SC Fans post your congrats here.

i'm sure the mods here would mostly agree ... after a lose people are going to whin and cry about the grass not being cut just right ...

I have no idea what you're talking about. After a loss, we usually form a circle and sing Kumbaya.
I have no idea what you're talking about. After a loss, we usually form a circle and sing Kumbaya.

:good!: hey that was a good one ... got any more??

nah ya'll have a good one ... i gotta hit the bed

good luck the rest of the season (i'm only saying this for your bowl game so you rep. the SEC)
we started a Vent thread for after losses ... it's unedited until monday ... once monday comes we close the thread and start talkin about the next weeks game

might as well just leave it open all year.
Vol fans are hillbillies, and marry their sisters. You're ghey

ok so i went back to 8th grade so i could respond to yours ... it's posters like you that bring ANY message board down ... if you go back and read any of my post i haven't came out and talked the first bit of crap ... i've just pulled for my team

There is no shortage of hillbillies in Columbia. Worse, there are way more rednecks there than in Knoxville. A redneck is a hillbilly without class. The smartest person in South Carolina was born in Tennessee. His name is Steve Spurrier. If he had a few less South Carolinians on his team, he might have been able to pull out a W against the Vols. Also, don't try to fool any of us into thinking that you made it to the 8th grade.
There is no shortage of hillbillies in Columbia. Worse, there are way more rednecks there than in Knoxville. A redneck is a hillbilly without class. The smartest person in South Carolina was born in Tennessee. His name is Steve Spurrier. If he had a few less South Carolinians on his team, he might have been able to pull out a W against the Vols. Also, don't try to fool any of us into thinking that you made it to the 8th grade.
His misspelling of "gay" is also impressive. Where the hell do you come up with "ghey?"
as for the sigs ... we allow "mild" smack in the sigs and avatars (again for anyone) ... we have about 5-10 regular klempson posters and most of them have smack in their sigs and we let it go too

Hence, the double standard.

If you guys think it is working for ya, keep it up. I certainly won't be by. Good luck, maybe you guys can take a step and make it past 7, but it isn't looking good. Maybe we'll see ya some during basketball. :)
the tough thing right now is that we lost ... i'm sure the mods here would mostly agree ... after a lose people are going to whin and cry about the grass not being cut just right ... we started a Vent thread for after losses ... it's unedited until monday ... once monday comes we close the thread and start talkin about the next weeks game

as for the sigs ... we allow "mild" smack in the sigs and avatars (again for anyone) ... we have about 5-10 regular klempson posters and most of them have smack in their sigs and we let it go too

I have nothing against you, but gamecockgal is clueless.
I have no idea what you're talking about. After a loss, we usually form a circle and sing Kumbaya.

That wasn't the case last year. Remember when you tried to get me to sing back up vocals for you when you started singing "Superstar" by The Carpenters?

Yikes, that was a little disturbing.

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