

The facilitation of the mass migration comes as over 120,000 asylum seekers have flooded the state, a dynamic that has officials scrambling for solutions while Mayor Eric Adams has warned New York City will be 'destroyed' by the crisis.

Documents from the Salvation Army emerged online this week, showing TSA airport staff are handed a note saying the migrants 'must cross the country', where they will await ICE check-ins

The account that shared the documents claimed that a plane ticket (pictured) was bought by the Salvation Army for a migrant to travel from California, seemingly with a layover in Denver

According to Neyland's Law transporting illegals is working; add more steam. Amazing how there was no "humanitarian crisis" and no support for shutting the border down as long as this was a border state and mostly southern problem. Sometimes you just have to force people to see what they have chosen not to see.

Migrants Say They Will IGNORE NYC Mayor Eric Adams pleas and Will Continue To Flood The Southern Border​

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has failed to deter migrants from making the treacherous trip to the Big Apple from South America, with many, more empowered than ever.

Adams this weekend visited the Darien Gap, a treacherous rainforest traversed by thousands of mostly South American migrants a month, to try to dissuade them from coming as U.S. cities like his own struggle to accommodate them.

His unusual trip to Mexico, Ecuador and Colombia underscores the criticism that he and other Democratic city and state leaders have voiced for the immigration policies of President Joe Biden.

'I'm not going to be discouraged by what a politician says or a mayor says,' one migrant said.

A protest during the visit of New York mayor Eric Adams to Necocli, northern Colombia, after he capped off a four-day trip to Latin America to deter migrants

Immigration will likely be a campaign theme in the U.S. 2024 presidential race with a 54 percent majority of Americans agreeing with the statement that 'immigration is making life harder for native-born Americans,' a September Reuters/Ipsos poll found.


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