Sanctuary Cities

As Gen. Neyland said, it is time for everyone's favorite governor and future Time Man of the Year to "put on more steam"

Dems love the "fair share" thing. Make sure the major cities and other dem enclaves get their fair share of illegals.

What makes you think they didn't already have their fair share? New Jersey, Nevada, and California (#1) are top 5 in most illegals per capita. Arizona is up there, but it's a purple state. Texas (#3) is the only red state.
I really can't believe this attitude towards illegals and Dem states/cities. It's seriously the most unChristlike **** I've ever seen. Republicans are not even trying to fix immigration. They make completely fake gestures in that regard but they do nothing to solve anything when they have power. And because dems (who let's be 100% clear, are not for open borders) are a little nicer to illegals, we're going to over-run them with migrants and celebrate it, because....why? Why? Because they're nicer than you? Because you hate them? You are electing people who refuse to solve the problem too. You're just as culpable for the mess and you're playing with people's lives. It's funny to you that people are sleeping on streets because of where it's happening.

Jesus ain't taking you with him when he comes.
Remember, this dude says our border is secure ...

Republicans praised Adams, jumping off his words to promote the party’s position of reducing immigration and knocking the White House for not doing more.

“The first step towards solving a problem is admitting you have one. Credit to Mayor Adams for being truthful in this clip about the scope of NYC’s migrant crisis,” Rep. Nick LaLota (R-N.Y.) wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “Now, he must repeal NYC’s sanctuary policies & President Biden must reinstate Remain in Mexico to help solve it.”

I really can't believe this attitude towards illegals and Dem states/cities. It's seriously the most unChristlike **** I've ever seen. Republicans are not even trying to fix immigration. They make completely fake gestures in that regard but they do nothing to solve anything when they have power. And because dems (who let's be 100% clear, are not for open borders) are a little nicer to illegals, we're going to over-run them with migrants and celebrate it, because....why? Why? Because they're nicer than you? Because you hate them? You are electing people who refuse to solve the problem too. You're just as culpable for the mess and you're playing with people's lives. It's funny to you that people are sleeping on streets because of where it's happening.

Jesus ain't taking you with him when he comes.

What makes you think they didn't already have their fair share? New Jersey, Nevada, and California (#1) are top 5 in most illegals per capita. Arizona is up there, but it's a purple state. Texas (#3) is the only red state.

How do you know that? Remember the census couldn't ask legal or illegal? Is this another survey counting illegals ... or more biden klan numbers.
I really can't believe this attitude towards illegals and Dem states/cities. It's seriously the most unChristlike **** I've ever seen. Republicans are not even trying to fix immigration. They make completely fake gestures in that regard but they do nothing to solve anything when they have power. And because dems (who let's be 100% clear, are not for open borders) are a little nicer to illegals, we're going to over-run them with migrants and celebrate it, because....why? Why? Because they're nicer than you? Because you hate them? You are electing people who refuse to solve the problem too. You're just as culpable for the mess and you're playing with people's lives. It's funny to you that people are sleeping on streets because of where it's happening.

Jesus ain't taking you with him when he comes.

How do you know that? Remember the census couldn't ask legal or illegal? Is this another survey counting illegals ... or more biden klan numbers.

Aren't you the guy who was implying they don't take their fair share? How do you know they weren't?

It's based on estimates.

The first source was 2021 illegal aliens by state estimates from ‘The Federation for American Immigration Reform,’ a non-governmental organization. The second source was the 2019 unauthorized immigrants by state estimate by ‘The migration policy institute,’ a leading institute in the field of migration policy. For our estimates, we relied on the average of these two data sources.

Whole lot of blue states in the top 15:

New Mexico
New York
New Jersey
I really can't believe this attitude towards illegals and Dem states/cities. It's seriously the most unChristlike **** I've ever seen. Republicans are not even trying to fix immigration. They make completely fake gestures in that regard but they do nothing to solve anything when they have power. And because dems (who let's be 100% clear, are not for open borders) are a little nicer to illegals, we're going to over-run them with migrants and celebrate it, because....why? Why? Because they're nicer than you? Because you hate them? You are electing people who refuse to solve the problem too. You're just as culpable for the mess and you're playing with people's lives. It's funny to you that people are sleeping on streets because of where it's happening.

Jesus ain't taking you with him when he comes.

You mean republicans aren't trying to fix any of this your way. We have rules on immigration - follow them. There are what may be internationally recognized guidelines regarding refugees and safe havens - those aren't being followed for most of the illegals trying to claim sanctuary. We also have a problem with allowing citizenship by birth that most of the world has abandoned; that's one huge incentive for illegal immigration. We don't need to "fix" immigration other than to follow the damn rules in place and end birth citizenship.

You know the ironic part is that on 9/11 there's little recognition that we have failed to control our southern border and have no clue how many people who intend us harm have crossed the border - or what they may have brought with them.
Aren't you the guy who was implying they don't take their fair share? How do you know they weren't?

It's based on estimates.

The first source was 2021 illegal aliens by state estimates from ‘The Federation for American Immigration Reform,’ a non-governmental organization. The second source was the 2019 unauthorized immigrants by state estimate by ‘The migration policy institute,’ a leading institute in the field of migration policy. For our estimates, we relied on the average of these two data sources.

Whole lot of blue states in the top 15:

New Mexico
New York
New Jersey

If you say so. You might as well add Pew. Just a couple of organizations of unknown origin passing numbers.
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I thank God everyday I don't live in a Democratic run chit hole city like NYC.
This turnip brain mayor has caused more problems for his citizens than ever before.
He needs to go see Biden & Mayorkas & beat their ass raw for causing all of this.

As Gen. Neyland said, it is time for everyone's favorite governor and future Time Man of the Year to "put on more steam"

View attachment 578274

Just make it more punishing. When the hurt feels unbearable then put on more hurt. The weight of the Biden Administration policy must be felt.
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You mean republicans aren't trying to fix any of this your way. We have rules on immigration - follow them. There are what may be internationally recognized guidelines regarding refugees and safe havens - those aren't being followed for most of the illegals trying to claim sanctuary. We also have a problem with allowing citizenship by birth that most of the world has abandoned; that's one huge incentive for illegal immigration. We don't need to "fix" immigration other than to follow the damn rules in place and end birth citizenship.

You know the ironic part is that on 9/11 there's little recognition that we have failed to control our southern border and have no clue how many people who intend us harm have crossed the border - or what they may have brought with them.

Hey, I just want something that isn't totally broken. Cool that you have rules in place. How is that going for you?

Both parties are completely indefensible when it comes to immigration policy. Give me a fkn break.

write laws and throw $ at the problem so you can claim you're doing something + hold your constituents hostage with fear-mongering = 2-party system
If you say so. You might as well add Pew. Just a couple of organizations of unknown origin passing numbers.

And they're lying specifically so huff can say there are more immigrants per capita in liberal states. It wasn't much of a payoff that they took, either.
And they're lying specifically so huff can say there are more immigrants per capita in liberal states. It wasn't much of a payoff that they took, either.

Serious question. How would you determine the number of any illegal population (and I'm not talking a WAG or even a SWAG)? You do also realize the counts you quoted date from 2019 and 2020, and wouldn't reflect the huge more recent influx. Are those numbers the distribution of know illegal immigrants who are supposed to eventually show up in an immigration court proceeding, or do they supposedly include the numbers who eluded the Border Patrol and supposedly wouldn't want to be counted. Even if the census had asked the legal/illegal question do you think it would be answered honestly?

Let's say the numbers are actually more or less true. Do they reflect proportionality or just numbers? And why would immigrants be drawn to blue cities and states? Do you think it might be a little safer to say "I'm here illegally" in a sanctuary city than advertise that status in a red state?
Serious question. How would you determine the number of any illegal population (and I'm not talking a WAG or even a SWAG)? You do also realize the counts you quoted date from 2019 and 2020, and wouldn't reflect the huge more recent influx. Are those numbers the distribution of know illegal immigrants who are supposed to eventually show up in an immigration court proceeding, or do they supposedly include the numbers who eluded the Border Patrol and supposedly wouldn't want to be counted. Even if the census had asked the legal/illegal question do you think it would be answered honestly?

Let's say the numbers are actually more or less true. Do they reflect proportionality or just numbers? And why would immigrants be drawn to blue cities and states? Do you think it might be a little safer to say "I'm here illegally" in a sanctuary city than advertise that status in a red state?

Why should I waste any more time on the guy who says stuff with absolutely no support but also demands extensive support to the contrary?

Sanctuary City NYC: Migrant Arrested 6 Times for Violent Crimes in 2 Months​

View attachment 575692

A Venezuelan national, who arrived in the sanctuary city of New York City just two months prior, has since been arrested six times for 14 different crimes — nearly all of which were violent.

He just wants a better life for his family
I really can't believe this attitude towards illegals and Dem states/cities. It's seriously the most unChristlike **** I've ever seen. Republicans are not even trying to fix immigration. They make completely fake gestures in that regard but they do nothing to solve anything when they have power. And because dems (who let's be 100% clear, are not for open borders) are a little nicer to illegals, we're going to over-run them with migrants and celebrate it, because....why? Why? Because they're nicer than you? Because you hate them? You are electing people who refuse to solve the problem too. You're just as culpable for the mess and you're playing with people's lives. It's funny to you that people are sleeping on streets because of where it's happening.

Jesus ain't taking you with him when he comes.
Oh behave …. All your worried about is being able to buy cheap 💩
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