SC Fans post your congrats here.

I'm telling you, it's hilarious that these guys thought they were suddenly a national power. Bottom line is that they will never be better than 4th in the east aside from that "anomaly" type year once a decade.

OK Freak,

I have to say this... With Spurrier as the coach they will come up and be a threat every year in the east. I say this because GA is on the down swing. Spurrier will recriout well and be a threat. No they are not a National Power but come on. Spurrier got DUKE TO BEAT US!! And his coaching is why they beat us last year and challenged us last night. Go ask CPF or Chavis if they consider the SC Team a serious threat over the next few years. I bet their answer is different than your.:zeitung_lesen:
They are having a bad year, but Richt is too good of a coach to stay down long. Plus they have loads of talent and recruit extremely well. Theyll be back next year.


So your saying they will beat Tennessee and Florida regularly? Otherwise they battle with SC for the 3rd and 4th position. Not to mention Vandy being on the upswing. I still believe SC is more of a threat to us that either GA or Vandy. Thats the point, they are in the hunt consistantly in the next few years.
I still believe SC is more of a threat to us that either GA or Vandy.

SC: Lost to us 13/14 games, zero sec championship games since 2000

UGA: Beat us four out of six years, three sec championship games, two sec championships

'Nuff said.
SC: Lost to us 13/14 games, zero sec championship games since 2000

UGA: Beat us four out of six years, three sec championship games, two sec championships

'Nuff said.

Those Stats are a bit skewed don't you think? I never said that Georgia hasn't been successful against us. What I said was they were on the down swing and SC is gonna step up big. SC will get in a habit of finishing ahead of at least one of those Power 3 (TN,GA,FL) in the East regularly.

Do you not agree at all? Or do you think Spurrier can't beat those teams regularly? Like they beat us last year. Either way I have the opinion that all together Spurrier can out coach Richt and Meyers on a bad day. He will get the talent as well.
Back to the intent of this thread... Any SC fans out there at all????

Just say something.. I know you are reading this.
BTW...This is first year Richt has lost to TN & FL.

And also BTW last year was the first time in how long Vandy beat us.... Are we to assume that is the last time and just assume we win that game as well? Your basing everything on the past not the fact they are improving leaps and bounds under Spurrier.

Under that logic you would have said Rutgers could never play in a bowl game because they haven't in years and years.:blink:
I checked out and they had mods daring people to make a thread, and if they did they would be booted. What a sad way to go about things. They also are giving out IP addresses and such of people

I checked out the site after the game and saw 2 UT fans cursing and making threats to the people over on that site.

Don't blame them for making threats when we have idiots doing such things.
Since I can't defend myself on their board, I will on this board. I said nothing offensive (until after I was banned, after kicking me off, they had a link to one of my pics, so I edit it to say "F*** the Cocks!!").

They could slam Fulmer and the Vols all they wanted in any thread. If you defended in like manner, they wanted it in the "Smack Talk."

I wasn't rude in anyway, but I have to say I was "ON FIRE" shooting down all their arguments. They got pissy and kicked me off.

I acted in no way different than I do here.

I will send links with my posts, If I can get on there.

You acted like a little baby that had gotten his candy taken away.

The mods on that idiot site are morons but I am laughing at YOU and someone else who go over them names....then make other names saying the EXACT SAME THING....then wonder why they banned you.

I will not sign up to such a boring place but I also won't act 10 and then complain.

Act mature and you will get treated that way
You acted like a little baby that had gotten his candy taken away.

The mods on that idiot site are morons but I am laughing at YOU and someone else who go over them names....then make other names saying the EXACT SAME THING....then wonder why they banned you.

I will not sign up to such a boring place but I also won't act 10 and then complain.

Act mature and you will get treated that way

Totally untrue.. Give me one example of me acting like a baby.

Just one. THis is a total mischaracterization. I REACTED to their attacks in a milder fashion than their behavior.

I defended agaisnt against Fat Jokes (fulmer), and agreed with Corso.. that alone got me kicked off.
At CockyTalk, dissent was considered "Smack." Everybody making comments over there after the game didn't even read my threads, because they were deleted.

KEEP IN MIND: This coming from a site that posted an F-BOMB laced version of Rocky Top.
then make other names saying the EXACT SAME THING....

Wrong again.. I ONLY POSTED UNDER ONE NAME.. so get your facts right before attempting taking down one of your own.

I acted no different than I act one here--FACT.

For reference, go check out my jawing with LAWGATOR before the florida game. Also check my congrats post after the FLORIDA game.
I do however admit (after I was banned) dropping the F-BOMB once on a picture they still had linked, so I edited it and uploaded.

That was prolly a little overboard, but once again, it was much milder than they were (and still are) behaving.
I do however admit (after I was banned) dropping the F-BOMB once on a picture they still had linked, so I edited it and uploaded.

That was prolly a little overboard, but once again, it was much milder than they were (and still are) behaving.
From what I could tell they were mad about your smack talk, which got under their skin (in the proper "smack" forum mind you) and they tried to find a reason to ban you. They didn't realize who they were messing with though. :birgits_giggle:
The quote that got me kicked off, after various warnings, was on a Gameday thread.

They were blasting Corso for calling Southern Cal "the Real USC."

I replied, "Well when it comes to football, Southern Cal is the real USC, so I have to agree with Corso on that one."

Nothing bad about it, but they cut that post and kicked me off, because they had warned me about "Trash Talk" in a non "Smack-Talk" board.

I didn't think that was smack talk -- it was an observation of a current discussion.

:whistling: Well, what more can we really expect??? Remember!!! South Carolina is the state that started the Civil War. Strange folks!!! This is a true one: My wife and I were exiting a ramp in South Carolina on the way to one of their resort areas on the beach. Instead of "Yield" the sign at the end of the ramp said: (AND THIS IS QUOTE!!!!!) "Don't stop. Just keep on going!!

Folks like that are glued together with something a lot different from us!!!!:post-4-1090547912:

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