Sat next to Jacques girlfriend


Here ya go pervs of Volnation.

And yes...... she looks mighty fine.
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Here ya go pervs of Volnation.

And yes...... she looks mighty fine.

SHe is definitely hot as hell but where are the rest of her fingers on her right hand. they dont look curled under, they just look gone!

Still hot though, missing fingers aint no thing, especially with those hams shes hiding in her back pockets.

EDIT: Oh wait, shes interlacing them with his fingers. Still looks odd, and the only reason I noticed in the first place was that her hand is so closed to the honey baked section...

EDIT to the EDIT: And I dont know where you found this picture, but you just got some major creepy points. Fbook stalker perhaps???
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Good to know she's not one of those fat little girlfriends like they had a few years back at Texas Tech:)

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