School Shooting in Knoxville

Fox just reported only the dead suspect, the wounded officer, and one other student detained for questioning involved. They said no had no other reports of injuries, hopefully that holds true.
Yup just saw the tweet from Fox News. Best case scenario in this situation.
Sounds like the School Resource Officer is the wounded officer and killed the shooter.

Scott Peterson where ever the hell you are, are you paying attention?!
Congratulations on your wonderful news. Most people are sick to their stomach. I'm glad at least one of us here can find some joy in the story.
A lot of the country, like EL, is sick of the indifference and avoidance from meatheads who can’t be inconvenienced concerning their hobbies enough to care about what’s happening.
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I'm going out on a limb and say the shooter, (who's probably dead) was not a 50 year old white male with a Trump sticker on his car. And most likely not a legally owned fire arm. How do you fix this?
It's like there's a bursted pipe, but you don't want to shut off the water because that's not going to get rid of the water that's already on the floor. That's effectively your argument.
no, this is like turning off the working plumbing because the roof sprang a leak. you don't go after the working pieces when there is a clear unrelated problem.
A lot of the country, like EL, is sick of the indifference and avoidance from meatheads who can’t be inconvenienced concerning their hobbies enough to care about what’s happening.
What’s going to change after these scary looking guns are banned?
Someone in the RF says a law enforcement friend told them the officer was there serving a warrant at the school.
You folks realize you no longer need Smith & Wesson, right? People have the capability to make their own. Black market will always be there no matter what laws are passed.
what's the saying about gun control making criminals out of people?
Several posters are going to look like real morons once details of this are released. I know what's been going on around AE for the past several months and roughly what went down today.

It really would be best if everyone sits tight, says a prayer for the victim(s) and families, and avoids starting a political/gun control conversation.
Several posters are going to look like real morons once details of this are released. I know what's been going on around AE for the past several months and roughly what went down today.

It really would be best if everyone sits tight, says a prayer for the victim(s) and families, and avoids starting a political/gun control conversation.

What's the fun in not standing on the still warm bodies and calling for gun control without knowing all the facts?
No, you’re hobby is in the Bill of Rights. There are 9 more too, never see those defended as vigorously here though.
You do know the right to defend yourself is something you’re born with right?? A piece of paper doesn’t mean ish. The constitution/Bill of rights doesn’t give us rights, it makes sure the government doesn’t infringe on them. Read a book sometime Karen. As a wise rapper once said for Jurassic 5. “F the first amendment, my speech was free the minute my soul descended.”

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