Who tha fook is this Daisy Duke Sam clown that is trying to act like what Santi did is anything close to what Burton did? Since when is pushing a grown man taunting you and your squad and who is close to your height and probably outweighs you by 30 or 40 pounds anywhere close to the same as a 6'3 210 pound football player hitting a young lady in the face who is trying to avoid him and is probably 8in to a foot shorter and weighs 70 - 90 pounds less?
@DukeDaisySam you must be one of these new school mindset clowns that thinks supporting feminism means that you have to treat a man hitting a woman the same as a man hitting a man or a woman hitting a man.....equal pay, equal right to ass whoopings, right? Santi was wrong but it in no way comes close to the shite that Burton pulled and the pathetic way that Saban tried to justify it and the way the SEC ignored it. Maybe Burton, Saban and the SEC just all thought that the young lady UT fan was actually a small guy in drag.