School Shooting in Knoxville

I hope none of you guys have family or friends affected by this. Sad state of affairs we have in this country when teenagers feel the urge to kill others to make a point or settle a score. It’s nauseating.
It's nauseating and we have no one else to blame because we allowed our kids to become punk ass pieces of crap with no consequences for behaving like punks and spouting off at the mouth.
Was just about to post that. Heard it on a live feed from on of the Knoxville channels. Clearly something going on in the community.

Who the hell thought it was a good idea to make AE a magnet school?
I lived near AE for a while when I was in college and I remember it being a magnet school. This would have been 2007-2008. Not sure when it was originally designated as one.
So after we ban all the scary looking guns and these shootings continue to happen, which they undoubtedly will, what’s the solution going to be?

It's like there's a bursted pipe, but you don't want to shut off the water because that's not going to get rid of the water that's already on the floor. That's effectively your argument.
There have been new things introduced into society since back in your day... liked colored television, control variable transmissions, and the personal computer.
I'm guessing that things didn't change any over the decades now did they?
Pulled this off twitter not sure if true.
"Not true . Local station just reported suspect shot and killed. Police officer has non life threatening injuries and no other victims. Let me add, 4 children have been shot and killed at this school since Jan. 2021"
It's like there's a bursted pipe, but you don't want to shut off the water because that's not going to get rid of the water that's already on the floor. That's effectively your argument.

You couldnt handle what really needs to change. You'd rather thousands of kids die than to accept what needs to happen.
It's like there's a bursted pipe, but you don't want to shut off the water because that's not going to get rid of the water that's already on the floor. That's effectively your argument.
It’s like you don’t have any actual answer to the question and just ignore the obvious answer. Punishing law abiding citizens won’t stop people from shooting each other.
Pulled this off twitter not sure if true.
"Not true . Local station just reported suspect shot and killed. Police officer has non life threatening injuries and no other victims. Let me add, 4 children have been shot and killed at this school since Jan. 2021"
Fox just reported only the dead suspect, the wounded officer, and one other student detained for questioning involved. They said no had no other reports of injuries, hopefully that holds true.
If we could just get you and your knuckledragging compatriots to come along, maybe we could make that happen. But you guys seem to prefer your freedumb to safe schools and kids staying alive.
Lmao so tell us which new gun control law would prevent these 16 and 17 gang members from Atlanta and Detroit who are establishing drug trade in Knox from shooting each other

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