School Shooting in Knoxville

The point at which a significant percentage of purchases of that size are made with the intent to illegally resell.
Using that definition, I'm not sure there is a point that qualifies for booze. (not true with guns)

That's why the comparison was such a poor one.

Agreed, the comparison is a poor one. I, for one, would expect alcohol/booze sales of large quantities lead to far more deaths, in multiples, than those caused by purchases are AR-15 rifles. And the ARs have a far longer lifespan over the average fifth of Jack or whatever poison one chooses.
Yeah but that’s state or local jurisdiction. Or even worse ... big brother jurisdiction 😎

Do we need to rethink the entire dichotomy of who is good and who is bad in Tombstone? It all started because Virgil (@Grand Vol ) wouldn't let Ike carry his gun in town, then takes a posse of gov't henchmen/family to confiscate his and the McLauries' weapons. After that Charlton Heston of all people provides aide and comfort to the gun-grabbers.
Do we need to rethink the entire dichotomy of who is good and who is bad in Tombstone? It all started because Virgil (@Grand Vol ) wouldn't let Ike carry his gun in town, then takes a posse of gov't henchmen/family to confiscate his and the McLauries' weapons. After that Charleston Heston of all people provides aide and comfort to the gun-grabbers.
Do we need to rethink the entire dichotomy of who is good and who is bad in Tombstone? It all started because Virgil (@Grand Vol ) wouldn't let Ike carry his gun in town, then takes a posse of gov't henchmen/family to confiscate his and the McLauries' weapons. After that Charlton Heston of all people provides aide and comfort to the gun-grabbers.
I have absolutely no idea and will defer your in depth research on the matter.

The most pressing debate I can think is Kevin Costner or Kurt Russell? I can only see Russell there.

And only Val Kilmer. That is all. Quaid is a great actor. But... it’s Val Kilmer.
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I have absolutely no idea and will defer your in depth research on the matter.

The most pressing debate I can think is Kevin Costner or Kurt Russell? I can only see Russell there.

And only Val Kilmer. That is all. Quaid is a great actor. But... it’s Val Kilmer.

It's been a minute since I've seen "Wyatt Earp," so I'm gonna have to go with Russell and Kilmer.
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Plus the prior questioning of whether the NFA would stand if challenged, today and just a general pattern of comments that Heller, and now other cases, are more expansive than what’s actually on the page and/or that you think recognition of the right is going to become even more broad with future cases.

The gist (which is why it was prefaced with “if”) of what I’m reading from you is that Heller and the current court is this sword of Damocles hanging over every existing or proposed gun regulation.

(The New York case you mentioned was moot).

So, nowhere am I claiming it's going to be a free for all where 2A proponents get free Barretts and W80 warheads.

Got it.
Do we need to rethink the entire dichotomy of who is good and who is bad in Tombstone? It all started because Virgil (@Grand Vol ) wouldn't let Ike carry his gun in town, then takes a posse of gov't henchmen/family to confiscate his and the McLauries' weapons. After that Charlton Heston of all people provides aide and comfort to the gun-grabbers.

Wyatt Earp wasn’t a good guy. His brothers were boarder-line but followed Wyatts lead. No need to rethink.
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Wyatt Earp wasn’t a good guy. His brothers were boarder-line but followed Wyatts lead. No need to rethink.
When it comes to America’s Wild West heroes normally the assignment of good or bad is made by whomever spins the tale that becomes most popular.

Most all of those guys were rough and tumble and didn’t tolerate people at all. So they went west where they could pretty much do as they please.
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LMFAO “he started it”

Nah my dialog was actually more than dismissive “WRONG”. And no, just because in your brilliant-to-you mind you think that’s all that’s warranted most other people require more than just your judgement. Your 💩 pile is all your own here 🤡
Never change.
Do we need to rethink the entire dichotomy of who is good and who is bad in Tombstone? It all started because Virgil (@Grand Vol ) wouldn't let Ike carry his gun in town, then takes a posse of gov't henchmen/family to confiscate his and the McLauries' weapons. After that Charlton Heston of all people provides aide and comfort to the gun-grabbers.
JMO: the good/bad dichotomy as applied to people in general could use some rethinking.
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When it comes to America’s Wild West heroes normally the assignment of good or bad is made by whomever spins the tale that becomes most popular.

Most all of those guys were rough and tumble and didn’t tolerate people at all. So they went west where they could pretty much do as they please.

Most “heroes” of any era are shitheads that got lucky and favorable publicity.

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