Sat next to Jacques girlfriend

Yes. And none of them seem to have gotten through to him what he is supposed to be doing out there.


He's def not panned out neither has Miller, but its hard to fault guys when you keep having a new position coach each year. Stability goes a long way as you see with this staff now. Most these coaches have coached tog for a few years and all seaml to be on the same page.
No need to worry about Jacques being suspended.

I'm hearing he didn't kill OP himself, but hired a Hitman to do it for him. Hitman was so good that its leaving no trace of anything at all and can't be tied back.

The hitmans name was Wilks. Rod Wilks.
No need to worry about Jacques being suspended.

I'm hearing he didn't kill OP himself, but hired a Hitman to do it for him. Hitman was so good that its leaving no trace of anything at all and can't be tied back.

The hitmans name was Wilks. Rod Wilks.
By way of lightning strike, no physical evidence
Aaron Hernandez just tweeted that OP had it comin

This is a cool story bro moment, FYI.

I am in my office and there is a CPR/ First Aid training going on in the next room.

As the instructor is telling a story about the first person she lost while performing CPR, I laugh hysterically loud from the other room...

I was laughin at Fade's hernandez joke, but the whole class got silent, even her, and I could feel the stares... :whistling:
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This is a cool story bro moment, FYI.

I am in my office and there is a CPR/ First Aid training going on in the next room.

As the instructor is telling a story about the first person she lost while performing CPR, I laugh hysterically loud from the other room...

I was laughin at Fade's hernandez joke, but the whole class got silent, even her, and I could feel the stares... :whistling:

Is the instructor hot?
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It's been 11 minutes since OP posted. Is that long enough to have been found and beaten unconscious?

Hope you're ok, OP. :eek:

Sheik, you have unknowingly bested me thrice with 1 post. First, upon reading the OP my first thought was this is a perfect setup for a clever comment about the OP's inevitable demise. I was confident that said comment would earn myself more than a few likes. I would soon be well on my way to catching Fade Route's suspiciously high post-to-like ratio. Before I could summon the imagination to originate this post, I discovered your response (as quoted above.)
Secondly, upon reading said response, I quickly concluded that not only did you "beat" me to the "punch" (pun intended), but that you had birthed a comment so eloquently typed that any would-be like-assuring post of mine would have been completely inadequate to garner said likes.
But here is where the knife did the real damage; The third and final defeat came upon the realization that I have been a member of Volnation for over two years now, during which I have beared witness to numerous posts of yours. Recalling nearly every time I saw a post of yours and thought to myself "is this guy a Muslim?", "Is he from the Middle East?", "How does an Iranian like him come to be a fan of UT football?", "That was a clever post. Too clever even. I did not get it. Is this Middle Easterner that much more intelligent than me?", etc, it hit me as fast as Lane Kiffin's getaway vehicle:

You're not Muslim! Your name is simply a joke; a cleverly disguised command likened to the classics like Hue Jass, Pat McRoch, Ben Dover, and I.P. Freely. In short: I feel stupid.
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SOON . . .
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I'm in as long as I have access to VN from my prison cell.....:good!:

Wow, wouldn't it be great to have the extra time to spend on here.
All the time I had, not pressing license plates, I could talk to you dudes.
Lol my bad man your right I should have just told her to pose so i could snap a pic so all the Pervs on volnation could see her.


Realists. You should have told her you needed proof before blabbing it on Volnation. Then got Jac's number and texted him that if he see's a pic of you smiling very big with his GF all over the internet that he shouldn't feel alarmed or threaten you. Then get his GF's number or email so you can periodically check with her (say 2AM every day) to make sure he is cool with it and doesn't plan to hunt you down. Then invite her to go to dinner with you in secret to devise a backup plan in case Jac isn't cool with the picture you took. Then tell her you feel for her safety as well and urge her to dump him and marry you as you move off to the Carribeans to make sure she is safe from his wrath against you.

Of course, if she's ugly, don't even bother with the pic.
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Realists. You should have told her you needed proof before blabbing it on Volnation. Then got Jac's number and texted him that if he see's a pic of you smiling very big with his GF all over the internet that he shouldn't feel alarmed or threaten you. Then get his GF's number or email so you can periodically check with her (say 2AM every day) to make sure he is cool with it and doesn't plan to hunt you down. Then invite her to go to dinner with you in secret to devise a backup plan in case Jac isn't cool with the picture you took. Then tell her you feel for her safety as well and urge her to dump him and marry you as you move off to the Carribeans to make sure she is safe from his wrath against you.

Of course, if she's ugly, don't even bother with the pic.

Why didn't you tell me this earlier!!!!??? Guess I missed my chance
Sheik, you have unknowingly bested me thrice with 1 post. First, upon reading the OP my first thought was this is a perfect setup for a clever comment about the OP's inevitable demise. I was confident that said comment would earn myself more than a few likes. I would soon be well on my way to catching Fade Route's suspiciously high post-to-like ratio. Before I could summon the imagination to originate this post, I discovered your response (as quoted above.)
Secondly, upon reading said response, I quickly concluded that not only did you "beat" me to the "punch" (pun intended), but that you had birthed a comment so eloquently typed that any would-be like-assuring post of mine would have been completely inadequate to garner said likes.
But here is where the knife did the real damage; The third and final defeat came upon the realization that I have been a member of Volnation for over two years now, during which I have beared witness to numerous posts of yours. Recalling nearly every time I saw a post of yours and thought to myself "is this guy a Muslim?", "Is he from the Middle East?", "How does an Iranian like him come to be a fan of UT football?", "That was a clever post. Too clever even. I did not get it. Is this Middle Easterner that much more intelligent than me?", etc, it hit me as fast as Lane Kiffin's getaway vehicle:

You're not Muslim! Your name is simply a joke; a cleverly disguised command likened to the classics like Hue Jass, Pat McRoch, Ben Dover, and I.P. Freely. In short: I feel stupid.
Also bet you didn't know the guy in his avvy is Frank Zappa.
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