Sanctuary Cities

Colorado Governor Jared Polis is ripped over 'cringeworthy' Feliz Navidad holiday message - just days after Denver Received 16 Busloads of Migrants and State Battles Immigration Crisis that has Overwhelmed Shelters​

Colorado Governor Jared Polis has failed to hit the right note with his rendition of the Christmas hit Feliz Navidad as his state is overwhelmed by immigrants.

Polis delivered the cringeworthy holiday message on Christmas Eve, complete with questionable dance moves while bouncing up and down.

Without a musical accompaniment, he couldn't hide how out of tune his singing was as he butchered the 1970 José Feliciano earworm.

Mercifully, the entire display was only 14 seconds long and not the entire three-minute Puerto Rican Christmas carol that is a staple of holiday mixtapes.

The video comes as Democrat-led Colorado continues to see an influx of migrants with more than a dozen busloads from the southern border arriving in Denver in recent days.

Polis had unfortunate timing as hours earlier 16 more buses of immigrants arrived from Texas after crossing the US border. There were 341 people on the latest convoy, nine buses arriving in Denver on Thursday night and another seven on Friday.

Denver is housing 3,822 migrants, up from 3,135 in mid-October, in shelters and in tents on the street, with 100 buses expected before the end of December.

Denver received $3.5 million from the state of Colorado, $9 million in federal funding, and $1.6 million from the Department of Homeland Security.

There were 341 on the latest convoy, nine buses arriving in Denver on Thursday night and another seven on Friday


Adams slaps restrictions on migrant buses coming to NYC from Texas as numbers rise​

The 'sanctuary' city has received more than 160,000 Migrants​

New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday announced new restrictions on charter buses from Texas bringing migrants to the "sanctuary" city, in an effort to curb the numbers of migrants that have hit the city since last year.

Adams announced an executive order requiring charter buses transporting migrants to provide 32 hours' notice in advance of their arrival in New York City. The order also requires buses to arrive between 8:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. between Monday and Friday. Such buses are also required to drop off at one particular spot.

If buses do not comply, it would result in a class B misdemeanor, with penalties including three months imprisonment and up to a $500 fine for individuals and $2,000 for corporations. Buses could also be impounded by the NYPD.

In a separate statement, Adams made it clear that his order was targeting buses sent by Abbott.

Gov. Abbott’s office, which recently began flying migrants to Chicago and New York City in addition to the buses, accused the Democratic mayor of hypocrisy – and pledged to continue the transportation of migrants.

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Adams slaps restrictions on migrant buses coming to NYC from Texas as numbers rise​

The 'sanctuary' city has received more than 160,000 Migrants​

New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday announced new restrictions on charter buses from Texas bringing migrants to the "sanctuary" city, in an effort to curb the numbers of migrants that have hit the city since last year.

Adams announced an executive order requiring charter buses transporting migrants to provide 32 hours' notice in advance of their arrival in New York City. The order also requires buses to arrive between 8:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. between Monday and Friday. Such buses are also required to drop off at one particular spot.

If buses do not comply, it would result in a class B misdemeanor, with penalties including three months imprisonment and up to a $500 fine for individuals and $2,000 for corporations. Buses could also be impounded by the NYPD.

In a separate statement, Adams made it clear that his order was targeting buses sent by Abbott.

Gov. Abbott’s office, which recently began flying migrants to Chicago and New York City in addition to the buses, accused the Democratic mayor of hypocrisy – and pledged to continue the transportation of migrants.

The DOJ should be jumping all over this, cities can’t interfere in interstate commerce.

Chicago Mayor Pleads For Federal Help as he sounds alarm on Border Crisis: ‘Country is now at stake’​

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson pleaded Wednesday for the federal government to take a bigger role in tackling the migrant crisis, warning that the Windy City and other parts of the US are being overwhelmed by new arrivals.

“Without real, significant investment from our federal government, it won’t just be the city of Chicago that won’t be able to maintain this mission,” Johnson told CNN.

“It’s the entire country that is now at stake.”

Johnson, 47, explained that he’s asked the Biden administration to set aside $15 billion worth of resources to address the issue.


“We have roughly 15,000 people living in shelters, temporary shelters, here in Chicago,” Johnson explained. “Nearly 27 shelters total. And 4,500 children in our Chicago public schools system, providing health care, also making sure that we are screening individuals as they come through the city of Chicago, providing, again, on-site vaccinations at all of our shelters. And this certainly has been a remarkable challenge that my administration has had to face.”



The Migrant Crisis isn’t just Socking New York’s Budget but Its Economy, Too​


The migrant madness isn’t just taking a toll on New York City’s budget — it’s socking its economy, too.

As we’ve been saying ever since this insanity began, President Biden deserves most of the blame for the city’s migrant woes, but if New York wants to save its struggling businesses, it’ll take serious steps to discourage newcomers from flooding in, starting by no longer offering shelter on demand to anyone who asks for it.

As The Post’s Lisa Fickenscher reports, retailers at the 1,025-room Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown have fled the area, now that the facility has been turned into a “welcome center” for migrants.

Nine of 16 retail spaces around the hotel’s ground floor completely vacant, with three spots appearing to house pop-ups with no signage.

At least two of the remaining stores have suffered steep drops in sales: Carmina, a luxury shoe boutique, reports a 28% sales plunge in June and 40% in July, vs. those months last year.


Adams slaps restrictions on migrant buses coming to NYC from Texas as numbers rise​

The 'sanctuary' city has received more than 160,000 Migrants​

New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday announced new restrictions on charter buses from Texas bringing migrants to the "sanctuary" city, in an effort to curb the numbers of migrants that have hit the city since last year.

Adams announced an executive order requiring charter buses transporting migrants to provide 32 hours' notice in advance of their arrival in New York City. The order also requires buses to arrive between 8:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. between Monday and Friday. Such buses are also required to drop off at one particular spot.

If buses do not comply, it would result in a class B misdemeanor, with penalties including three months imprisonment and up to a $500 fine for individuals and $2,000 for corporations. Buses could also be impounded by the NYPD.

In a separate statement, Adams made it clear that his order was targeting buses sent by Abbott.

Gov. Abbott’s office, which recently began flying migrants to Chicago and New York City in addition to the buses, accused the Democratic mayor of hypocrisy – and pledged to continue the transportation of migrants.

Restrictions, eh?

Undocumented Immigrants Will Qualify For Free Health Care In California On Jan. 1​

Cash-strapped California will ring in the new year by offering free health care to all undocumented immigrants who qualify for the state’s government-run health insurance program.

The state, which faces a $68 billion deficit in the next fiscal year, has been steadily expanding access to its Medi-Cal health insurance program for low-income residents, allowing undocumented children to qualify for the taxpayer-funded program in 2015, then expanding it under Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom to cover undocumented adults between the ages of 19-25 and those over 50.

On Jan. 1, California will become the first state to offer free health care to all qualifying individuals — regardless of immigration status or age.


Rogue Migrants Buses Arrive in NYC Again, just hours ahead of Mayor Adams’ crackdown on bus companies​

A handful of rogue migrant buses rolled into the Big Apple during the early morning on Friday— just hours before Mayor Eric Adams’ crackdown on unannounced asylum seeker drop-offs went into effect.

A small number of buses arrived at the Port Authority Bus Terminal around midnight, which falls outside of the new mandated arrival times, city officials told The Post.

The charter bus companies, though, avoided criminal charges with City Hall granting a two-day grace period for the strict new guidelines that were rolled out by Mayor Eric Adams days after a record number of buses, 14, arrived in NYC on a single night.




Happy New Year, NYC! Texas Gov. Greg Abbott IGNORES Mayor Eric Adams' executive order on when Migrants can arrive in city...with latest buses due just as Times Square NYE ball drops​

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has defied NYC Mayor Eric Adams demands on when migrants can arrive in the city - with the latest busload set to be dropped off just as the Times Square ball drops on New Years Eve.

Last week Adams issued an executive order that buses could only arrive at Port Authority to drop off migrants between 8:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. from Monday to Friday unless given permission to do otherwise.

Despite this a bus headed to the Big Apple filled with around 50 asylum seekers left El Paso, Texas around 11a.m. on Saturday morning.

The bus, whose passengers include women and children, is scheduled to arrive Sunday night in Gotham, just before midnight, the charter driver told

Migrants in New York City are seen being bused to a shelter, after arriving from Texas


Biden’s Migrant Crisis Overflows Tax-Funded Shelters in Detroit, Sends Migrants to Private Homes​


Joe Biden’s border crisis has sent so many illegal border crossers to Detroit that activists are calling on members of their community to step up to house them in their private homes.

The African Bureau for Immigration and Social Affairs — an NGO that settles and cares for African migrants trying settle in the U.S. — is heading up the effort to find places for illegals to shelter in the Motor City. The group’s founder, Senegalese native Seydi Starr, told the Detroit News that Detroit has been working since last year to implement a support network for illegals. And this year the crisis is worse than ever.


Biden’s Migrant Crisis Overflows Tax-Funded Shelters in Detroit, Sends Migrants to Private Homes​

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Joe Biden’s border crisis has sent so many illegal border crossers to Detroit that activists are calling on members of their community to step up to house them in their private homes.

The African Bureau for Immigration and Social Affairs — an NGO that settles and cares for African migrants trying settle in the U.S. — is heading up the effort to find places for illegals to shelter in the Motor City. The group’s founder, Senegalese native Seydi Starr, told the Detroit News that Detroit has been working since last year to implement a support network for illegals. And this year the crisis is worse than ever.


NYC-Bound Migrants Are Being Dropped Off At New Jersey Train Stations To Bypass Mayor Eric Adams' executive order limiting bus arrivals from Texas​

Buses filled with migrants have been dropped off at New Jersey train stations in an attempt to bypass New York City Mayor Eric Adams' executive order that has limited bus arrivals from Texas.

Around 10 buses dropped off passengers from Texas and Louisiana at train stations throughout the Garden State including stations in Secaucus, Trenton, Fanwood and Edison on Sunday.

Secaucus Mayor Michael Gonnelli said that police and town officials had been told by Hudson County officials about the arrival of buses at the train station in Secaucus Junction that started on Saturday.

He went on to say that four buses were believed to have arrived and dropped off migrants who then took trains into New York City and that Adams' order may be 'too stringent' and has resulted in 'unexpected consequences.'

Nearly 397 migrants arrived at the various train stations since Saturday after they boarded buses from Texas and Louisiana and stopped in New Jersey


NYC-Bound Migrants Are Being Dropped Off At New Jersey Train Stations To Bypass Mayor Eric Adams' executive order limiting bus arrivals from Texas​

Buses filled with migrants have been dropped off at New Jersey train stations in an attempt to bypass New York City Mayor Eric Adams' executive order that has limited bus arrivals from Texas.

Around 10 buses dropped off passengers from Texas and Louisiana at train stations throughout the Garden State including stations in Secaucus, Trenton, Fanwood and Edison on Sunday.

Secaucus Mayor Michael Gonnelli said that police and town officials had been told by Hudson County officials about the arrival of buses at the train station in Secaucus Junction that started on Saturday.

He went on to say that four buses were believed to have arrived and dropped off migrants who then took trains into New York City and that Adams' order may be 'too stringent' and has resulted in 'unexpected consequences.'

View attachment 606685
Nearly 397 migrants arrived at the various train stations since Saturday after they boarded buses from Texas and Louisiana and stopped in New Jersey

Having lived in Louisiana I’m sort of amused, john Bel Edwards is the governor shipping them our and he is a multi- generational Democrat and he is even like ‘bye y’all, get on this bus’ lmao 🤣 people do not understand how much the extra people who are using up the already strained resources of a community take up.. until it happens to them

Migrants’ Pricey Cars Towed Outside Controversial NYC Shelter In Same Area Where They Begged Door To Door​

These migrants appear to have better rides than some Brooklyn families they’ve been hitting up for cash, food and clothes.

Authorities on Friday night towed at least five unregistered vehicles apparently being used by migrants that were illegally parked outside the city’s controversial tent shelter at Floyd Bennett Field, according to Assemblywoman Jaime Williams (D-Brooklyn)

The wild scene – which Williams caught on video and shared on Facebook — included a white pickup truck with no plates being towed from a grassy lot that is federal parkland to the dismay of at least one migrant seen pleading to gain access to the vehicle.

A minty Toyota Sienna with Florida dealership plates is also shown illegally parked along a fence near a row of electric bikes.

“This is insane,” Williams fumed to the Post Saturday. “Where did they get the money [to buy vehicles]? This is bigger than all of us.”

“People have to wake up and realize what’s happening. These are the same people who are knocking on doors begging for food and money”

Over the past few weeks, residents in Marine Park – a predominantly working class, blue-collar neighborhood — have openly complained about asylum seeker families showing up on their doorsteps asking for spare change and other aid. Some previously told The Post they fear for their safety.

Mob Of Migrants Pillages High-End NYC Bloomingdale’s For Sunglasses​

A mob of asylum-seekers pillaged a high-end New York City Bloomingdale’s, attempting to make off with thousands in designer sunglasses.

The incident occurred around 6:30 p.m. on Saturday when at least 15 migrants raided the Manhattan location and began grabbing pairs of Prada, Dior, and Versace glasses, according to a report.

The total cost of sunglasses the migrants attempted to steal is estimated at $5,300, and all but one of the migrants managed to escape, authorities said.

Leaders of several Chicago suburbs have voted to restrict buses from dropping off migrants without notice while officials in New Jersey are trying to figure out how to deal with buses using transit points in their state to evade new rules aimed at curbing the influx of arrivals in New York City.

Frustrated by “rogue buses” from Texas dropping off migrants by the thousands, the mayors of New York and Chicago, along with Denver, have tried to slow the surge by requiring bus operators to coordinate arrivals under the threat of impound, fines and even jail time through executive orders.

Immigrants stand waiting in line outside the Federal Plaza Immigration Court in New York City, U.S., November 6, 2023.  REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

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