Schedule change for 2014 season opener (Confirmed)

Same here. I'm sure Charter will get it, and then they will raise our cable bill by $20

Well, as far as I've heard, the two major suppliers of CSS (Comcast/Charter) should be buying in to the SEC Network. CSS was basically Comcast/Charter in the first place. I'm just pissed, as a Charter customer, that they haven't already come out to say they will be carrying SEC Network.

If they don't carry it, I can see a lot of customers switching providers. I switched from Dish because of the Braves. I have no problem switching for SEC football.

Go Big Orange!!
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SEC Netwok sucks - should have kept thngs the way they were, almost everyone got the games that way

I'm glad they changed. In Knoxville the SECN affiliate was CBS, which meant almost every week they showed the end of the 12:20 blowout and didn't get the big 3:30 game on until late in the 1st quarter at the earliest. Also, CBS would put all UT's Wednesday night BB games on their alternate channel that DirecTV doesn't have in HD. SEC Network remedies all those issues.
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Season opening games on Sunday get a lot more eyes on them.. GBO

You think so....did you watch the Ohio vs. Louisville game last year or the Colorado vs. Colorado St. game? Those were the Sunday games on opening week last season.

UT fans will watch the game regardless as will a few SEC fans but that's about it.
You think so....did you watch the Ohio vs. Louisville game last year or the Colorado vs. Colorado St. game? Those were the Sunday games on opening week last season.

UT fans will watch the game regardless as will a few SEC fans but that's about it.
To be honest, I don't remember but I'm usually so ready for college football I watch every posssible game the first weekend just because I've missed it so much. Doesn't matter who is playing.
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Says the guy who arrogantly claims how smart he is and how old the news is since you knew about it soooo long ago...

When you're monumentally smarter than the general populace, it's of vital importance that they receive this news ASAP!!! :geek:
Welp, thanks, to the moving the game i can't get off that monday. And i have to be at work at 4am.:realmad:

so basically thanks to the guy that takes 2 hour lunch breaks everyday, and calls in sick cause he got fever or he got cold outside the night before, or because he threw his back out brushing his teeth.... his back squirts or his super sonic nerve hurts or he has swine flu etc. these are all real excuses he has used to get out of work. i am 100% serious. this makes me boiling mad. and this guy claims to be a ut fan as well. a realist ut fan. that always predicts us to lose. Not only that he left work early one day said he was going home cause he felt like he was gonna puke. he felt like not did. he just left.
What really grinds your gears?
Welp, thanks, to the moving the game i can't get off that monday. And i have to be at work at 4am.:realmad:

so basically thanks to the guy that takes 2 hour lunch breaks everyday, and calls in sick cause he got fever or he got cold outside the night before, or because he threw his back out brushing his teeth.... his back squirts or his super sonic nerve hurts or he has swine flu etc. these are all real excuses he has used to get out of work. i am 100% serious. this makes me boiling mad. and this guy claims to be a ut fan as well. a realist ut fan. that always predicts us to lose. Not only that he left work early one day said he was going home cause he felt like he was gonna puke. he felt like not did. he just left.

But on the other hand, Jewish, Adventists and other Saturday worshipping groups are happy. They can now go to the game. Shouldn't Vol love be inclusive given the majority of games are played on Saturdays?

Let's join hands and sing:

I'm a Vols fan and I love my team.
אני מעריץ כרכים ואני אוהב את הקבוצה שלי
Mimi nina vols mashabiki na i upendo timu yangu
Ich bin ein Fan Bde., und ich liebe mein Team
Dwi'n ffan vols a fi cariad fy nhîm
Я тт вентилятор и я люблю свою команду

Oh don't mind me. Everyone here knows the only time I'm in my right mind is when I'm in the wrong one.
As for me, I am a vols school fan with as for me,I really like my team!

Literally translating English thoughts into a Japanese sentence can be a real b!+€#. Grammar rules for the two languages are almost complete opposites.

Also, the Japanese hardly ever use the word love (except in love songs, of course). Couples usually use the word suki (like) or daisuki (really like--literally big like) about one another.

Conversely, it's even rarer to hear the word hate: they usually say suki ja nai (don't like) or maye kirai (dislike) or daikirai (really dislike) though the latter two are somewhat rare also. The only Japanese person I've ever met who actually used the word "hate" was a survivor of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. She said something along the lines of "For years, I hated the Americans for what they did; however, I've come to truly forgive them. I've since realized that what I really hate is war." This was coming from a woman who faced such an intense stigma from living through the radiation that she was never able to marry. Men were afraid they could catch radiation poisoning from her or that she would give them deformed children (this was before anybody really understood the effects of radiation, mind you). It was probably the most moving thing I've ever heard.
not unless all these cable and dish companies buy into it - which alot have not

It's still 4 1/2 months until the network is set to launch. Given the way these type of negotiations usually go, it's somewhat amazing that some providers actually have a deal in place already. Last summer Fox Sports 1 got their deal done with just about every carrier in the final week or two before they went on the air.
Welp, thanks, to the moving the game i can't get off that monday. And i have to be at work at 4am.:realmad:

so basically thanks to the guy that takes 2 hour lunch breaks everyday, and calls in sick cause he got fever or he got cold outside the night before, or because he threw his back out brushing his teeth.... his back squirts or his super sonic nerve hurts or he has swine flu etc. these are all real excuses he has used to get out of work. i am 100% serious. this makes me boiling mad. and this guy claims to be a ut fan as well. a realist ut fan. that always predicts us to lose. Not only that he left work early one day said he was going home cause he felt like he was gonna puke. he felt like not did. he just left.

I'm thinking you need to update your reseme.

Word of advice tho....I wouldn't look into any position involving public relations.
As for me, I am a vols school fan with as for me,I really like my team!

Literally translating English thoughts into a Japanese sentence can be a real b!+€#. Grammar rules for the two languages are almost complete opposites.

Also, the Japanese hardly ever use the word love (except in love songs, of course). Couples usually use the word suki (like) or daisuki (really like--literally big like) about one another.

Conversely, it's even rarer to hear the word hate: they usually say suki ja nai (don't like) or maye kirai (dislike) or daikirai (really dislike) though the latter two are somewhat rare also. The only Japanese person I've ever met who actually used the word "hate" was a survivor of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. She said something along the lines of "For years, I hated the Americans for what they did; however, I've come to truly forgive them. I've since realized that what I really hate is war." This was coming from a woman who faced such an intense stigma from living through the radiation that she was never able to marry. Men were afraid they could catch radiation poisoning from her or that she would give them deformed children (this was before anybody really understood the effects of radiation, mind you). It was probably the most moving thing I've ever heard.

And now, for why a translator's error regarding the Nipponese response that they surrender. That led to the dropping on the first atomic bombs used in a war.

Thanks for the lesson but my post was a needling joke directed at a Sunday game disliker.
It's still 4 1/2 months until the network is set to launch. Given the way these type of negotiations usually go, it's somewhat amazing that some providers actually have a deal in place already. Last summer Fox Sports 1 got their deal done with just about every carrier in the final week or two before they went on the air.

Agree. I have no doubt that all providers will have it by August . I'm just dreading the price increase on my bill.
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And now, for why a translator's error regarding the Nipponese response that they surrender. That led to the dropping on the first atomic bombs used in a war.

Thanks for the lesson but my post was a needling joke directed at a Sunday game disliker.
Didn't mean to waste your time, just got carried away telling a story. I've just always found it interesting how some other cultures are so hesitant to use the words love and hate while we throw the words around carelessly for things like ice cream or broccoli.

edit: and FWIW, we Japan was willing to issue a conditional surrender given that Russia was soon to be bearing down on them. We dropped the bombs to coerce them into an unconditional surrender before the commies could gain a foothold in Japan (which was set to become a major strategic point for the US military).

We could have saved the bombs and received a conditional surrender, but dropping them sent a stronger message to the rest of the world about America's might.
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Didn't mean to waste your time, just got carried away telling a story. I've just always found it interesting how some other cultures are so hesitant to use the words love and hate while we throw the words around carelessly for things like ice cream or broccoli.

edit: and FWIW, we Japan was willing to issue a conditional surrender given that Russia was soon to be bearing down on them. We dropped the bombs to coerce them into an unconditional surrender before the commies could gain a foothold in Japan (which was set to become a major strategic point for the US military).

We could have saved the bombs and received a conditional surrender, but dropping them sent a stronger message to the rest of the world about America's might.

First of all, I actually learned something from your Japanese lesson. Thanks.

My understanding is that the translator receiving the Japanese response confused the terms used for accepting the surrender terms and what amounts to we will consider it. The second, which to the Americans was equivalent to stone walling. So the bombs went down to let them know we weren't *****footing around.

With the WRs corps we have, I hope we end up dropping themo nukes on our opposition whether they surrender or not.
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Agree. I have no doubt that all providers will have it by August . I'm just dreading the price increase on my bill.

It's not going to be that outrageous. IIRC the SEC's jumping off point in the negotiations was asking for something like $1.25 a month in the states in the conference footprint and less for those outside it.
It's not going to be that outrageous. IIRC the SEC's jumping off point in the negotiations was asking for something like $1.25 a month in the states in the conference footprint and less for those outside it.

That's not bad. I just have a distrust with Charter.
So only people with Dish network and (probably) who pay the extra fee for the SEC network, will be able to watch???

Well that sucks! Like the majority of people I have cable. :banghead2:


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