Sanders Campaign Russian Collusion

Go see the Bernie Sanders russian collusion thread
He knows Bernie is working with Russia. Now I see why him and the others kept blaming trump. They had inside info that Bernie had been plotting with his true country all this time to steal the election, and turn America to communism. I'm honestly not shocked they support Bernie now, they're the ones wanting to turn us red!
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That is the most ignorant thing I've read today. Societies are based on shared beliefs and social order.
Your response is the most ignorant thing I've read. The person you are responding to made sense.
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I'm sure it made "since" to you.

It makes sense to everyone living in a capitalist society that’s working to better themselves through work , education , determination and individual achievements. A person not looking to make it into socialist society where group think , and emotions determine that everyone is equal, and deserves the same regardless of their effort .
I'm not a capitalist anymore, I'm drawing a pension and social security. Which party should I choose? Eff everybody else I want what best for me!
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I'm not a capitalist anymore, I'm drawing a pension and social security. Which party should I choose? Eff everybody else I want what best for me!

I don’t know who you should vote for , but what’s probably going to be best for you it a 401k adjustment , right before election week . Lol
He knows Bernie is working with Russia. Now I see why him and the others kept blaming trump. They had inside info that Bernie had been plotting with his true country all this time to steal the election, and turn America to communism. I'm honestly not shocked they support Bernie now, they're the ones wanting to turn us red!

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Trump was not a socialist. I honestly believe that to be Sanders biggest stumbling block. If he gets the nom, he will be hammered on that in the general election. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so. That will prevent him from pulling a "Trump".
It’s going to be interesting to see if Trump has pissed off enough of the country that the electorate chooses Socialism over Trump. Talk about an embarrassing legacy if that happens. Not saying it will happen but it’s certainly possible.
It’s going to be interesting to see if Trump has pissed off enough of the country that the electorate chooses Socialism over Trump. Talk about an embarrassing legacy if that happens. Not saying it will happen but it’s certainly possible.
Trump is a tough act to follow as far as embarrassment. The Dems will temper any extremes Bernie might bring to a more moderate solution if he's elected. If Bernie read Art of the Deal, you start out any negotiation from the extreme.
Trump is a tough act to follow as far as embarrassment. The Dems will temper any extremes Bernie might bring to a more moderate solution if he's elected. If Bernie read Art of the Deal, you start out any negotiation from the extreme.

I love watching the justification that we all knew was coming from the left, for voting a socialist into the oval . It’s funny to watch .
It’s going to be interesting to see if Trump has pissed off enough of the country that the electorate chooses Socialism over Trump. Talk about an embarrassing legacy if that happens. Not saying it will happen but it’s certainly possible.
I don't think it's even close. For all of his bluster, the country itself isn't that bad off. Maybe that's because of him, maybe that's in spite of him, but IMO most people will question changing something that's currently working. He may be a pompous ass hate, but he's a pompous ass hat with a strong economy. People will forgive a lot when the economy is chugging along.
The one you can't apparently read.

Wait wait wait..arent you the one who couldnt read the Mueller report and comprehend the examples pulled from the text word for word? Yeah..
So you can't provide any documentation of Bernie's communism as you claim? I'm shocked.

Is your source Justin?
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It’s going to be interesting to see if Trump has pissed off enough of the country that the electorate chooses Socialism over Trump. Talk about an embarrassing legacy if that happens. Not saying it will happen but it’s certainly possible.
Absolutely. The key for the left, in my opinion, is getting the extremely anti-Trump youth to actually vote for once.
I will say,if its Bernie, there are some interesting parallels to 2016.

Trump beat the moderates.

Trump did not really have the support of the party structure.

Trump had to defeat the notion of a brokered convention.

Trump was thought to be least likely of the candidates to beat Clinton.
And if Trump had promised to kick everyone off of their private healthcare plans and force them into a single payer system, he would have lost, bigly.
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I love watching the justification that we all knew was coming from the left, for voting a socialist into the oval . It’s funny to watch .
Count me in the crowd that knew it was coming😄
So you can't provide any documentation of Bernie's communism as you claim? I'm shocked.

Is your source Justin?

It’s called listening? You should try it sometime. Pretty easy to tell what Bernie is and isn’t when he opens his mouth.
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